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xx港西港区液体化工码头工程设计重力式沉箱结构Design for Liquid Chemical Wharf Enginnering of West Harbor of Yantai PortGravity Caisson Structure摘 要本设计是根据设计任务书的要求和港口与航道工程规范汇编的规定,对 xx 港集装箱码头进行方案比选和设计,并对沉箱部分进行了结构内力计算。通过对本码头相关地质情况进行分析并结合各种码头形式的优缺点,确定本集装箱码头采用重力式沉箱结构。在设计中,首先进行总平面布置,分为陆域和水域两部分。陆域部分主要是根据重力式码头总平面布置原则确定集装箱堆场的面积和拆装箱库场的面积;水域部分则是确定航道设计尺度、码头前沿停泊水域尺度和回旋水域尺度。然后在此基础上绘出总平面布置图。在结构设计中,先初步确定沉箱的外形尺寸和沉箱内填石高度,然后进行作用分析,按永久作用、可变作用、偶然作用列出码头荷载的标准值,在此基础上进行稳定性验算,根据验算结果对沉箱外形尺寸和沉箱内填石高度进行修改。最后进行作用效应组合和沉箱的浮游稳定性验算,并对沉箱前面板和底板进行了配筋计算和抗裂验算。本设计的全部图纸采用 AUTO CAD 绘制,另外论文还翻译了港口设计规划指导的英文文献。关键词:重力式码头;沉箱;波浪力;沉箱的浮游稳定;ABSTRACTThis port is a place where the port is being developed, now has a considerable scale of operation. The hinterland transport, benefit significantly, traffic has increased steadily. To meet the transport requirements of the development, promotion of port development is conducive to the rational distribution of ports for port operations and create greater social and economic benefits, the new berth is very important. Of the terminals plan selection and design, and part of the caisson structure calculation of internal forces. Related to the terminal through the analysis of geological conditions and combined with the advantages and disadvantages of various terminal forms to determine the gravity of the container terminal by caisson structure. In design, the first for general layout, divided into two parts, Land and water. Land part of the main terminal in accordance with the general layout of gravity principle to determine the size and removable container yard box library market area; water channel in port is to determine the size, scale and water berthing pier Foreword water scale swing. On this basis, then draw the general layout plan. In the structural design, first determine the initial size and shape caisson height within the filling, then the role of analysis, by the permanent effect, variable effect, accidental effect of the standard load out terminal value based on the stability of this checking , according to the results, the size and shape of the caisson caisson height within the filling to be modified. Finally, the role of effect combinations and checking the stability of floating caissons, and the caissons were front and bottom reinforcement calculation and crack checking. The design drawings using AUTO CAD drawing all.KEY WORDS:terminal gravity ;caisson;wave force;stability目 录第 1 章 设计背景 11.1 工程概述 11.2 设计原则 11.3 设计依据 11.4 设计任务 1第 2 章 设计资料 22.1 地形条件 22.2 气象条件 22.3 水文条件 22.4 地质条件 22.5 地震条件 22.6 荷载条件 32.7 施工条件 3第 3 章 设计成果 43.1 总体设计成果 43.2 结构方案成果 43.3 施工图设计成果 43.4 关键性技术要求 43.5 设计成果评价 4第 4 章 总平面设计 54.1 工程规模 54.2 布置原则 54.3 设计船型
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