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基本句型及其转换与扩大1 基本句型所谓基本句型就是分句结构中的几种基本“格局” , 也就是变化万千的句子的结构雏形。正是这有限的分句结构雏形及其转换形式,能够衍生出无限的实际使用中句子。现代英语的基本句型主要有 5 种。主-动-补(SVC)结构在 SVC 结构中,谓语动词通常是连系动词。例如:That car is mine.She is in good health.My brother has become an engineer.These flowers smell fragrant.All the tourists seemed pleased.主-动(SV)结构在 SV 结构中,谓语动词通常是不及物动词。Iron rusts.Everybody laughs.The guests have arrived.Prices are going down.The children are sleeping. 主-动-宾(SVC)结构在 SVO 结构中,谓语动词通常是及物动词,随后须跟宾语,带一个宾语的及物动词又叫单宾语及物动词。I want a return ticket.Liverpool won the game.Nobody could answer the question.The train is building up speed.The plane is losing altitude.主-动-宾-宾(SVoO)在 SVoO 结构中,及物动词之后须跟两个宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语) ,这种动词又叫双宾语及物动词。I sent him a telegram.Mary lent me her car.David showed me the way.Someone left you this note.I made myself a cup of tea.主-动-宾-补(SVOC)在 SVOC 结构中,及物动词之后须跟宾语和宾语补足语,这种动词又叫复杂宾语及物动词。We made him our spokesman.They elected him president.He pronounced himself in favor of the plan.They painted the walls creamy white.The directors appointed him sales manager.在上述结构中,任何一个成分都为分句结构中所必需,缺少任何一个都会破坏结构完整性。从这个角度看,状语在句子中通常并不是不可缺少的成分。例如She speaks English fluently.这是一个 SVO+状语的句子,这个句子如果去掉 fluently,尽管意义不同,其结构依然完整。但是有少数几个动词用在 SV 和 SVO 结构中,其后必须带有状语,否则意义不明。例如I live in Beijing.Shakespeare lived in the 16th and early 17th century.They stayed in a hotel.The train leaves at six.He will be flying in Shanghai.在上述 SV 结构,由于谓语动词的词汇意义,其后必须跟有地点状语或时间状语,否则句子结构不完整,意义不明确。因此,这类句子也可以称做 SVA(A=adverbial) 。在下列 SVO结构中,状语成分也是必不可少的I put the material evidence in front of him.He treated her vilely. 由于地点状语和方式状语在上述 SVO 结构中必不可少,因此这类句子也可叫做 SVOA 结构。因此,基本句型主要有 5 种,但是如果后面两个也算做基本句型,那就应该有 7 种:SVC,SV,SVO,SVoO,SVOC,SVA,SVOA。2 基本句型的转换与扩大基本句型都是陈述句、肯定句和主动句,这些句型都可以转换为疑问句、否定句和被动句。例如The tourists have arrived.Have the tourists arrived?The tourists have not arrived.She gave him some money.Did she give him any money?She did not give her any money.He was given some money.Some money was given to him.基本句型及其转换形式可以通过不同的语法手段加以扩大,使之成为千变万化的句子,表达各种各样的思想。句型扩大的语法手段之一是分句的并列。He was a handicapped children, but he persevered his studies, and later he became a well-know scholar.句型扩大的另一语法手段是增加修饰成分和使用从属分句。也就是说,利用从属分句来使思想表达复杂化。The African people have long been our close friends in fighting against hegemonism and power politics(强权政治)。The janitor(看门人) staggered down the stairway, stunned by the bizarre noises and gasping for air.增加的修饰成分还可以再被其他结构(从属分句)所修饰:The janitor staggered down the stairway, stunned by the bizarre noises he had just heard upstairs and gasping for air as he hesitantly held on to the banister(栏杆).有时,分句的并列与从属还可以同时并用:Not only did he dislike the way we spoke, but he also disapproved of the way we dressed.并列与从属两种手段同时并用的结果,往往产生更加复杂的句子。例如When reports came into London Zoo that a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously, but, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.又例如:Furthermore, he is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own, since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instruments and that a number of factors tend to disturb impartial and objective investigation.
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