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研究生英语课后习题之翻译(unit11-unit15)208-200903241 Unit 111.幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money , but in the joy of achievements and the thrill enthusiasm of creative efforts . 2.从 1994 年开始,大学学费已经从 1000 涨到了 3500,以至于许多学生,尤其是那些来自贫困区的学生选择从事兼职工作来筹集他们昂贵的支出。Starting from 1994 , the college tuition has soared from 1000 to 3500 so that many students , especially those from poverty-stricken 非常贫困的 areas , choose to do part-time jobs to cope with their expensive expenditure 支出.3.总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。A Presidential decision is always an amalgam 混合物 of judgement , confidence in his associate , and concern about their morale .4.风格优雅华丽,曲调流畅委婉,反映出江南人勤劳朴实、细致含蓄的性格特色。The style is refined 优雅的, smooth and indirect , expressing the hard-working meticulous 小心翼翼 and Spartan character of the people who live south of the Yangtze .5.保险业最近受到几项不利的经济因素所困而前景黯淡。The insurance industry is cursed with a set of dismal economic characteristics that make for a poor long-term outlook .6.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。Although good medicine cures sickness , it is often unpalatable 味道差的; likewise , sincere advice given for ones well-being , is often resented .7.由于不断加重的失业焦虑、有史以来最多地取消房屋抵押赎回权、不断攀升的能源价格,美国人对经济的信心跌倒了新低。Americans confidence in the economy fell to a new low , dragged down by worries about mounting job losses , record-high home foreclosures 丧失抵押品赎回权 and zooming energy prices .8.有趣的是,我发现媒体的规模与声誉和报导的真实性一点相关都没有。Interestingly , there has been no correlation between the size and prestige of the publication and the accuracy of the report .9.Near-term inflation expectations measured by the survey jumped to the highest since the turmoil 骚动 following Iraqs invasion 入侵 of Kuwait in late 1990 , which caused oil price to soar sharply .调查表明近期通胀预期已达最高,这是自 1990 年底伊拉克入侵科威特导致石油价格猛涨至今最高水平。10. The slowdown could dovetail 与。 。吻合 with Beijings own aims to moderate 缓和 the contentious 有争议的 trade surplus and , at the same time , recalibrate growth away form heavy industry in favor of consumption and services .经济减速能与北京缓和有争议的贸易顺差这一目标相吻合,与此同时,将重工业的增长调研究生英语课后习题之翻译(unit11-unit15)208-200903242整为消费和服务业的增长。11. But China also need to scrutinize all her actions exposed to others , because its the year 2008 and all people are watching this countrys all moves waiting for a chance to sting .但是,中国也要仔细审查她的行动,因为这是 2008 年,所有的人都在观看这个国家的一切举动,想找机会挑刺。12. Both developing countries and developed countries have realized the importance of technologies in building more energy-efficient and low-emission industries , however on transferring such technologies ,developed nations underline the role of markets ,while developing nations urge the combination of roles of markets and governments.发达国家和发展中国家都认识到技术对建造更多节能减排工业的重要性,但是就转化利用这些技术而言,发达国家强调市场作用,然而发展中国家力促市场和政府的合作。13. Should we let the economy continue to run on the basis of the insatiable demand of fashion and status driven consumers , whose motivations and criteria of success are cultivated by the advertisements of companies that need to sell more to survive and thrive ? 公司为卖出更多产品以生存和兴旺,用广告影响了消费者的动机和成功的标准,使他们永不停歇地追求时尚和地位,我们能让经济继续这样发展吗?14. Though they were pampered children at home , they swallowed the misunderstanding and even the insults and tried to adapt themselves to the local culture .尽管在家里是娇宝宝,他们咽下了误解和辱骂,尽力融入到当地文化。 Unit 121. 女权主义运动经历了漫长的道路,它宣称女人和男人拥有平等权利。在某种意义上现在女人比男人拥优先权。Feminist movement has come a long way , which claims that women should have equal rights with men . To some extent , women have more priority to men now .2. 由于劳资纠纷,东方航空公司的驾驶员们驾驶多个航班在飞离机场后,却又中途纷纷选择返航,目前他们正和航空公司协商待遇问题。Pilots of China Eastern turned back midway on flights to airports they had set off because of a labor dispute , and now they are negotiating with the carrier over treatment and pay .3. 中国政府认为因特网是技术进步的重要标志,但同时也想阻止人们接触不良信息,因此把不良信心重新放在网站不显眼的地方是政府对网络采取的模棱两可的态度的表现。Chinese Government sees the internet as vital for Chinas technological progress but , at the same time , they want to stop people from accessing unhealthy content , so relocating content to less prominent parts of website is an indication of its ambivalent attitude towards the net .4. 食物纤维素被吹捧成最新的万灵丹药,即可减轻体重,又有益健康。Dietary fibre is tout as the latest cure -all which cuts down weight and promotes good health .5. 在太空,女人比男人有明显的优势,因为她们需要的食物氧气较少,承受辐射的能力较强。Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better .研究生英语课后习题之翻译(unit11-unit15)208-2009032436. 中国政府目前关注民工的最主要的需求,即着力解决他们的就业、住房、社会保障、健康和教育问题。At present , our nation tended first to rural migrants paramount needs , which are employment , residence , social security , health and education problems .7. 对于让工人参与管理的提议,公司只是口头上说说而已,并没有将之付诸实践,这使得工人们很反感。The company pays lip service to the idea of workers participation , but does nothing to put it into practice , which makes the employees repellent .8. Tax evasion was never justifiable , so it pays to be honest when it comes to tax for taxpayers .逃税从来都是不正当的行为,所以纳税人在纳税时
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