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“动词.as”形式小结As 是英语中非常活跃的词,既可以作介词、副词,还可以作连词。当 as 作介词时常与一些动词连用,含作为、当作的意思。现归纳如下:1)accept as 认为属实 Can we accept his account as the true version?我们能够相信他说的是实情吗? 2)act as 充任某角色,担任某工作 She acted as a doctor in the film 她在这部电影中演一个医生。 I dont understand their language and youll have to act as an interpreter。我不懂他们的语言,你得当翻译。 3)appoint as 任命、委派为 Who shall we appoint as chair person?我们选派谁担任主席呢?4)assign as 指定、确定为 Can we assign jealousy as motive for the crime ?我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出于嫉妒? 5)adopt choose elect return as 选为 She has been adopted as candidate for York她被提名为约克郡的候选人。 The Americans chose Mr. Bush has president美国人选举布什先生做总统。 He was elected as archbishop of Canterbury他被选为坎特伯雷大教堂的主教。 Mr Smith was returned as mayor of New York史密斯先生被选为纽约市的市长。 6)conceive consider count look upon regard think of view as 认为是,视为 The ancients conceived the world as being flat古人认为地球是个平面。 We consider you as an honest man我们认为你是个诚实的人。 She is looked upon as the leading authority on the subject她被认为是该课题的主要权威。 We regard your action as a crime 我们认为你的行为是犯罪。 Every body thinks of him as the best candidate大家都认为他是最好的候选人。 The attack of the ship was viewed as an act of war攻击那条船已被视为战争行为。 7)describe represent as 把描述为 He described it as red with pink frills他将之描述为红色且带有粉红色饰边。 8)define as 给下定义 Linguistics can be de fined as the scientific language语言学可以下定义为科学的语言。 9)employ as (1)雇佣做 He is employed as a taxi driver他刚刚受雇为计程车司机。 (2)把用做 He employed his knife as a lever他把刀当杠杆用。 10)function as 起的作用,具有的功能 Some English adverbs function as adjectives英语中有些副词可以作形容词用。 11)know as (1)认定为 We know John Smith as a fine lawyer我们认为约翰史密斯是一位很好的律师。 (2)将称为 This are a is known as the“the Cornish Riviera”这个地区称为“康沃尔郡”度假胜地。 12)qualify as 使有资格 The training course qualifies you as a driving instructor参加了训练课程就有资格成为驾驶教练。 13)rank as 将分等级 Where do you rank Tom as a chess player?你把汤姆列为哪一级的棋手? 14)receive as 欢迎、招待(客人等) (尤指正式地) She was received as an honored visitor她以贵宾的身份受到款待。15)recognize as 承认属实 Everyone recognized him as the lawful heir大家都承认他为合法继承人。 16)recommend as 推荐为 I recommend him as an extremely good accountant我推荐他一定能当个极好的会计师。 17)represent as 把描述为(多指歪曲性地) He represented himself as an expert他把自己说成是专家。 18)be reputed as(固定短语)普遍称为,当作 He is reputed as the best surgeon in China他是公认的中国最好的外科医生。 19)respect as 承认,不干预 They respect diplomatic immunity as valid他们承认外交豁免权有效。 20)serve as 担任某种职务(多指服务性的) He served as a gardener and chauffeur他做园艺工人兼司机。 21)symbolize as 用代表或象征 The poet has symbolized his lover as a flower诗人用花象征他的爱人。 22)take as 把看作 He took what she said as a compliment他把她的话看作是恭维话。23)treat as 把看作,视为 I decide to treat his remark as a joke 我决定把他的话当作笑话。 24)use as 把用作当作 He used the bad weather as an excuse for not coming他拿天气不好作不来的借口。 从以上事例可以看出用作此类短语的动词都是及物动词,可以有被动语态,且大部分产生于主观上的判断,意义相近,有的甚至可以互换。一般来说与此相似的动词都可以与 as 连用,我们在学习时应多加留心。
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