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博联兄弟同声翻译提醒大家专注本帖:高级口译和专八阅读以及文化常识必读。想过专八的同学和想过高口的同学,本文当成扫盲课,每周温习一遍。坚持3 个月,成人文专家。1、 Two major elements in European culture: the Greco-Roman/ Judeo-Christian2、 Democracy means: “exercise of power by the whole people”, but by “the whole people”, the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was a set of rights which a man inherited from his father, women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded, they have no rights.3、 Homer epics: the Iliad / the Odyssey4、 Drama developed in the 5th century B.CTragedian 悲剧作家Aeschylus 希腊的悲剧诗人埃斯库罗斯 Prometheus 普罗米修斯 bound/ Persians / Agamemnon 阿伽门农, 特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅Sophocles Oedipus希神 俄狄浦斯 the king / Electra / Antigone希神 安提歌尼(底比斯王俄狄普斯之女, 因违抗禁令而自杀身亡)Euripides 欧里庇得斯( 希腊的悲剧诗人) Andromache / Medea 美狄亚(希腊神话中科尔喀斯国王之女, 以巫术著称, 曾帮助过伊阿宋取得金羊毛) / Trojan 特洛伊 womenComedist 喜剧作家Aristophanes Frogs / clouds / Birds wasps5、 PhilosophySocrates 苏格拉底 : Dialogues 他坚持的观点是人类的美德是一种知识,因此一切恶行都是无知的结果。Plato 柏拉图: Dialogues 对话录 / the Apology / Symposium (dealing with beauty and love) / the RepublicPlatos philosophy is called idealism 理想主义, 唯心论.Aristotle 亚里斯多德: Ethics 伦理学/ Politics / Poetics 诗论 / Rhetoric 修辞学重点 What should be mans aim in life? Aristotles answer was happiness, but not happiness in the vulgar sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation 沉思.6、 Cynics 犬儒主义 P29Diogenes 第欧根尼:希腊哲学家,哲学犬儒学派奠基人,强调自我控制和推崇善行。说他曾提着灯在雅典大街漫步寻找诚实的人, decided to live like a dog and the word “cynic” means “dog” in Greek, he rejected all conventions whether of religion, of manners, dress, housing, food, or of decency.7、 Roman history P38The year 27 B.C divided the history of Romeinto two periods: before then, Romehad been a republic, in that year, Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of Augustus. Two centuries later, the Roman empire reached its greatest extend, encircling the Mediterranean 地中海 , reaching Scotland in the north and spreading into Armenia and Mesopotamia in the east. The emperors relied on a strong armythe famous Roman Legions 古罗马军团(约有3000 至 6000 步兵,辅以数百名骑兵) and an efficient bureaucracy 官僚机构 to exert their rule, which was facilitated by a well developed system of roads. Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable phenomenon in history know as the pax Roman 罗马帝国统治下的和平 .8、 Virgil 维吉尔(古罗马诗人, 公元前 70-公元前 19)The greatest of Latin poets, wrote the great epic, 作品 the Aeneid埃涅伊德.9、 About Bible P52The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the old Testament 旧约全书 and the new Testament. The former is about God and the laws of God; the latter, the doctrine 教义 of Jesus Christ, the wordTestament means “agreement” namely the agreement between God and man.10、 Rise of Christianity P73At the heart of Christianity is the life of Jesus: how he lived and died to redeem 救赎 the whole human race.Why Jesus be crucified 十字架钉死?Jesus propagated 传播 the faith about Godmen should believe in God and love him and behave like Gods children and love another. “everyone is equal” before God.In AD 30, in Galilee, Jesus was regarded as 被认作 a dangerous man that threaten the clique 派系 in power. At the end of three years, he went with his disciples 信徒 to Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 for the Passover 逾越节, but was betrayed by Juda. Jesus was rushed to trial and crucified as a revolutionary preacher and dangerous reformer.11、 Translations of the Bible P86Aramaic dialect 亚拉姆语Hebrew 希伯莱Vulgate edition 拉丁文圣经12、 Whats means code of Chivalry 骑士制度? P94As a knight, he was pledged 誓言 to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and respect women of noble birth 贵族出身. These rules were known as a code of Chivalry.13、 基督教是如何成为合法的唯一宗教并被尊为国教 P76Constantine 康斯坦丁大帝, who won war between rivals for the throne 君主 and the emperor of Roman. He believed that God had helped him in winning the battle, issued the Edict of Milan in 313. It granted 准予 religions freedom to all, and made Christianity legal.In392 A.D, emperor Theodosius made Christianity, the official religion of the empire and outlawed 宣布. 为不合法 all other religious.14、 The crusades 十字军 名字的由来?为什么东征及东征的意义 P99To express their religious feelings, many people in the middle Ages went on journeys to sacred 神圣的 places where early Christian leaders had lived. The most important of all was Jerusalem 耶路撒冷. But in 1071 Palestine fell to the armies of the Turkish Moslems who unlike the Arabs attacked the Christian pilgrims 朝圣者,killing many of them and sold many others as slaves. New of this kind roused 激起 great indignation among Christians in western Europe. The result was a series of Holy wars 圣战 called crusades 十字军东侵 which went on about 200years. All the soldiers going to Palestine wore a red cross on the tunics 束腰外衣 as symbol of obedience 顺从 to God.Significance:1*although the crusades did not achieve their goa
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