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“龙计划”二期项目列表5252中国区 SMOS 数据校正与验证SMOS Data Calibration and Validation Over China张卫国Kerr Yann中国科学院空间科学与应用中心CNES/CESBIO(法国)5253中国空气质量监测与预报Air quality Monitoring and Forecasting In China张鹏Van Der A Ronald国家卫星气象中心Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute(荷兰)5258林火的早期预警与损失评估Early Warning And Damaged Assessment For Forest Fire覃先林Casanova Jose-Luis中国林业科学研究院资源信息研究所University of Valladolid(西班牙)5264基于实地和地球观测数据的低洼地水体和湿地监测Low Lying Water Bodies and Wetland Monitoring Exploiting in Situ Data and Earth Observation Imagery李纪人Yesou Herve中国水利水电科学研究院Service Regional de Traitement dImage et de Tldteection(法国)5279利用 ENVISAT 数据改进作物监测方法Improving Methods of Crop Monitoring With ENVISAT Data吴炳方Eerens Herman中国科学院遥感应用研究所VITO-Remote Sensing and Earth Observation Process(比利时)5281遥感和其他空间技术在水资源监测中的应用Application of Remote Sensing and Other Space Technology to Hydrology and water resources李纪人Ghislain de Marsily北京大学University of Paris VI(法国)5290Envisat ASAR 数据在渤海湾海冰探测与分类中的应用Application Of Envisat ASAR Data on Sea Ice Detection and Classification In Bohai Sea纪永刚Wolfgang Dierking国家海洋局第一海洋研究所Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research(德国)5291利用多普勒激光雷达进行航天测风数据的校正与验证Validation and Calibration of Spaceborne Wind Measurement with Doppler LiDAR刘智深Ulrich Schumann中国海洋大学Institute for Atmospheric Physics,DLR(德国)5292黄河、长江、珠江三角洲海岸带遥感监测Coastal zone remote sensing monitoring in Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River Delta马毅Tim J Malthus国家海洋局第一研究所University of Edinburgh(英国)5295 对地观测技术与奥运:雅典、北京、伦敦实例研究 宫辉力Asimakopoulos 首都师范大学University of Athens(希腊)Use of Earth Observation in Support of Major Sport Events: Case Study For The Athens, Beijing And London Olympic GamesDimosthenis5297 地形测量Topographic Measurement 李德仁Danile Perissin武汉大学Dipartimento di Elettronica ed Informazione Politecnico di Milano(意大利)5305利用干涉 SAR 进行地壳变形监测Crustal Deformation in China By SAR Interferometry孙健宝Ccile Lasserre中国科学院青藏高原研究所Ecole Normale Suprieure(法国)5311利用 GOMOS, OSIRIS, OMI 和 MIPAS 数据研究全球中层大气变化Exploitation Of GOMOS, OSIRIS, OMI And MIPAS Measurements For Studying The Change in The Middle Atmosphere刘毅Erkki Kyrl中科院大气物理研究所Finnish Meteorological Institute(芬兰)5314全球变化下的森林生态系统观测Forest Ecosystem Observations of The Changing Earth 李增元Schmullius Christiana中国林业科学研究院资源信息所Friedrich-Schiller-University(德国)5316利用 SAR 和光学数据监测中国海洋Demonstrating SAR and Optical Sensor Monitoring of Chinese Seas黄韦艮Johannessen Johnny国家海洋局第二海洋研究所Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center(挪威)5317中国城市化卫星监测Satellite Monitoring of Urbanization in China宫鹏Ban Yifang中国科学院遥感应用研究所Royal Institute of Technology(瑞典)5319农作物在中国碳收支中的作用The Role Of Croplands In The Carbon Budget Of China黄耀Le Toan Thuy中国科学院大气物理研究所Centre dEtudes Spatiales de la Biosphere(法国)5322中国干旱区典型内陆河盆地主要生态水文参数的提取与陆地数据同化系统的开发Key Eco-Hydrological Parameters Retrieval And Land Data Assimilation System Development In A Typical Inland River Basin Of Chinas Arid Region李新Massimo Menenti中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所de l Informatique et de la Tldtection( 法国)5334海洋环境和安全监测Dragon2 In Support To Harmonizing European And Chinese Marine Monitoring For Environment And Security贺明霞Johannessen Johnny中国海洋大学Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center(挪威)5338基于多源卫星遥感数据进行海岸带海波、海风、洋流应用研究Ocean Waves, Ocean Wind, Ocean Currents Application Research In Coastal Zones Based On Multi-Sensor Satellite Data贺明霞Lehner Susanne中国海洋大学German Aerospace Center(德国)5341全球气候变化条件下的干旱监测、预测及其适应性Drought Monitoring, Prediction And Adaptation Under Climate Changes马耀明Bob (Z.) Su中国科学院青藏高原研究所ITC(荷兰)5343三峡、拉萨地区地表位移监测Monitoring The Ground Surface Displacement In Three Gorges Area And Dangxiong-Lasha Area曾琪明Jan-Peter Muller北京大学University College of London(英国)5344极化干涉 SAR 技术提取陆地覆盖和地表形变信息技术Techniques for Deriving Land Cover and Earth Surface Deformation Information from POinSAR陈尔学Pottier Eric中国林业科学研究院资源信息所University of Rennes(法国)5345中国北部煤火的探测、分析与危险评估Detection, Analysis and Risk Assessment of Coal Fires in northern China李京Fischer Christian北京师范大学German Aerospace Center(德国)5351海岸带生态系统悬浮物质动态Suspended Matter Dynamics In Coastal Ecosystems潘德炉Doerffer Roland国家海洋局第二海洋研究所GKSS Research Center, Institute for Coastal Research(德国)
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