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ERIEZ MAGNETICS艺利湿式磁选机安装调试、操作与维护保养手册美国 ERIEZ 公司中国总代理:北京泰迪同创工程设备有限责任公司 电话:010-84782828 E-mail:officetadella.com 传真:010-84782626 网址:www.tadella.com前言本手册详细叙述了安装调试、操作和维护保养艺利湿式磁选机的正确步骤,并适用于按照统一质量标准生产的所有艺利分公司制造的湿式磁选机。严格遵守本手册中的要求将保证该设备最有效和最可靠的性能。如果您对本手册有任何意见和建议,请给电话010-84782828 或登陆 www.tadella.com 得到有关艺利湿式磁选机的协助。艺利公司湿式磁选机安装调试,运行和维护保养手册INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS for Eriez WET DRUM SEPARATOR本安装调试,运行和维护保养手册适用于按照统一质量标准生产的所有艺利分公司制造的湿式磁选机索 引 INDEX承诺和保证资料 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE DATA:标准零部件供应商资料 VENDOR DATA磁选机说明书 OPERATIONAL MANUAL1. 引言 INTRODUCTION2. 概述 GENERAL DESCRIPTION3. 安装 INSTALLATION3.1 运输与储藏 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE3.2 安装前预检 PRE-COMMISSIONING CHECKS3.3 设备调整 ADJUSTMENTS4. 操作 OPERATION4.1 磁系调整 MAGNET ADJUSTMENT4.2 给料和选别区的调整 FEED AND SQUEEZE-PAN ADJUSTMENT4.3 液位和溢流的调整 WATER LEVEL AND OVERFLOW ADJUSTMENT4.4 刮板的调整 SCRAPER ADJUSTMENT4.5 槽体类型 TANK STYLE5. 维护保养 MAINTENANCE5.1 发现并处理故障 TROUBLESHOOTING5.2 润滑 LUBRICATION6. 可更换的外层耐磨筒皮 REPLACEABLE WEAR WRAP7. 推荐的备品配件明细表 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS LIST8. 电机减速器 GEAR MOTORWARRANTY质量保证All magnetic equipment recommended by Eriez Magnetics, if used and installed in a manner and for the purpose for which it is intended, is guaranteed to perform the duty as laid out in our quotation. In addition, each piece of Eriez equipment is backed by Eriez standard 1-year factory warranty in which: For the benefit of the original purchaser, Eriez warrants all new equipment of its manufacture, to be free from defects in material and workmanship and will replace or repair free of charge, at its factories, or other locations designated by it, any part or parts returned to it which Eriez examination shall show to have failed under normal use and service by the original purchaser within one year following shipment to the purchaser.Eriez obligation under this warranty is conditioned upon it receiving prompt notice of claimed defects which shall in no event be later than thirty (30) days following expiration of the one year warranty period and is limited to repair or replacement as aforesaid.This warranty is expressly made by Eriez and accepted by the purchaser in lieu of all other warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose, whether written, oral, express, implied or statutory. Eriez neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any other liabilities with respect to its equipment. Eriez shall not be liable for normal wear and tear, nor any consequential damage or loss of time due to partial or complete inoperability of its equipment for any reason whatsoever.Eriez reserves the right to make improvements in its products without being obligated to incorporate these improvements in products already sold and installed.This warranty shall not apply to equipment or parts thereof which have been altered or repaired outside of an Eriez factory or subjected to misuse, abuse, neglect or accident, or damaged by improper installation or application.Eriez makes no warranty with respect to parts, accessories, or components manufactured by others. The warranty, if any, which applies to such items is that offered by their respective manufacturers.Upon buying Eriez equipment or parts the purchaser expressly agrees to the foregoing warranty provisions, including limitation of remedies and expressly waives any and all other warranties or undertakings in respect to such equipment.所有由艺利公司生产的磁力设备,如果是按照要求的方式和目的进行正确的安装和使用的话,艺利公司保证该设备可以履行合同中所述的设计要求。另外,每一台艺利产品按照艺利标准都有为期一年的质量担保。为维护买方的利益,艺利公司担保: 所有艺利公司生产的设备都是选用最好的原材料和最先进的制造工艺; 在货物发运之后的一年内,对于设备所产生的缺陷,只要是经过艺利公司或经授权的当地代理的检查,确认设备是买方所使用并且是被正确使用的,艺利公司都将免费对零部件进行修理或更换。艺利公司质量担保所承担的责任范围: 艺利公司收到用户对设备缺陷的通知不应超过一年质保期后的 30 天; 艺利公司对缺陷设备的处理仅限为修理或更换。注:艺利公司出具的担保是由艺利公司制定并被用户所接受的(无论是书面的、口头的、快递的、含蓄或法定的),其中包括特殊用途的机械性能及适用性。艺利公司既没有制定也没有授权任何人关于艺利产品的任何其他的承诺。艺利公司不承担由于设备的正常磨损,以及由于部分或全部人为操作不当所造成的损失。艺利公司的质量担保不能应用于如下所述的情况: 已经被改装或由艺利以外的其他工厂所修理过的艺利产品;被错用、滥用、超负荷使用、维护保养不当、忽视、事故以及错误安装、错误应用等原因造成损害的艺利产品。艺利公司对于不是由艺利生产的、外购的部件、附件等设备组成部分不提供担保。这些部分的质量担保是由生产这些部分的各自的生产者所提供的。艺利公司保留如下权利:艺利产品的技术研发与改进,对于已售出的或已安装的艺利产品,艺利公司不承担技术改进的责任。凡购买了艺利公司所生产的设备或部件,用户应明确遵守本公司关于保修期的规定。 GUARANTEE OF QUALITY质量担保Eriez Magnet Assemblies are guaranteed to maintain their magnetic strength indefinitely unless subjected to the following harmful conditions:1. Strong adverse magnetic fields (within 300mm of electric power cable carrying 10,000 amperes).2. Excessive shock.3. Unauthorised disassembly.4. Exposure to excessive temperature variations.A. If Erium 45 (Alnico V) - Erium 45 assemblies will provide a constant magnetic field in temperature ranges from the lowest sub-zero temperatures to 399oC.B. If Erium 25 (Ceramic V) - Reduction in initial magnetic strength of this Eriez product may be anticipated at temperatures lower than minus 40oC.For elevated temperatures, losses of 10% for each 100 degree rise can be anticipated. If the product is permitted to return to room temperature, th
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