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Unit 1 1. metaphors of highway and frontiers 2. 无边无际的虚拟空间 3. capture the popular imagination 4.规范网页和网站 5.interprete the nature of cyberspace 6. 政客们实施的标准 7. sign up for subscription 8. 限制孩子光临某些网站 9.cause conflict in the terrestrial communities 10.干涉别人的爱好1. leave behind: 丢弃, 抛弃,遗留,落后,遗忘In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind.在撤退时,他们不得不把许多重型装备丢弃。The last government has left behind a long train of problems. 上届政府遗留下一大堆问题。 You have to follow closely if you want to avoid being left behind. 你如果不想落在后面,就得紧紧跟随。 Ill leave behind these little details for you to settle. 这些细枝末节我留待你去解决了。leave aside/alone/out2. preside: vi. 管辖,掌管, 主持preside over /at a meeting 主持会议preside at tea 招待客人吃茶点The general manager presides over the business of this store. 总经理亲自管理这家店的业务。3. evolve: vi. /vt. 发展, 演变,经历逐渐的变化过程The simple idea evolved into a complicated scheme.The complicated scheme evolved from a simple idea. They evolved a new system to run the companyevolution: the evolution of man4, affluent adj. 富裕的,富足的 近义词: abundant, ample, rich, wealthy affluent suburbs with large houses and tree lined streets 房子宽敞,街道绿树成荫的的富裕郊区We live in an affluent society. 我们生活在一个富裕的社会中。affluent n. 支流 近义词 : offshoot, anabranch , distributaryThe river that cuts across the park is an affluent of the Yangtze River. 5. constraint n. 限制,约束, 压抑,抑制; 强制力, 强迫 近义词:restraint She is soon tired of the constraint of military life. 她很快厌倦了军事生活的约束。Financial constraints limited her choice of accommodation. 财力有限使得她不能随意选择住处 。She doesnt like to do things under constraint. 她不喜欢在别人强迫下去做事情。6. (1) prosper 成功,兴旺,发达,繁荣 近义词: boom, thrive, flourish His father was no longer prospering in business. 他父亲的生意不再兴旺发达了。The farm prospered through good management. 由于管理有方,农场兴旺发达。(2) 健康成长,顺利发展,蓬勃发展The child seemed to prosper under their care. 在他们的照管下,孩子看来在健康的成长Are you prospering? 你最近事情都顺利吗?7. (1) wither vt./vi. 枯萎,消失 同义词: shrivel, shrinkThe cold withered the leaves. 严寒使树叶凋落。The grapes withered on the vine. 葡萄藤上的葡萄都枯萎了。(2) 黯淡无光,没有生命力 近义词:fadeAll our achievements wither before hers. 我们所有的成绩和她获得的相比都黯然失色。Remove an old tree and it will wither to death. 老树移栽活不了,老人迁居命不长。8. haven n. a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary 避难所,庇护所,港湾近义词:refuge , shelterThey have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans.他们把自己的家变成了无家可归的孤儿们的避难所。The border region used to be a natural haven for criminals. 边境地区曾是罪犯们的天然避难所.haven v. to shelter, protect 庇护You shouldnt haven your child if he has really done something wrong. 如果你的小孩真的做了什么错事的话你就不应该庇护他。9. (1) sanction (正式的)认可、核准,认许 近义词: countenance, endorsement, authorization The book was translated without the sanction of the author. 这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了。The minister can only act in this matter with the sanction of President.部长只有得到总统批准才能就此事采取行动.(2). 制定,制裁,规则Western nations imposed tough sanctions on the country. 西方各国对这个国家实行了严厉制裁。administrative sanction 行政制裁 official sanction 官方的认可;同意10. cater to/for 供应伙食 ; 迎合的需要,迎合的口味Who caters at your daughters wedding Serious newspapers do not cater to/for peoples love of scandal.严肃报纸不去迎合人们对丑闻的爱好 。Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste. 我们的文艺必须为大众所喜闻乐见。Now auto engineers are catering to buyers. 目前汽车工程师正在想办法迎合买主。11. hanker for 渴望得到,热切希望This wet summer makes him hanker after a holiday in the sun.潮湿多雨的夏天使他渴望度一个阳光明媚的假期。Lucy had always hankered after a place of her own. 露西一直都渴望拥有自己的住处。12. at hand 附近, 临近 He lives just close at hand. 他就住在附近.I havent my photo album at hand, but Ill show you later. 我的照簿不在手边,以后我再拿给你看。Election day is at hand. 大选之日马上就要到来。Unit 21. 房租每月 500 元,包括水、电、暖气费和有线电视。 (inclusive of)The rent is 500 RMB a month, inclusive of water, electricity, heating and cable TV.2. 注脚的解释使这一难句容易明了。(clarify)The explanation in the footnote clarified the difficult sentence.3. 被剥夺了公民权后,爱因斯坦不得不逃出德国。 (deprive of)After having been deprived of citizen right, Einstein had to escape from Germany.4. 她的安慰分散了我的注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些烦恼。 (distract)Her comfort managed to distract me from these annoyance for a while.5.这是西方价值观对一种已存在几千年的文化的侵袭。 (intrusionon)This is the intrusion of Western values on a culture that has existed for centuries.1. distract vt.分散(注意力等,使分心)这部影片分散了我的注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题。The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while. distract vt. 弄糊涂,使心神不安,担心 He was distracted between two objects. 他被这两件东西所迷惑。Grief distracted him. 悲伤使他精神错乱。2. reassured vt. 安慰,使放心They need to be reassured by parents and teachers thatthey are still wanted. 他们需要由家长和教师再三给以保证,使之相信他们不是多余的。His words reassured me. 听了他的话我释然了。The police reassured her about the childs safety. 警察让她放心,她的孩子很安全。3. intrusion. (讨厌的事或人的) 干扰,侵扰 into/on/uponI resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs. 我讨厌这种对我家事的干扰。This is the intrusion of Western values on a culture that has existed for centuries. 这是西方价值观对一种已存在几百年的文化的侵袭。intrude v. (into/on/upon) 闯入,侵入,侵扰,把强加于A translator shouldnt intrude his own opinions into what hes translating. 译者不应该擅自把自己的
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