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DONTNET 版的个人博客实现IDOTNET 版的个人博客实现摘 要博客,是最近几年出现的一个新现象。“它成了类似于个人主页的东西,但又无需雕饰,只需自由而随意地表达自己的看法即可,类似于一种公开的个人日记”。这样的说法恐怕代表了一种很大众化的倾向。其实,博客已经开始其初现商业价值:博客炒红了很多平凡的人。像木子美、李寻欢、芙蓉姐姐等就是典型的例子。走红后的这些网络红人随后便开始接拍电影、做广告、演讲走秀等,进行商业圈内的各种活动。相信不久还会涌现出一批像网络歌手庞龙、杨臣刚一样红得发紫的人才,这足以让更多的人趋之若骛。从博客的开发经济价值来看,尽管有人想到在这里牟利,目前虽然还没有当成一种产业来发展,大多网络空间区,还是闲暇的场所;但是,随着高科技的发展,我想,博客的功能会更加健全,人们的交往将从虚拟走向现实。在高科技的支撑下,从事这个平台的人就会增加,一些开发商可能会对这块肥肉很感兴趣,投资开发博客的厂商就会有可能像今天发展网上商店一样多如牛毛。博客是因特网的产物,所以,同时它亦结合了多媒体技术在里,说到多媒体这个方面嘛,先说说其两个显著特点:首先是它的综合性,它将计算机、声像、通信技术合为一体,是计算机、电视机、录像机、录音机、音响、游戏机、传真机的性能大综合;其次是充分的互动性,它可以形成人与机器、人与人及机器间的互动,互相交流的操作环境及身临其境的场景,人们可以根据需要进行控制。人机相互交流是多媒体最大的特点,也可以说是一次革命,因为体现人可以根据需要进行控制,不再觉枯燥无味。新开发的技术里,将会使博客与多媒体技术互融得更好。关键词 ASP.NET2.0 / .NET XML/ 博客DONTNET 版的个人博客实现IIDOTNET version of the personal blog realizeAbstractBlog, in recent years there has been a new phenomenon. It has become similar to the personal home page of things, but without Carving only free and freely express their own views only. similar to an open personal diary. I am afraid this statement on behalf of a very popular trend. In fact, the blog has begun its early commercial value : red blog speculation of a lot of ordinary people. Like Mu Zimei, Lixinhuan, Sister Furong, etc., is a typical example. The success of these networks will begin next star of the film star, advertising, lectures Zouxiu. commercial sphere of activities. I believe soon there will emerge a group of singers sheng, like the network, he, just like in the Red empurple talent This is sufficient to allow enjoyed by more people. Blog from the economic value of the development, although some thought here profit, Although not as an industry to develop, most of the network space, or leisure establishments; However, With the development of high technology, I think the blog function will be more complete, the exchanges between people from virtual to reality. In the high tech support, in the platform of the people will increase, some developers may be interested in this piece of meat. invest in the development of manufacturers blog will be like today with the development of numerous online shops like. Blog is the product of the Internet, and it also combines the multimedia technology in Bali, said the multimedia aspects, right first to give its two notable features : First is its comprehensiveness, it will computers, audio-visual and communication technologies were integrated, computers, TV sets, VCRs, tape recorders, audio, games, fax machines, large integrated; Second is fully interactive, it can form and the machine, human and machine interaction between the exchanging of operating environment and the thick of the scene, People need to be under control. Man-machine interaction is the largest multimedia features, it can also be a revolution, because people can reflect the need for control, not McGREGOR dull.Keywords: ASP.NET2.0/. NET/ XML/ blog DONTNET 版的个人博客实现III目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II1 绪 论 .11.1 课题背景 .11.2 课题研究目的和研究内容 .11.3 设计思想 .12 开发工具介绍 .32.1 VS2005 的介绍 .32.2 DOTNET 的简介 .62.3 SQL SERVER2005 数据库支持 .113 需求分析 .143.1 研究设计中要解决的问题 .143.1.1 市场需求.143.1.2 功能分析 .143.1.3 性能分析 .143.1.4 系统功能图.153.2 具体实现中采用的关键技术及复杂性分析 .173.2.1 系统结构 .173.2.2 用户管理 .183.2.3 页面结构 .193.2.4 ASP.NET 对象的使用 .193.2.5 采用了 UrlReWrite 技术 .213.2.6 页面出错处理 .264 设计与实现 .27DONTNET 版的个人博客实现IV4.1 设计实现的策略和算法描述 .274.1.1 BLOG 设计思想 .274.1.2 BLOG 数据库设计 .274.1.3 数据访问 .294.1.4 数据绑定 .304.1.5 RSS 的实现 .314.2 编程模型及数据结构 .335 总结 .
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