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MBTI Personality Test IndicatorsOriginal Edition,Random Item Bank Guide: MBTI is a forced selection, self-reported personality assessment tests to measure and describe peoples access to information, make decisions, deal with the psychological aspects of life activity rhythm and personality types of tendencies. Recruitment MBTI has become the most widely used when hiring professional evaluation tool. Character is not good or bad, the test was intended to reflect the truest themselves, rather than others expect of you. Maybe you would think that, when faced with certain situations in which there is a third, or between the choice, in fact, we are faced with the following situations have certain natural inclinations, choose when you are faced with those situations you most involuntarily, the most natural , the most unthinking tendency. The questionnaire of any of the options are not good or bad points, there is no right answer. If you can not be determined is a particular answer to that question please left blank, the system will prompt you to go back re-election. Before submitting it, you can always change the answer. The Test Code of Conduct 1When in a one-on-one situation I usually do more Atalking Blistening2When making decisions I Aconsider the feelings of others Bdont consider the feelings of others3I usually Aplay, then work Bwork, then play 4I enjoy a task when I Astart it Bcomplete it5I prefer Aspur of the moment activities Broutine activities 6It is important for me to Aconserve my energy B spend my energy 7I am quick to Acritique Bcompliment 8I prefer to A see how I can change things B leave things the way they are 9I am more likely to invest in Apromising new ideas Bproven methods 10When around other people I A start conversation B keep to myself 11I am more excited about what might happen Alater today or tomorrow Bin a couple years 12I take more pride in my Asuccesses Bgoals13I have more fun engaging in Aindividual activities B group activities 14I enjoy time spent Awith a group of friends B alone or with one close friend 15Change for me is A easy B difficult 16I am more likely to have my Ahead in the clouds Bfeet on the ground 17It is worse to be A inflexible B indecisive 18I tend to Asee the big picture Bfocus on details 19My thoughts are A random Borderly 20With people, I am more often Abrief and to the point Bfriendly and warm 21I prefer someone who is Aefficient B empathetic 22I am Asoft-hearted Btough-minded 23When paying at a store I often Ahave conversation with the cashier Bpay and leave without chit-chat 24At work AI get the job done BI put things off 25When judging others I am Aimpartial Bpartial 26I make decisions based on Afeelings B logic 27I am more comfortable with A rules Bprinciples 28When I have a task to complete, I usually Await until the last moment Bget it out of the way29The prospect of social activity Ausually excites me Brarely excites me 30I tend to be more Areasonable B personable 31I consider myself to be Aa concrete thinker Ban abstract thinker 32I am A structured Bfree-spirited 33My ways tend to be more Aconventional Brevolutionary34More often than not, I A like a plan that is set in stone B am adaptable35I like to finalize decisions Aearly B only when necessary 36I entertain myself with my A imagination Bsurroundings 37When dealing with problems I focus on the Apeople B issues 38I consider myself to be Aa realist Ban idealist 39When there is a need to correct someone, I am Aafraid to hurt their feelings Bquick to do it 40I prefer to spend time Aintrospecting B interacting with people 41Clutter in my home Abothers me B is not something I notice 42I process information through Aintuition B my five senses 43I would classify myself as a Asocial butterfly B lone ranger 44I am more concerned with Amy own thoughts and feelings B the world around me 45My work space is usually Adisorganized Borganized 46After a social gathering I feel Adrained Benergized 47When in conversation, I A say things as they are Bam careful to avoid conflict48Talking about feelings and emotions is Adifficult Beasy 49I am Aobjective Bsubjective 50I see life Aas it is Bas it could be 51I get energized by Alearning facts Bexploring theories 52I am more interested in Afuture possibilities Bcurrent happenings 53My thoughts are on Athe here and now Bwhat lies ahead 54I value Ajustice Bmercy 55Others might describe me as more Apractical Bimaginative 56I am governed by my Aheart B head 57I am more likely to measure things with Atotal precision Bapproximation 58I work better when Afollowing a schedule Bdeciding what to do next as I go 59Being the center of attention is A
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