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I摘要随着信息技术的不断发展和Internet在世界范围内的迅速普及,电子商务已成为新经济的代名词。围绕Internet开展的全新电子商务已逐渐被广大商家企业及消费者所认同。其中网上购物是电子商务的一个较典型的应用,消费者可通过浏览器浏览由企业商家在站点上发布的商品信息,用电子账单的方式向银行支付款项,一切操作都在网上完成,整个过程方便而快捷。目前,网上商店正逐渐被人们所接受。网络购物车是网上商店的核心部件,是整个电子商务网站面向客户的最核心的部分,它记录了顾客在每次购物后所选购的商品的信息,最后结算和发送订单都要依赖于购物车中记录的商品信息。网络购物车是顾客在网上虚拟商场中购物时所必须携带的购物工具,顾客在浏览商品目录的时候,既可以把他喜欢的商品一个个放到购物车里,也可以从购物车中取出所选商品或者改变所选商品的数量,直到最后付款。基于web的电子商务系统采用的是三层B/S模式,代替了传统的两层C/S模式,它由一个web浏览器作为用户界面,一个数据库服务器用作信息存储和一个连接两者的web服务器组成。顾客上网购物的主要原因是商品售价便宜、查看商品信息容易及可节省时间,所以有必要对网上商店的核心部分网络购物车进行其设计与实现方法方面的分析研究。本文正是基于这样的背景,通过使用java语言结合struts2和hibernate框架来完成对购物车的设计和实现过程。关键词:电子商务;购物车;B/S模式;java;struts2;hibernate IIABSTRACTWith the continuous development of information technology and the Internet in worldwide rapidly in popularity, e-commerce has become the pronoun of new economy. The new round of Internet e-commerce has gradually by the general merchants and consumers. One online shopping is a typical e-commerce applications, consumer can through the browser on the site by the enterprise business by using electronic bill business information, the way to the bank payments, all the operation on the Internet, the whole process convenient and quick. At present, online shop is gradually accepted by people. Internet shopping cart is the core component of online shop, is the e-commerce sites for the core part of the customer, customer shopping in each choose goods after the final settlement and send information and order are dependent on the shopping cart records in commodity information. Internet shopping cart is customer online shopping mall in virtual when shopping tools, must carry on the customers browse catalogues, can put him like one of the goods on the shopping cart, also can be removed from the cart selected merchandise or change the selected the quantity of a commodity, until the final payment. The electronic commerce system based on web use is three layers of B/S model, instead of two layers of traditional C/S mode, it consists of a web browser as the user interface, a database server for information storage and a connection between the web server. Customer online shopping is the main reason of the commodity price cheap, check goods can save time and information easily, so it is necessary to online shop, the core of the cart network design and implementation method of analysis. This is based on the background, through the use of Java language struts2 and hibernate to frame design and realization of the cart.Keywords:E-commerce; Shopping cart; B/S model; Java; Struts2; Hibernate III目录摘要.IABSTRACT.II第1章 引言.11.1 背景 .11.2 研究内容 .1第2章 JAVA的网络编程.32.1 JAVA语言简介 .32.2 JAVA语言在网络上的应用 .32.3 JSP的基础 -servlet技术 .32.4 Hibernate概述 .42.4.1 Hibernate简介 .42.4.2 HibernateAPI简介 .42.4.3 Hibernate优缺点 .52.5 Struts2概述 .62.5.1 Struts2简介 .62.5.2 Struts2与 Struts1的不同 .62.5.3 Struts2的工作流程 .92.6 MySql概述 .92.6.1 MySql简介 .92.6.2 MySql的特性 .102.6.3 MySql的应用 .
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