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浙江大学远程教育学院英语写作课程作业(必做)姓名: 学 号:年级: 2015 秋 学习中心: 深圳Chapter 2 Diction (措词)1. List three levels of words and give several examples for each level. Answer: Formal words, such as approximately, accompany, conceal, etc.Common words, such as about, go with, hide, etc.Colloquial words, such as gonna, how come, guy, etc.2. What are the denotation and connotation of a word?Answer: Denotation is what a word stands for without any emotional associationsConnotation is the emotional, social, and political associations a word has in addition to its denotative meaning3. Fill in each blank with one of the following words: kill, assassinate, execute, massacre, slaughter, murder1) Two people were _killed_ in a car accident.2) Martin Luther King was _assassinated_ by a white people. 3) He is likely to be _executed_ as a murderer this year.4) They cruelly _massacred/slaughtered_ all the people in the village.5)According to the police, he _murdered_ his rival in cold blood. 4. List at least 9 types of figures of speech and give an example for each. Answer: 1.Simile, such as Her face is like a red apple.2. Metaphor, such as Hope is the poor mans bread.3. Personification, such as The time fate was smiling to him.4. Metonymy, such as Have you ever read Shakespeare?5. Synecdoche, such as Great minds think alike.6. Overstatement and understatement, such as Her beauty makes the bright world dim.7. Transferred epithet, such as She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights.8. Oxymoron, such as When the news of the failure came, all his friends said that it was a victorious defeat.9. Alliteration, such as Lead the land we loveChapter 3 The Sentence (造句)1. List the types of sentences in terms of structure, function and rhetoric respectively and give an example for each type. Answer: In terms of function, sentences can be classified into the following four types.1. Declarative sentence, e.g. Mary got married at 1997.2. Interrogative sentence, e.g. Did Marry got married?3. Imperative sentence, e.g. Do not late again.4. Exclamatory sentence, e.g. What a beautiful flower!In terms of structure, sentences can be classified into the following four types.1. Simple sentence, e.g. The dog baked.2. Compound sentence, e.g. The dog baked, and the cat yowled.3. Complex sentence, e.g. Although life is sweet, it is sometimes hard.4. Compound-complex sentence, e.g. When the heat comes, the lakes dry up, and farmers know the crops will fall.From a rhetoric point of view, sentences can be classified into the following two types.1. Loose sentence, e.g. I am willing to pay slightly higher taxes for the privilege of living in Canada, considering the free health care, the cheap tuition fees, the low crime rate, the comprehensive social programs, and the wonderful winters.2. Periodic sentence, e.g. Considering the free health care, the cheap tuition fees, the low crime rate, the comprehensive social programs, and the wonderful winters, I am willing to pay slightly higher taxes for the privilege of living in Canada.2. What are the features of an effective sentence?Answer: Unity; coherence; conciseness; emphasis; variety3. List several types of common sentence problems and the strategies to solve these problems. Answer: 1) Revising sentence fragmentsa. )It lacks a subject or a verb or bothb. )It is a dependent clauseTwo strategies to revise a fragmenta. Attach the fragment to an adjacent and independent clauseb. Turn the fragment into a sentence2) Revising run-onsFour Strategies to revise run-onsa.) revising with periods.b.) revising with semicolons.c.) revising with coordinating conjunctions.d. )revising with subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns. 3) Revising misplaced and dangling modifiersChapter 4 The Paragraph (段落)1. What are the features of an effective paragraph?Unity; coherence; transition 2. List several patterns of paragraph development and give some examples for each pattern.Development by time; process; space; example and generalization; comparison and contrast; cause and effect; classification; definition and a combination of methods.3. List several strategies for effective introductions and conclusions.Strategies for effective introductions: Beginning with quotation or series or quotations; beginning with question or series of questions; beginning with definition; or beginning with controversial statement.Strategies for effective conclusions: ending with prediction; ending with warning; ending with recommendation for action; or ending with quotation4. Which sentence is the topic sentence in the following paragraph?My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. (Topic sentence)Dont argue with parents; they will think you dont love them. Dont argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Dont argue with spouses; they will think you are a tiresome mate. Dont argue with strangers; they will think yo
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