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CWP 软件的安装与简单使用手册CWP 软件的安装一在 LINUX 下建立用户 CWP,在 CWP 下建立目录 path,将源文件 cwp.su.all.37.tar.Z放二到 path 目录下,并建立 bin 文件夹三在 CWP 用户主目录下显示隐藏文件,修改 .bash_profile 文件,在已有的 export 之后另起一行,分别添加export CWPROOT=/home/CWP/path,再于PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin 后添加:/home/CWP/path/bin:/home/CWP退出保存四从终端中分别输入cd pathzcat cwp.su.all.37.tar.Z | tar xvf-待终端中反映完毕,分别输入cd srcmake installmake xtinstallmake mglinstallmake utilsmake xminstallmake sfinstall这期间可能有系统安装所等待的时间,不用急,但凡遇到 yes/no,一路 y 下来即可。四为了检查是否安装完毕,在终端中输入Suplane data.suSuxwigb data.susuxwigb data.su或者更常用一点的Segyread tape=/dev/rmt0 verbose=1 endian=1 | segyclean data.su命令行中斜线部分是 SEGY 磁带的位置(或者是磁盘文件的位置) ,其它应用看自述文档。三典型命令的使用如下命令行输入,注意主目录中文件的变化和终端中的屏幕输出。1suplane data.susuxwigb data.asciia2b data.binarytransp data.trnsp2Su 数据简单操作suplane data.susustrip data.binsuaddhead data.susupaste data.susurange file.binmore file.binsushw data.new.susuplane |sushw key=sx a=6400 c=-100 j=5 | sugethw key=sx | moresuplane | sushw key=offset a=200 b=200 j=5 | sugethw key=offset | moresuplane | sushw key=dt,sx ,offset,a=2000,6400,200 b=0,0,200 c=0,-100,0j=0,5,5 | sugethw key=dt,sx,offset | moresuedit data.su第二节 CWP 中图形打印显示工具一X-WINDOWS 下的图形打印1浮点数据绘图常用的命令有xcontourx contour plot of f(x1,x2) via vector plot callximage-x imgae plot of a uniformly-sampled function f(x1,x2)xwigb-x wiggle-trace plot of f(x1,x2) via bitmapxgraph-x grapher graphs ni pairs of (x,y) coordinatesxmovie -image one or more frames of a uniformly sampled function f(x1,x2)相应的,在 SU 平台上有以下程序suxcontoursuximagesuxwigbsuxgraphsuxmoviesuxmax例子:suplane | suxcontour title=”contuour” &suplane | suximgae title=”image” &suplane | suxwigb title=”wigb” &suplane | suxgraph title=”graph” &suplane | suxmovie title=”movie” &suplane | suxmax tilte=”max” &suplane | junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=20 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=15 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=10 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=5 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=3 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=2 junk1.susuplane | suaddnoise sn=1 junk1.susuxmovie junk.susupscontour data1.eps &supsimage data2.eps &supswigb data3.eps &supsgraph data4.eps &supsmovie data5.eps &supscube data6.eps &supswigp data7.eps &运行以上程序之后,进入主目录,在所生成的*.eps 文件上点击右键,打开方式选择 ggv,查看图像。第三节 常见处理以下几乎每部分都有 CWP 自带的 DEMOS,参见$CWPROOT/path/src/demos 目录。对于一般的情况来说,DEMOS 的文件执行具有一定的顺序性。一动校正这一部分有两个命令,sunmo 和 suvelan。使用分别如下:SUNMO - NMO for an arbitrary velocity function of time and CDP命令格式为 sunmo stdout optional parameters 可选参数:tnmo=0 相应于NMO中速度的NMO时间vnmo=2000 相应于NMO中时间的NMO速度anis1=0 产生四次节点的两各向异性系数anis2=0 时距曲线中,相应于tnmo的时间cdp= 由tnmo和vnmo定义的CDPsmute=1.5 samples with NMO stretch exceeding smute are zeroedlmute=25 length (in samples) of linear ramp for stretch mutesscale=1 =1 to divide output samples by NMO stretch factorinvert=0 =1 to perform (approximate) inverse NMOixoffset=0 do not consider cross-line offset=1 read cross-line offset from trace headerupward=0 =1 to scan upward to find first sample to kill注意:在处理常速度反射层时,vnmo取单一常数就可以了;在处理多层变速度反射层时,tnmo和vnmo总是成对出现,且数据为相对应的数组,如”tnmo=1,2 vnmo=1500,2000”。关于 NMO 的 DEMO,进入$CWPROOT/path/src/demos/NMO,操作如下:1 拷贝 NMO 下的所有文件到主目录下2 依次输入 xmodelmake data xdataxvclaityxnmoclean xall ;3 依次输入 psmodelmake datapsdata psvclaitypsnmocleanpsall。请注意:在源码中可能有错误,执行之中有些内容无法实现。二叠加有以下命令:sustack、sudivstack,说明如下:SUSTACK - stack adjacent traces having the same key header word sustack stdout Optional parametersRequired parameters:noneOptional parameters:key=cdp header key word to stack onnormpow=1.0 each sample is divided by thenormpowth number of non-zero values stacked (normpow=0 selects no division)verbose=0 verbose = 1 echos informationSUDIVSTACK - Diversity Stacking using either average power or peakpower within windows Required parameters:NoneOptional parameters:key=tracf key header word to stack onwinlen=0.064 window length in seconds.typical choices: 0.064, 0.128, 0.256,0.512, 1.024, 2.048, 4.096if not specified the entire trace is usedpeak=1 peak power option default is average powerexamples:For duplicate field shot records:susort stack.dataFor CDP ordered data:sudivstack stack.data关于DEMOS,进入$CWPROOT/path/src/demos/Stacking?Phase_Weighted_Stacking,输入supws文件,观察主目录下的文件变更情况。三抽道集常用命令,susort,使用说明:SUSORT - sort on any segy header keywordssusort stdout +-key1 +-key2 .susort supports any number of (secondary) keys with either ascending(递升) (+, the default) or descending (-) directions for each. The default sort key is cdp. Note: Only the following types of input/output are
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