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常用标识中英文对照(医院各科室中英文对照)急诊室Emergency Room 医院Hospital 内科病房Medical Ward 外科病房Surgical Ward 儿科病房 Pediatric Ward 接生房 Labor and Delivery 手术室Operation Room (OR) 心脏重症室Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 重症室Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 内科重症室 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) 初生婴儿重症室Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 儿科重症室Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 外科重症室Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) 末期护理 Hospice 居家健康服务、药疗、物理治疗等Home Health Service 化验所(进行化验研究)Laboratory 门诊手术中心(一般非严重性手术)Outpatient Surgical Center 药房(药物、医疗用品)Pharmacy 医疗服务Health Care Provider 医生Physician 针灸Acupuncture 过敏性专科Allergy and Immunology 麻醉科Anesthesiology 心脏科Cardiology 心胸外科Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 脊椎神经科Chiropractic 结肠直肠外科Colorectal Surgery 牙科 Dentistry 皮肤科Dermatology 内分泌科Endocrinology 家庭科Family Practice 肠胃科Gastroenterology 普通全科General Practice 普通外科General Surgery 老人病专科Geriatrics 血液科 Hematology 肝病专科Hepatology 传染病科Infectious Disease 内科Internal Medicine 肾脏科Nephrology 神经科Neurology 神经外科Neurosurgery 妇产科Obstetrics-Gynecology 癌症专科Oncology 眼科Ophthalmology 验光科Optometry 骨外科Orthopedic Surgery 整骨疗科Osteopathy 耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology (ENT) 病理科Pathology 小儿科Pediatrics 整形外科Plastic surgery 足科Podiatry 精神治疗科Psychiatry 物理康复科Physiatry 物理疗法及恢复正常生活护理Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 肺科Pulmonary Medicine 癌症放射疗科Radiation Oncology 光科 Radiology 泌尿科Urology 血管外科Vascular Surgery 其它医疗专业人员Other Health Care Professionals 听觉学专家Audiologist 牙医助理Dental Assistant 饮食指导员Dietitian 遗传病辅导员Genetic Counselor 健康技员Health Technician 化验技员Laboratory Technician 医务助理Medical Assistant 医学技师Medical Technologist 护士Nurse 家访护士Home Visiting Nurse 接生护士Nurse Midwife 营养专家 Nutritionist 药剂师Pharmacist 药理学专家Pharmacologist 物理治疗员Physical Therapist 医生助手Physician#39;s Assistant 心理学专家Psychologist 心理辅导员Psychologic Counselor 呼吸治疗员Respiratory Therapist 光科技员X-Ray Technician 总值班室general staff on call 康复门诊rehabilitation out-parient 神经外科department of neurosurgery 卫生间rest room 男卫生间toilet(male) 女卫生间toilet(female) 开水间water supply room 储藏室store 静keeping quite 医生办公室doctor office 处置室disposal room 换药室 dressing room 医务人员洗手间medical workers toilet 盥洗室laundry room 挂号收费处registration charge 门诊out-parient 急诊emergency 请勿吸烟no smooking 神经内科门诊neurology consultant room 抢救监护室critical care and monitoring room 神经外科门诊neurosurgery out-patient clinic 急诊外科surgery 清创手术室 operation room 骨科急诊orthopaedics emergency 石膏室plaster room 急诊内科internal medicine 眼科急诊ophthal mology emergency 住院收费inpatient charging service 西药房pharmacy 化验室laboratory 输液室transfusion room CT、拍片、B 超X-ray、B ultrasound 病理科department of pathology 检验中心 laboratory center emergency 急诊 ICU 病房ICU ward 检验诊断中心Lab.Diagnosis center 急诊手术室emergency operation room 神经内科病房neurology ward 综合病房general ward 康复病房rehabilitation ward 创伤病房trauma ward 急救中心first aid center 急诊化验室emergency laboratory 急诊住院收费处emergency inpatient charging service 被服室quilt and clothing room 急诊挂号收费registration charge emergency 拍片室radiographic room 值班室staff on call 内科值班室physican on call 外科值班室surgeon on call 骨科值班室orthopaedics onwatch 护士值班室nurse staff on call 行政办公administrative office 科研中心scientific research center 方便门诊 easy-access clinic 骨科 1-3 orthopaedics1-3 疼痛门诊pain clinic 肿瘤外科( 甲状腺乳腺专科oncology surgery(thyroidbreast) 血管外科、肛肠外科 vascular surgery. Anorectal surgery 肝胆外科、肝移植外科hepatobiliary surgery liver transplantation surgery 小儿外科pediatrics surgery 换药室dressing room 肝病门诊liver disease clinic 肠道门诊intestine clinic 1-5 号 X 机房x-ray room 1-5 肠道门诊治疗室 treatment room 肠道门诊观察室observation infectious disease room 呼吸道传染病门诊 respiratory infectious clinic 感染科更衣室dressing room 感染科门诊infectious disease 腹部外科、腹腔镜外科abdominal surgery laparoscope surgery 洗片室filming room 呼吸内科( 哮喘门诊)respiratory medicine asthma clinic 呼吸内科( 鼾症门诊)respiratory medicine snoring clinic 放疗科 radiotherapy 读片室diagnosis room CT2 室CT 2 room 乳腺钼靶机房mammography room 核医学科nuclear medicine 神经内科(失眠门诊)neurology(insomnia clinic) 神经内科(癫痫门诊) neurology(epilepsy clinic) 神经外科neurosurgery 心胸外科微创外科cardiothoracic surgery. mini-invasive surgery 心血管内科高血压门诊cardiology hypertension clinic 心血管内科cardiology 消化一科 1-2gastroenterology1-2 血液内科化疗科 hematology chemotherapy clinic 数字胃肠digital gastrointestinal graphy 导管室catheter lab 普通内科门诊medicine 消化二科gastroenterology 干部保健门诊 VIPclinic 病理质控中心pathology quality control center 学术活动室academic room 暗室dark room 标本存放室specimen deposit 计划生育室(无痛人流室 )family planning 高位妊娠门诊high-risk pregnancy clinic 产科宣教室obstetrics education 真菌室fungus lab 肾内科nephrology 男性科andrology 泌尿外科urology 妇科 1-4gynecology 1-4 产前筛查中心不孕不育遗传病咨询门诊antenatal screening center inferitillity clinic 皮肤病 性病科dermatology STP clinic 足病门诊 脱发门诊podiatry clinic trichology clinic 光治疗室phototherapy room 内分泌内科、糖尿病科 endocrinology diabetes clinic 甲状腺内科、风湿病科
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