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1U8T21. 讨论他们的假期计划 talk about their holiday plans2. 计划做某事 plan to do sth3. 为制定一个计划 make a plan for.4. 希望做某事 hope/wish to do sht5. 希望某人做某事 wish sb to do sth(不可用 hope)6. 周游这个国家 travel around the country7. 回到古巴去 go back to Cuba8. 和某人相聚 get together with sb9. 几处名胜 some places of interest 10. 我们中每个人 each of us (谓语动词用单数)11. 去某地度假 go to sp. for ones holidays12. 在沙滩上 on the beach13. 在雪中 in the snow14. 什么时候去那里最好?Whats the best time to go there?15. 全年 all (the) year round16. 听起来有趣 sound interesting (sound, smell, look, taste, feel, keep都是连系动词,后面+ 形容 词)17. 去那里旅游是昂贵的。Its expensive to travel there. Its + adj. + (for sb) to do sth 18. 最好做某事 had better do sth19. 最好不做某事 had better not do sth20. 随身携带某物 take sth with sb21. 一副墨镜 a pair of sunglasses22. 你想和谁一起去? Who would you like to go with?23. 在其他国家旅游 travel in other countries24. 进入她的家 enter her home (enter=go into)25. 脱掉鞋子 take off the shoes= take.off26. 外出,熄灭 go out27. 湿着头发外出 go out with ones hair wet28. 指向(远处) point to29. 指向(近处) point at30. 摸小孩的头 touch a child on the head31. 做某事之前 before doing sth/ before +句子32. 用手指做出 OK 符号make the OK sign with ones fingers33. 准时 be on time34. 拜访朋友 visit ones friend35. 用用纸包住压岁钱 wrap lucky money in red paper(wrap wrapped)36. 给某人传递某物 pass sb sth= pass sth to sb(类似的动词: give, show, return, lend)37. 经过他家 pass his home38. 用双手做某事 do sth with both hands39. 五一假期期间 during the May Day holiday40. 在河流两边 on both sides of the rivereach/either side41. 你旅途如何? How was your trip?42. 你在那里呆了多长时间?H ow long did you stay there?43. 我在那里呆了 3 天。I stayed there for 3 days44. 你认为.怎样? What do you think of.?=How do you like.?45. 和不同 be different from46. 你难忘的旅程之一 one of your unforgettable trips47. 你好吗? How are you doing?=How are you?48. 前天 the day before yesterday49. 给某人买某东西 buy sb sth= buy sth for sb50. 向你父母转达我的爱 give my love to your parents51. 赚钱 make money52. 省钱 save money53. 说英语的国家 English-speaking countries54. 丽江之旅 the trip to Lijiang55. 暑假期间 during the summer holidays56. 在度假 be on holiday57. 给朋友写一张明信片 write a postcard to ones friendU8T31.舞龙舞狮 perform lion and dragon dances2.相互送礼物 give each other presents =give presents to each other3.在农历1 月 15 on lunar January 15th4.在这/那一天 on this/that day5.为了好运吃汤圆 eat sweet dumplings for good luck6.看花灯 watch a lantern show7.猜谜 guess a riddle8.相聚吃大餐 get together for a big dinner =have a get-together for a big dinner9.南瓜馅饼 pumpkin pie10. 在你的地区 in your area11. 在新年前夕 on New Years Eve12. 在新年那天 on New Years Day13. 在圣诞前夕 on Christmas Eve14. 在圣诞那天 on Christmas Day15. 直到.才 notuntil.16. 直到妈妈回来我才去睡觉。I didnt go to bed until mom came back.17. 直到妈妈回来我才会去睡觉。I wont go to bed until mom comes back.(until后的从句用现在时表将2来)18. 在午夜/中午 at midnight/noon19. 复活,复苏 come back to life20. 捉弄某人 play a trick on sb21. 向妈妈表达爱 show ones love for ones mother22. 通过送卡片的方式 by giving cards23. 去参观就餐 go to a restaurant for dinner24. 欣赏明亮的满月 enjoy the bright full moon25. 最重要的节日 the most important festival26. 在 12 月 25 日 on December 25th27. 忙着做某事 be busy doing/with sth28. 为.做准备 prepare for sth29. 为准备某物 prepare sth for sth30. 用彩灯、彩球 decorate the Christmas tree with和星星装饰圣诞树 colorful lights, balls and stars31. 在 10 月31 日的晚上 on the night of October 31st32. 在圣诞节早上 on the morning of Christmas Day33. 去做礼拜 go to church (go to the church 去教堂,in hospital 住院 , in the hospital 在医院in class 在课堂上, in the class 在班上)34. 把长袜挂在壁炉边 put up stockings by the fireplace35. 在床尾/头 at the end/top of the bed36. 肯定是 must be37. 那天晚些时候 later that day38. 问候对方 greet each other39. 使某人做某事 make sb do sth (让某人 做某事 let sb do sth)40. 大件事 big event41. 开始做某事 start/begin doing sth/ to do sth42. 在春节除夕 on the eve of the Spring Festival43. 整个家庭 the whole family44. 熬夜 stay up45. 农历年初一 on the first day of the lunar new year46. 很高兴做某事 be happy to do sth47. 从某人那里收到利是钱 get lucky money from sb48. 谢谢你卡片。 Thank you for your card.49. 恐怖的衣服 scary clothes50. 把脸涂成白色 color ones face white51. 敲邻居们的门 knock on/at the neighbors doors52. 对某人叫喊 shout at sb53. 呼救 shout for help54. 款待我 give me a treat55. 这次我请客。 This is my treat.56. 我当作孩子看待 treat me as a child57. 请某人吃某东西 treat sb to sth58. 国际劳动节 International Labor Day/ May Day59. 一个为期 7 天的假期 a seven-day holiday60. 一个八岁的男孩 an eight-year-old boy61. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival62. 句型龙舟赛 hold a dragon boat race63. 纪念屈原 remember Qu Yuan64. 国庆节 National Day65. 中国的首都 the capital of Ch
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