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1Day 2 词汇学习在考研当中的目标1. 要熟悉核心中的难词(也就是有“考相”的单词)2. 能准确知道在核心词范围内的多义词和中心词的范围内的同义,反义词Institute vt. N. Academic institutes Institution 3. 能够在句子中判断什么是词汇的难度表现形式4. 能在句子当中判断词汇的交互关系5. 能够借用句子语法结构判断词义的折射2关系6. 能够积累一定数量的核心词,利用考研作文的特点,来有意识的准备PART ONE 核心词汇1. Abandon abide aboard abroadaboundAbuse accelerate access accessoryAbandon = give up Abandon oneself to despair Abandon a in favor of b Eliminate eradicate abolish Wipe out Comply with conform to Abide by cling to adhere to3Abound in 和“充足”有关的核心同义词Sufficient ampleAbundant resources Adequate inadequate of Capable Sb is adequate ofFeel inadequate Surplus working forceSuperfluous redundant AccessHave instant/no/easy access to sth Accelerate accompanyAccommodate affiliate Affirm aggravate assessAffirm confirm Fabric The fabric of society Forsake a for b Exchange a for b 4Sacrifice a for b Abandon a in favor of Give incentives toFind out synonymous words or expressions for the words listed aboveGain momentum mishandle attachment comply with Conform to withComply with Compliance Gain forsake overseas Community and the extended family have been _ in favor of isolated, two generation households.This approach, originated _, offered inventors medals, cash prizes and other incentives._ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests.At the same time, the normal rate of social change throughout the world is taking place at a vastly _ speed compared with past.The media launched violent attack against those government officials who _ privileges.The soldier praised by our commander _ in courage and fights bravely in battles.Use the words above to translate the following useful expressions into English5自暴自弃 到海外深造 有获得.的捷径Abandon oneself to despair Live in a self-abandoned life Pursue ones study overseas Without, sb would be denied access toAbuse substance Ever accelerating growth of economy Ever widening gap between a and b We come to terms with their view.We acknowledge thatIt is acknowledged that滥用职权 日益快速发展的经济62. Acclaim accommodateaccompany accumulateAccuse acknowledgeacquire acquaint词形接近Cede ceed pede Impede vt. Intercede exceedPrecede succeed (vt.或+to)Concede to = give in to = yield to.Concede territory to (country)We concede thatWe admit/acknowledge that7和 claim 有关的单词I claim /affirm /argue/assert/contend thatClaim damages Reclaim retrieve ACCLAIM Sth wins extensive acclamationCompliment sb on sth. Sb is to blame for sth.Sb should be held accountable forWe should accuse of doing sth8Claim acclaim reclaim proclaim Recede concede Predecessor a succession of Intercede Exceed surpass transcendAscend descendant Be accommodated to AdjusttoAdjust expense to income Adapt oneself toSb is accustomed to sth.Cater for cater toCater to the needs of9GeartoSth should be geared to-Tailorto-AccompanyCompany:Find company in sth.With the accompaniment of = along withCompanion Accumulate Have a cumulative effect onAcclamation10Concede pick up assemble come to terms withHold accountable for escort compliment familiarize Hold sb accountable for= accuse sb of sth. Who is to blame for it?The government is held accountable forAll orderss must be _ with cash or else well not deliver the goods.Buying ten books every month, he soon _ a good library.Over the past year, the Chinese government has witnessed many severe tests and has also won extensive _.We are similarly capable of producing a variety of cell phones to _ a number of different individuals.111. We can help students _ a sense of commitment 2. by planning for roles that are within their capabilities and their attention spans and 3. by having clearly stated rules.He has some _ with French, but cant speak it fluently.Federal prosecutors said they expected to file charges in early 2005 against 11 people they _ of forming a terrorists group.The Bush administration argued that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but some officials now privately _ the White House had another reason for the war.严厉谴责 伴之以. 适应社会巨大的改变 We should bitterly accuse ofWith the accompaniment of ever accelerating spread of knowledge, Sb should be accommodated to tremendous changes in society12Win extensive acclamation Acquired practical skills/expertise Have previous acquaintance withSb is acquainted with Sb has acquaintance with 获得广泛称誉 习得实用技能 先前对.有一定程度的了解3. Accordance account accuracy adolescentActivate adhere adjoin administerVerge on = adjoin Joint junction conjunction Disjunction Assemble converge Peoples views converge on the issue.Our view diverges from theirs.act in accordance with = adhere to 13issueThe rapid growth of society sets interpersonal relations in violent motion. 动词+ 复合宾语Set the meeting a date (双宾)
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