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阅读词汇题解析阅读部分每次考试共有道题,其中基于文章阅读的题目为道。在这道题目当中,以历年真题为例,每次考试词汇题都会占到道左右。而往往词汇题又是学生感觉到较为头疼的地方,大部分学生简单的认为做好词汇题就是要背好单词。这种观念实际上是很错误的,因为英文单词浩如烟海,而且每一个单词在不同的语境,不同的用法上会出现不同的意思。SAT 阅读的词汇题怎么来做?笔者认为我们更多的应该是放在句子意思的理解,通过句子意思来理解单词意思,而非仅仅依靠单词的片面意思。下面笔者通过新版里面的词汇题为大家讲解做题方法。1,句意理解+ 同义重复关系:Thus, at a time when occupation was becoming a core element in masculine identity, any position for middle-class women other than in relation to men was considered anomalous.In line 24, “occupation “ most nearly meansA military conquestB pleasant diversionC vocationD settlementE political repression解析:句子意思为“在职业成为男性身份的一个核心因素的时代里,任何中产阶级女性的职位除开与男性相关的都被认为是不合理的。 ”我们从上句话中可以非常容易就辨别出来,这里的 occupation 与后面的 position 存在同义重复,对应到选项中答案可以很快的选出来为 vocation。Unlike everyone else, the theorist has remained completely intact morally, can distinguish in a sovereign manner between deception and reality, and enjoys complete immunity in the face of idiocy that she or he sorrowfully diagnoses in the rest of us.In line 59, “sovereign” is best understood to meanA excellentB opulentC elitistD absoluteE oppressive解析:读完上句话,在“sovereign”的前后都可以找到“completely ”(完全地)“complete”(完全的)这两个词,我们可以断定“in the sovereign manner”就应该和“completely”重复。我们知道“in the manner of”意思为“以什么样的方式” ,于是答案就可以轻松地选到“absolute” (绝对的) 。2,句意理解+ 反义重复关系:Shadowy imaginings do not usually hold up in the light of real experience.In context, “Shadowy” primarily serves to suggest somethingA gloomyB secretC sinisterD concealedE unsubstantiated解析:句子意思判断为“根据实际经验,的想象通常站不住脚” ,可以判断出“shadowy imagining”的意思就应该和 “real experience”反义,于是对应到答案,可以排除得到“unsubstantiated”(未经证实的) 。3,句意理解+ 解释说明关系Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.As used in line18, “figure” most nearly meansA crude imagesB abstractionsC representationD numbersE famous persons解析:句子意思为“如果他们在画中发现见面会有趣的男性和女性的,那么画就会吸引他们” ,根据前面的单词“paintings”我们可以预测到“figure”应该是“描绘,描述”类似意思,那么答案自然就选到“representation” (展现,描绘) 。4,句意理解+ 态度判断Fettered as women are in European countries by restraints, obligations, and responsibilities, which are too often arbitrary and artificial it is natural enough that when the opportunity offers, they should hail even a temporary emancipation through travel.In context, “hail” most nearly meansA call out toB gesture toC come fromD welcomeE summon解析:省略号前的意思大概为“女性在欧洲国家受到束缚” ,后面的意思为“当机会来临时,很自然地,他们应该通过旅游暂时的解放” ,可以前后意思转折,可以判断“hail”在这里应该是正面态度词,相当于“赞成,喜欢,接受” ,答案自然就为“welcome” (欢迎) 。It sits atop a wooded hillside overlooking the Pacific in Mabuli, California. Critics have contemptuously compared it to Disneyland. “A plastic paradise in Kitsch city,” grumped one.In line 3, “plastic” most nearly meansA pliableB artificialC impermanentD innovativeE inexpensive解析:句子意思为“它坐落在加利福利亚州森林茂密的山腰,远眺太平洋。批评家们鄙视地把它比作迪斯尼乐园, 一个俗气城市里的天堂一个人抱怨道” 。根据文章中“contemptuously”(鄙视地) , “grumped”(抱怨)这两个词的感情色彩可以看出是贬义。自然首先排除“innovative ”(创新的) , “pliable”(柔顺的,易弯曲的)也可以排除。再根据“Disneyland”的特征可以排除“impermanent ”(不永久的) , “inexpensive”(便宜的) ,答案为“artificial ”(人造的,虚假的) 。5,句意理解+ 语言搭配:The young clerks made jokes about him to the best of their clerky wit, and told before his face all sorts of stories of their own invention about him. In line 35, “invention” most nearly meansA creative experimentB new deviceC fabricationD discoveryE adeptness解析:句子意思为“年轻的职员用尽他们的智慧编关于他的笑话,然后在他面前讲他们对于他的各种各样的故事” 。从句子中得出“invention”的动词形式应该后面可以接“story”这个名词,所以根据搭配只能选“fabrication” (编造) 。A few northern White women were beginning to work out the analogy between slavery and the oppression of women, but their view had not won general sympathy.In line 14, “work out” most nearly meansA exerciseB conciliateC struggle
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