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大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿Confronting the Finanial Crisis ,What Should We College Students Do ?Honourable judges ,ladies and gentlemen :Good morning ! At the beginning of m speeh , Id like to make a brief introdutoion about mself that I hope ont bore ou , m name is Liu Zijing ,ho e from Bozhou of Anhui provine ,I as admitted to Huaibei Coal Industr Teahers College in 20*,and major in Chinese Language and Literature . M todas speeh is : Confronting the finanial risis ,hat should e ollege students do ?When ou alking along a street , an inevitable phenomenon ou ill find is that lots of shops or markets are selling their goods at a disount ; When ou visting a ountrside ,an evident situation ou ill disover is that man orkers are staing in their hometon . Wh ? Thats beause the finanial risis that originated on Wall Street and sept the orld has gone beond the to setor and bitten into the Chinese eonom. Over the past six months,man labor-intensive fatories have shut don ,leaving massive numbers of orkers jobless . Although our government have taken some effetive measures to stimulate the need of emploment , e also ant den the fat that the situation is still serious . Aording to expets , Chinas GDP groth sloed to 9.9 perent don 3 perentage points from the same period lastear and falling to single figures for the first time in five ears .As a ollege students ,I ant be more sensitive to the essential m大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿 eanings behind thesenumbers ,basing on expets , the graduates in this ear are more than 5 millions , to m surprise ,there are exeed 1 million ant find position . So it seems ver important for us ollege students to onsider hat should e do in the intensel petitive soiet , partiularl during this speial bakground-international finanial risis .From m on perspetive ,e should do three things as follos :In the first instane , e should turn an objetive attitude toards the enironment and ourselves . Although e ollege students used to be the most-favored people in soiet ,e have reeived a higher eduation ,hane e are more intelligent and knoledgeable than our ountparts ho failed to attend ollege . Soiet is developing in a ver high pae and being more and more advaned , so e shoule kno our on strengths and eaknesses and have the right attitude toards ourselves and the job v*nies ,in addition ,e should not attah too muh importane to material aspets of the job .Seondl ,e should have great ambition toards our future . Ambitions are like the stars-e never reah them ,but like mariners ,e hart our ourse b them . No matter the suessful merhant or offiial or sientist ,the have an idential personalit-ambition . On the surfaeof the globe finanial risis , it brings the pessmisiti eonomi situations , but it still ant prevent a person ho have great ambition ahieving his goals . Just大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿 like George Bernard Sha said :People alas blaming their irumstane , the people ho get on in this orld are the people ho get up and look for the irumstane s the ant ,and ,if the ant find them ,make them.Last but not the least, e should stud to the best of our abilit to aquire knoledge as muh as possible . College is a plae here e an enrih our knoledge and improve ourselves .As a ollege student , e should be these ho have a strong sense of soial responsibilities , up-to-date knoledge and perhensive apabilities .But never idle * our preious time and make our ollege life perplexed and vauous . Onl master extensive knoledge and la a solid foundtion an e have a promising and bright future.M fello friends ,please remember , Heaven never helps the man ho ill not at Ever man is the arhitet of his on fortune , no matter ho iked the environment is ,I do believe a brilliant and original person still an realize his value and make ontribution to our soiet .Thank ou ver muh for our attention ! 面对金融危机,我们应该怎么做大学生吗?可敬的法官,女士们,先生们:早上好!在我刚的话,我想做一个简短的introdutoion关于自己,因此我希望不会给你,我的名字叫刘*自安徽亳州的,我被*师范学院,并在20*年中国语言和文学。我今天的演讲是:面对金融危机,我们应该怎么做大学生吗?当你沿着街道,你会找到一个不可避免的现象是,许多商店出售他们的产品或市场的折扣;当你探望一位大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿 住院的乡村,呈现出明显的情况下,你会发现,许多工人正呆在自己的家乡。为什么?这是因为财务危机源自于华尔街和席卷世界已经超过了玩具行业和咬到中国的经济。在过去的六个月里,许多劳动密集型的工厂关闭,留下大量的工人失业。尽管政府已经采取了一些有效措施来促进就业的需要,我们也不能否认,但形势仍然严峻。据预计,中国的GDP增幅降至9.9%下降3个百分点,从去年同期下降到一位数,五年来首次。 作为一名大学生,我不能更敏感的基本含义的基础上,thesenumbers背后的毕业生预计,今年有超过5百万,令我惊讶的是,有超过1万人找不到的位置。如此看来对我们非常重要的大学生认为我们应该怎么做在竞争激烈的社会,尤其是在这个特殊的背景-international金融危机。 从我的角度来看,我们应做的三件事:在这个例子中,我们应该把客观的态度enironment和我们自己。虽然我们大学生曾经是“以人为本”most-favored在社会里,我们接受高等教育,我们更有智慧和高良知识比我们ountparts那些没有上过大学。社会的发展非常高的速度和变得越来越先进,所以我们要知道自己的强项和弱点,并有正确的态度、自我和工作空缺,此外,我们不应过于重视材料方面的工作。 其次,我们应该对我们未来的远大抱负。野心就像天上的星星我们永远够不着它们,但是我们像水手一样,用它们指引航程。无论成功的商人和官员和科学家,他们有一种idential个性-ambition。在全球金融危机的数值,它所带来的pessmisiti经济形势,但它还是不能阻止一个人有很大的理想实现的目标。就像乔治萧伯纳说:“人们总是指责他们的情况下,在这个世界上取得成功的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的环境史,如果找不到时,他们就自己创造机会。” 最后但并非最不重要的一点,我们必须学习去尽我们最大的能力去获得知识当做很多当做可能的。大学是一个地方,我们可以丰富我们的知识,提高自己的水平作为大学生,我们应当那些有强烈的社会责任感的最新的知识和能力,但从不不渝消磨我们宝贵的时间,让我们的大学生活的困惑和空洞。只有掌握广博的知识和打下坚实的foundtion我们可以有一个充满希望和光明的前途。 各位
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