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Collocation(惯用法)1.V + to doing admit 承认amount 相当于apply 适用于confess 承认contribute 有助于descend 竟做出fall 开始own 承认resort 求助sink 堕落到stoop 堕落到;降低身份;see 留神submit 忍受switch 变换为take 开始做testify 证明witness 作证Example He admitted to having taken the money.To cheat in examinations amounts to cheating yourself.The new rules apply to playing football.He has confessed to loving her.It contributed to saving our lives.I never thought he would descend to abusing his former colleagues in public.The two boys fell to fighting at last. ,He owns to having been defeatedHe resorted to stealing when he had no more money.I never thought he would sink to cheating in the examination.I wouldnt stoop to borrowing money.See to turning off the light when you leave.I have to submit to being parted from you.Lets switch to dealing with weather problems.They have taken to learning French.Mary testified to having seen the accident.Mr. Brown witnessed to having seen the accused near the scene of the crime.2.Phrase/sentence pattern + to doing be / feel up to 觉得能担当be given to 非常喜欢come down to 竟落到地步come/go near to 几乎get down to 开始认真对待get around to 花时间、精力做go far to 大有助于look forward to 期盼pass on to 转向plead guilty to 服罪set one s mind to 一心想要What do/ would you say to 你认为怎么样 when it comes to 关于ExampleI am so tired that I dont think I feel up to going shopping today.The kids are given to asking questions of all kinds.Our choices have come down to going or staying.His suggestions went near to solving our dilemma.Let s get down to discussing the question now.After the long delay, he got around to writing the letter.The loan will go far to cleaning my debt.They looked forward to seeing him again.Gradually, we passed on to designing equipment suited to our specific need.Did he plead guilty to stealing the car?They set their minds to blazing a trail of their own.What do you say to seeing a, film?When it comes to playing volleyball, she has much to say.3.介词短语(to)+ doingas to 关于in/ with reference to 关于with a view to 着眼于with an eye to 着眼于with regard to 关于with relation to 关于ExampleAs to writing poems, I can do nothing.In reference to training teachers, he gave us some good suggestions.He studies hard with a view to serving the people in the future.I bought the house with an eye to converting it into a school.With regard to drawing pictures, I d like to have your advice.With relation to raising fund, we must draw a plan.4.N + to doing aversion 反感adjustment 调整alternative 替换dedication 献身dislike 厌恶hindrance 阻碍key 关键limit 限度objection 反对opposition 反对pretence 自命、吹priority 优先权resistance 抵抗Exampleaversion The lazy boy has a strong aversion to doing his homework.adjustment You must make a quick adjustment to studying at college. alternative The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.dedication Your dedication to helping homeless children gains respect of the masses.dislike I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money.hindrance Poor health is a hindrance to finding a job.key The key to getting good marks lies in your hard working.limit There is no limit to serving the people. objection He has a strong objection to getting up early.opposition He was well-known for his opposition to extending the franchise to women.pretenceHe makes no pretence to being learned.priorityOur government gives priority to developing educational cause. resistanceThere has been much resistance to punishing him. 5.Adj. + to doingequal 等于comparable 相当于equivalent 等于addicted 醉心于averse 反对incident 伴随的incidental 伴随的prior 先于preliminary 在之前preparatory 在之前previous 在之前preferable 更好的unused 不习惯于unaccustomed 不习惯于Example1equal Mr. Green is quite equal to doing the work well.comparable Taking drugs is comparable to killing oneself slowly.equivalent Cheating in examinations is equivalent to stealing things.addicted Now some young people are addicted to taking drugs.averse I am averse to punishing pupils.incident The problems incident to starting new business are numerous.incidental Certain discomforts are incidental to camping out. priorYou must get a permit prior to going hunting.preliminary Lets get everything ready preliminary to doing the experiment.previous Did you test the computer previous to buying it?preferable Anything is preferable to having her with us Jot the whole week. unused The little boy is unused to getting up early. unaccustomed Mary is unaccustomed to speaking in public.
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