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致:新西兰大使馆尊敬的签证官先生/女士:兹有我公司员工 XXX 先生,出生于 XXX 年 X 月 X 日,于 X年 X 月 X 日到我公司工作至今。任 XX 一职,月薪人民币 XXX 元。护照号码为:XXXX。 XXX 经本公司领导同意,利用假期于 XXX年 X 月 X 日起至 XXX 年 X 月 X 日前往新西兰携妻子探望预产期的儿媳和旅游,为期 X 天。预计 XXX 年 X 月 X 日返回北京,x 月 x日返回公司上班,职位月薪不变。此次所需费用将由其本人承担。我公司保证其将遵守贵国的法律法规、并按时回国,且回国后担任原职务。特此证明。请予以批准! 公司名称:xxxxxxxxxxx联系人: xxx电话:0086-xxxx地址: 中华人民共和国 xxxxxxTo: New Zealand Embassy Dear Officer, We hereby certify that Mr. xxxx (Male, born on x/x/x) hold of passport No.xxxxx has been employed by our company as xxxx since x/x/xxx,his monthly salary of xxxx yuan。We have approved Mr. xxxs annual leave from the x/x/2013 to the x/x/2013. Mr.xxxx will resume his duties with our company on him return to Beijing on the x/x/2xxx. We are confident that Mr. xxxx will return to work on time. The purpose of Mr. xxxs trip is to visit his daughter-in-law and tourism with his wife. He will not seek any employment or residency in New Zealand and will abide by the laws and regulations of New Zealand. We would be very grateful if you would approve him application for a visitor visa. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. Company Name: xxxxxx Co., LtdPerson to contact: xxxxTelephone: 0086-xxxxxAddress: xxxxxxxxxxxx the Peoples Republic of China
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