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目 录摘要.1Abstract.1引言.21 相关概念与理论分析.21.1 电子商务.21.2 顾客忠诚度.32 电子商务企业顾客忠诚度培养情况调查分析.32.1 中国电子商务发展现状.42.2 电子商务投诉领域分布.42.3 电子商务投诉热点分布.53 电子商务企业顾客忠诚度培养问题与原因分析.63.1 诚信建设方面.63.2 物流配送方面.73.3 售后服务方面.84 电子商务企业顾客忠诚度培养对策与建议.84.1 加强诚信建设,树立良好的形象与信誉.84.1.1 注重安全防范,遏制网络诈骗.84.1.2 提高产品质量,确保所提供商品的一致性.94.1.3 请第三方担保和引入质量保证金制度.94.1.4 借助公共行为传播企业信誉.104.2 完善物流配送,为顾客创造更大便利.104.2.1 加快送货速度,提升顾客体验.114.2.2 引入物流保险.114.2.3 加强对配送人员的培训.114.3 重视售后服务,提高顾客忠诚度.124.3.1 简化退款流程,提高退款速度.124.3.2 提供发票,让售后服务有保障.124.3.3 定期与顾客保持联系.134.3.4 创建在线社区,建立顾客联盟.13结论.14参考文献.14致谢.151浅谈电子商务环境下顾客忠诚度的培养摘要:随着网络的迅速发展,电子化手段被大量地运用到现实的商务活动中。网上交易的便捷、面向全球化以及成本的降低等吸引了越来越多的人参与其中,电子商务企业也在这样的环境下得以快速发展。但是网络与现实的差距,致使电子商务企业在进行网上交易时面对诸多的困境,顾客投诉接连不断。在电子商务中,如何处理企业与顾客的关系,提升顾客忠诚度备受关注。本文通过对顾客的投诉进行分析总结,发现电子商务企业在顾客忠诚度培养方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题进行剖析,提出培养顾客忠诚度的对策与建议。关键字:电子商务;顾客忠诚度;诚信;物流配送;售后服务Research on the cultivation of customer loyalty under the E-Commerce environmentAbstract: With the rapid development of the network, electronic means is generously used to realitic business activities. Because of the convenience and globalization of online trading, more and more people are involved. In such an environment, electronic business enterprises grow rapidly. However, in a result of the gap between the network and the reality, it appears many difficulties when the electronic business enterprises are in for Internet transactions, which cause customers ceaseless complaints. In e-commerce, it have been concerned that how to deal with the relationship between the enterprises and customers, and improve customer loyalty. Having analyzed and summarized the customers complaints, this article finds that the electronic commerce enterprises existing problems in cultivating customer loyalty. What is more, this article analyzes these problems, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to cultivate customer loyalty .Key words: E-Commerce; customer loyalty; integrity; Logistics distribution; after-sales service2引言作为信息条件下的新兴经济活动电子商务,是全球一体化生产、组织方式不可或缺的工具,对于资源配置主动权的掌握,国家竞争力的提升有着巨大的促进作用。利用电子商务的发展,可以调
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