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模块五 Unit 3 Life in the future1. 单元导学要点点拨词汇应用1.impress v.t. 1).使(某人) 印象深刻The sight of the city never fail to foreign tourists. 外国游客无一不对该城市留有深刻印象。2)使意识到/铭记+sth +on/upon+sbThe manager d on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records. 经理让办公室职员认识到做精确记录的重要性。His words d themselves on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。3) sb. with sth 给某人留下深刻印象China es foreign guests with her high speed of development. 中国的快速发展给外国客人留下深刻的印象。Impression n. 印象 句型: make a on sbHis first speech made a strong on his audience. 他的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。2.remind v.t 提醒;使想起1) sb (not) to do sthremind 2) sb that-/wh-clause3) sb of sth Remind me to answer the letter. 提醒我回复那封信。Travellers are ed that malaria tablets are advisable. 旅客须知要服用预防疟疾药。This song s me of France. 我一听这首歌就想起法国。remind sb of sth可用于这一句型结构的短语还有:inform通知/ warn 警告/cure 治愈/ heal 医治/ accuse 指控/ suspect 猜疑/ rob 抢劫/ cheat 欺骗等。They accused him of taking the money. 他们控告他把钱拿走。The doctor cured him of his heart-disease. 医生治愈了他的心脏病。Have you informed them of your intended departure. 你通知了他们你想离去吗?He is suspected of telling lies. 他有说谎的嫌疑。3.lack)v.t.v.i 缺乏;缺少I lack words with which to express my thanks.我无法以语言来表答我的感激。He is lacking in courage. 他缺乏勇气。Money was lacking for the plan. 这计划尚缺经费。)n. a lack of care 缺乏关心The plants died for of water. 那些植物因缺水而枯死。Lack of rest made him tired. 缺乏休息使他疲惫。.ache 1) v.i (持续性的)痛; 2) n. 疼痛I am aching all over. 我浑身疼痛。He has an in the chest. 他胸部疼痛。辨析:pain;ache; injure;wound 和 hurtpainC/U1) 指身或心的痛苦be in pain/ a pain in the ear/ the pain of separation 分离的痛苦;2) 作为 “努力,辛苦”讲时,常用复数。如:take pains to do sth 费心地做某事;ache v. / n. 持续的,局部的疼痛;常和表示疼的部位的词连用。eg. a headache; a toothacheinjure v. 指意外事故造成的伤害;wound v / n. 伤害,伤口。主要指刀枪剑及战场上的伤。hurt vi 疼痛. vt. 伤害,使疼痛。可指肉体或精神上的伤害。Is this pair of shoes_your feet?A.wounding B.jnjuring C.hurting D.painingHe was_in the fight and was_.A.hurt;in apain B.injured;in painsC.ached; in pains D.wounded; in painI ate some bad fish which caused a lot of_in my stomach at midnight.A.hurt B.pain C.pains D.stomachacheI shouldnt have been so rude to you yesterday, but I didnt mean_you.A.hurting B.harm C.to injure D.to hurtHe took great_ to get everything ready for the party.A.pain B.pains C.ache D.wound答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.C; 4.D; 5.B5.press v.t.1)按压;熨平 the button 按纽; a suit 熨平衣服2)敦促;坚持; (sb) for an answer敦促(某人)作答; (sb) to do sth 力劝某人做某事;Many people to stay longer.很多人要求呆更长时间。They are ing us to make a quick decision.他们正敦促我们迅速作出决定。He ed the money on me.他坚持要我接受那笔钱。) n. press conference 记者招待会;press agency 通讯社;Oxford University Press 牛津大学出版社;4) pressing adj.紧迫的;a invitation5)pressure n.压力 work at high 6. take up 占领,从事,重新开始; in 欺骗,领会,吸收;on 呈现,雇佣;off 成功,起飞,取消;over 接管;down 记录; sth. into account 考虑到某事The table takes up too much room. 桌子占去太多的空间。He has taken up photography. 他从事摄影。Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off. 哈利续讲那个故事,从约翰停止的地方开始。take on twenty more workers 另雇佣二十个工人When Mr. Green retired, his son took over his business. 格林先生退休时,他儿子接管了他的买卖。The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾,飞机照常起飞。Her eyes took on a hurt expression.她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情。She took me in completely with her story.她用花言巧语完全把我欺骗了。They couldnt take in the situation because things were developing rapidly.因为形势发展很快,他们还理解不了。7.provide v.t 提供,供应)句型 : sb with sth; sth for sb ; for sth.(为. 做必须之事)The leaves provided the house with much-needed oxygen.树叶给房子提供了足够的氧气。to provide ones children with food and clothes 提供孩子们食物和衣服to provide food and clothes for ones family给这个家庭提供食物和衣服He has a large family to for. 他要维持一个大家庭。)provided providing 连词“只要”Ill go providing/ provided (that) my expenses are paid. 只要我的费用有人代付,我就去。8.in no time 马上;at no time 决不; at one time 曾经一度 ; at a time 每次; at timesfrom time to time 间或; 偶尔;at all times 总是; 经常 in time 及时; 迟早;on time 准时; ahead of time 提前;behind time迟到;落后 time and again 一再;屡次 ;take ones time 不慌不忙;all the time 一直;始终;at the same time 同时; many a time 多次;for the first time 第一次; the first timeas soon asYoull learn how to do it in time. 你早晚能学会做这件事的。I felt better in no time. 我马上感觉好多了。Im at your service at all times. 我随时为你效劳。At one time I used to go skiing every winter.我有一度每到冬季就去滑雪。At no time shall I give in to him. 我决不向他屈服。I fell in love with her the first time I met her.我对她一见钟情。9.suffer v.t&v.i1) suffer (from )受苦;受损失。其中from 表示原因Do you from a headache? 你患头痛吗?Shes ing from loss of memory. 她苦于失去记忆。2)v.t 遭受;经历suffer paindefeat the pollution 遭受痛苦失败/ 污染The city ed serious damage from the earthquake.那个城市因地震而遭受到严重破坏。We ed huge losses in the financial crisis. 在财政危机中我们损失严重。10.switch v&n 1)v. on/off 接通或关断(电流)Switch on the light/radio. 打开电灯收音机。2)= change/ shift; 转变;改变He ed the conversation to a less embarrassing subject. 他转变话题到不那么尴尬的主题。The artist ed his own style in his fifties.那个艺术家在他五十多岁时改变了自己的风格。)突然抢夺He ed the bag out of my hand. 他突然从我的手中把包抢走。)n.开关;枝条She flashed a switch on a computer screen. 她打开了电脑屏幕上的开关。11.require
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