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管理学课程设计职业生涯规划设计院 系 工程管理与房地产学院年级专业班级 管理科学与工程类 XX 级 XX 班姓 名 刘 XX学 号 XXXXXXX指 导 教 师 XXXXX 教授成 绩2013 年 12 月 8 日I摘要与其在进入职场后叹息迷茫,不如现在进行职业规划的探索。职业规划是要依据个人的特殊情况、特殊才能,考虑社会背景等多方面主客观因素,结合职业发展的阶段,提出相应的发展目标、拟定实现目标的工作和教育的一个综合体系。做一个适合自己的、合乎现实的职业规划,不仅能帮助我们学生在进入职场时省时省力,还能帮助我们能健康发展职业能力。在大学阶段,为自己规划一条职业之路是很有帮助的。学业和职业可以说是每个人必经的两个阶段,不同的只是在这两方面的成就大小,在我们的学业生涯我们学习知识和技能的同时要考虑职业的导向作用,在学生阶段就应该有一个清晰的职业规划和理想,对于以培养职业应用型人才为目标的高职生来说更要认清这一点,理论和实践是分不开的,学习的知识技能与职业的规划最后都必须有一个具体的工作来实现,而就业便是有一个工作来检验,实现自我。关键词:职业生涯;规划设计;战略计划;目标;措施IIAbstractHow to find the most suitable for their own, and it has a keen interest in the work? All these doubts to lead me to the front of occupation planning. And sigh confused in the workplace, exploration of occupation planning than now. Occupation planning is according to the special circumstances, individual special talents, including the social background and other aspects of subjective and objective factors, combined with the occupation development stage, a comprehensive system put forward the development target, the corresponding to achieve the goal of work and education. A suitable for their own, realistic occupation planning, not only can help our students time when entering the workplace labor, can help us to the healthy development of occupation ability. In university period, for their own occupation planning a road is very helpful. Education and occupation can be said to be two stages shared by everyone, differing only in the two aspects of the achievements, in our career we learn knowledge and skills at the same time to consider the role of occupation, should the student have a clear occupation planning and ideal, for higher vocational training to the occupation application type talents as the goal of the students must recognize this point, theory and practice are inseparable, knowledge and skills of learning and occupation planning finally must have a specific work to achieve, and the employment is a work to test, self realization.Key Words: Occupation career; planning and design; strategic planning; target; measureIII目 录引 言 .1一、大学阶段规划与设计 .2(一)大一阶段规划与设计 .21.目标 .22.措施 .2(二)大二阶段规划与设计 .31.目标 .32.措施 .3(三)大三阶段的规划与设计 .31.目标 .32.措施 .4(四)大四阶段规划与设计 .41.目标 .42.措施 .5二、职业生涯计划 .6(一)创业阶段(大学毕业 44 岁) .61.目标 .62.措施 .6(二)维持阶段(45 60 岁) .71.目标 .72.措施 .7(三)退休阶段 .81.目标 .
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