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2016 中国期货市场发展报告【一】(中英文对照)当前,我国正处于全面深化改革的关键时期,中国期货市场在借鉴欧美国家行之有效的期货市场规则和制度的基础上,不断完善制度与规则,促进市场规范发展。上海期货与衍生品研究院日前正式发布2016 中国期货市场发展报告(中英文版),报告总结了中国期货和衍生品市场在 2015 年所取得的进步和成就,并对未来的发展做出展望。2016 中国期货市场发展报告全文共分为四个部分,“上期所发布” 今日起对报告内容进行分节连载,敬请关注。目 录第一章 中国期货市场的运行情况 1.1 中国期货市场的交易概况 1.2 中国在全球期货市场中的排名1.3 中国商品期货市场的运行情况1.4 中国金融期货市场的运行情况1.5 中国 ETF 期权市场的运行情况第二章 中国期货市场的新发展2.1 期货产品序列进一步丰富 2.2 继续扩容期货市场连续交易 2.3 原油期货上市准备工作基本就绪2.4 境内首只商品期货基金破冰2.5 期货市场对外开放稳步推进 2.6 场内期权品种开发实现零的突破 2.7商品期货套期会计处理暂行规定印发第三章 中国期货公司发展新动态3.1 期货公司创新业务迅速发展 3.2 期货公司融资渠道拓宽3.3 期货公司与互联网结合更加紧密 3.4 期货公司“走出去”取得新突破第四章 中国期货市场的未来展望4.1 期货市场整体展望4.2 上海期货交易所前景展望附录:中国各期货交易所会员单位名单第一章 中国期货市场的运行情况 2015 年,镍、锡、10 年期国债期货、上证 50 股指期货和中证 500 股指期货相继上市交易,目前我国期货市场交易品种已达 51 个 【注 1】。2015 年,中国期货市场成交额达到 554.23 万亿元【注 2】,超过 2014 年的 291.99 万亿元,同比增长89.81%,创下历史新高。2015 年,中国期货市场成交量达 35.78 亿手,超过 2014年的 25.06 亿手,同比增长 42.78%(图 1)【注 3】。Year 2015 saw the launch of Nickel, Tin,10-Year Treasury Bond futures, SSE 50 Index futures, and CSI 500 Index futures,raising the total number of futures products traded in China to 51. In 2015,the market also witnessed a record of RMB 554.23 trillion in trading value and 3.578 billion contracts in trading volume, up by 89.81% and 42.78%,respectively, compared with the RMB 291.99 trillion and 2.506 billion contracts traded in 2014 (Figure1). 注 1:本报告分别将甲醇 ME 与甲醇 MA,以及动力煤 TC 与动力煤 ZC 统计为 1 个交易品种。注 2:本报告数据均按单边计算,且不含期转现数据。注 3:本报告所指“中国期货市场”及数据占比,均不包括我国港澳台地区期货市场。1.1 中国期货市场的交易概况2015 年中国期货市场成交规模持续增长,且增幅显著高于去年水平。2015 年, 中国期货市场累计成交量达 35.78 亿手,同比增长 42.78%。其中,上海期货交易所累计成交量为 10.50 亿手,占比为 29.36%,同比增长 24.72%。郑州商品交易所累计成交量为 10.70 亿手,占比为 29.91%,同比增长 58.25%。大连商品交易所累计成交量为 11.16 亿手,占比为 31.20%,同比增长 45.05%。中国金融期货交易所累计成交量为 3.41 亿手,占比为 9.53%,同比增长 56.66%(图 2 左)。Chinas futures market not only continued to expand in 2015, but also at a significantly higher growth rate than in 2014,with the trading volume between all futures exchanges in China climbing to 3.578 billion contracts, up 42.78% YOY. Among all the contracts traded, 29.36% or 1.05 billion contracts were contributed by Shanghai Futures Exchange(“SHFE”), up 24.72% YOY; 29.91% or 1.07 billion contracts by the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (“ZCE”), up 58.25% YOY; 31.20% or 1.116 billion contracts by the Dalian Commodity Exchange (“DCE”), up 45.05% YOY; and 9.53% or 341 million contracts by the China Financial Futures Exchange (“CFFEX”), up 56.66% YOY(Figure 2left).2015 年,中国期货市场累计成交额达到 554.23 万亿元,同比增长 89.81%。 其中,上海期货交易所累计成交额为 63.56 万亿元,同比增长 0.51%,占市场成交额的比重为 11.47%。郑州商品交易所累计成交额为 30.98 万亿元,同比增长33.30%,占市场成交额的比重为 5.59%。大连商品交易所累计成交额为 41.94 万亿元,同比增长 1.06%,占市场成交额的比重为 7.57%。中国金融期货交易 所累计成交额为 417.76 万亿元,同比增长 154.71%,占市场成交额的比重为75.38%(图 2 右)。The aggregate trading value of Chinese futures market rose to RMB 554.23 trillion, an increase of 89.81% YOY. SHFE accounted for RMB 63.56 trillion of trading value, up 0.51% YOY and representing 11.47% of the total. ZCE accounted for RMB 30.98 trillion, up 33.30% YOY and representing 5.59% of the total. DCE accounted for RMB 41.94 trillion, up 1.06% YOY and representing 7.57% of the total. Finally, CFFEX accounted for RMB 417.76 trillion, up 154.71% and representing 75.38% of the total (Figure 2 right).此外,我们可根据各商品期货品种每日主力合约的日收益率来计算 2015 年各品种的累计收益率。由图 3 可见,在 46 个商品期货品种中,仅有 9 个品种实现了累计的正收益,另外 37 个品种则累计收益为负。其中,白糖的年累计收益率最高,达到 17.62%;胶合板的年累计收益率最低,为-57.70%。Meanwhile, the aggregate rate of return of futures contracts in 2015 can be calculated based on the daily rate of return for dominant contracts of the various commodity futures each day. As shown by Figure 3, only 9 of the 46 commodity futures have realized a positive aggregate rate of return, while the other 37 posted negative aggregate rate of return.Among these futures products, sugar recorded the highest annual aggregate rate of return of 17.62%; compared with the lowest of -57.70% for plywood futures.1.2 中国在全球期货市场中的排名2015 年,中国继续在全球期货市场中占重要地位。根据美国期货业协会(FIA)统计的 2015 年 1 月到 12 月成交量数据,大连商品交易所、郑州商品交易所、上海期货交易所和中国金融期货交易所的成交量世界排名依次为第 8、第 9、第 10 和第18 名(表 1),其中大连商品交易所和郑州商品交易所的排名较去年同期略有上升。In 2015, China continued to play a pivotal role in global futures market. According to the statistics on global trading volume between January and December of 2015 released by the Futures Industry Association (FIA), Dalian Commodity Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange,Shanghai Futures Exchange and China Financial Futures Exchange ranked 8th, 9th,10th, and 18th respectively in the world by trading volume (Table 1). In particular, DCE and ZCE saw a small improvement to their rankings versus the previous year.若仅统计商品期货和期权在 2015 年 1-12 月的成交量,中国的三家商品期货交易所,即大连商品交易所、郑州商品交易所和上海期货交易所,分别位列第 1、第 2 和第3 位,成为了全球前三大交易所,我国交易所成交量增幅显著。In terms of the total trading volume of commodity futures and options traded in 2015,three Chinese commodity futures exchanges, namely Dalian Commodity Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange and Shanghai Futures Exchange, would be the three largest exchanges in the world,ranking first, second, and third, respectivel
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