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克林顿总统第二次就职演说优秀演讲范文万题库收藏文章分享微信QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网 评论Our founders understood that ell and gave us a demora strong enough to endure for enturies, flexible enough to fae our mon hallenges and advane our mon dreams in eah ne da.As times hange, so government must hange. We need a ne government for a ne entur - humble enough not to tr to solve all our problems for us, but strong enough to give us the tools to solve our problems for ourselves; a government that is smaller, lives ithin its means, and does more ith less. Yet here it an stand up for our values and interests in the orld, and here it an give Amerians the poer to make a real differene in their everda lives, government should do more, not less. The preeminent mission of our ne government is to give all Amerians an opportunit - not a guarantee, but a real opportunit - to build better lives. Our greatest responsibilit is to embrae a ne spirit of munit for a ne entur. For an one of us to sueed, e must sueed as one Ameria. The hallenge of our past remains the hallenge of our future - ill e be one nation, one people, ith one mon destin, or not? Will e all e together, or e apart?The divide of rae has been Ameria s onstant urse. And eah ne ave of immigrants gives ne targets to old prejudies. Prejudie and ontempt, loaked in the pretense of religious or politial onvition are no different. These fores have nearl destro“克林顿总统第二次就职演说”12
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