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八年级英语下册短语1 在电脑上 on computer 2 .更少的空闲时间 less free time 3.免费或有空 be free 4.更少使用地铁 use the subways less 5.在纸上 on the paper 6.更多的人 more people7.活到 200 岁 live to be 200 years old 8.更少的污染 less pollution9.拥挤的 be crowded 10.谈论 talk about 11.和人做同样的事情 do the same things as the person 12. 例如 for example 13.反复地 over and over again 14. 数千年 thousands of 15.似乎不可能 seem possible 16.看起来像 look like/ look the same 17.和一样 as as 18.让做某事 make sb. Do sth 19.醒来 wake up 20.把某人叫醒 wake sb. up 21.爱上某人或某物 fall in love with 22.去滑冰 go skating 23.会做某事 be able to do sth. 24.实现,达到 come true25.未来,将来 in the future 26. 大量,许多 hundreds of/ a lot of 27.不让进入 keep out 28.怎么了? Whats wrong? 29.过时的 out of style 30.打电话给call sb. up/ ring sb. up31.用电话交谈 on the phone 32. 怎么了?Whats the matter? 33.付的账 pay for 34.与同样的 the same as 35.流行的 in style 36.相处融洽 get on well with37.尽可能 as as possible 38.各种各样 all kinds of 39.一方面另一方面 on the one hand, on the other hand40.找到时间做某事 fit into 41.与某人争吵 argue with sb. 42.想要某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 43.给某人写信 write sb. a letter/ write a letter to sb. 44.一张球赛的票 a ticket to a ball game 45.使某人惊奇 surprise sb.46.给我一些建议 give me some advice 47.通过考试 pass the exam 48.考试失败 fail the exam 49.告诉某人做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 50.告诉某人不要做tell sb. not to do sth. 51.学习做某事 learn to do sth. 52.足够忙 busy enough 53.直到才 not until54.该做了 its time to do sth./ its time for sth. 55.抱怨做complain about doing sth. 与某人相处融洽 get on/ along well with 56.参加 take part in 57. 压力大 under too much pressure 58.把与作比较 compare with 59.发现做某事很难 find it difficult to do sth. 50.迅速吃晚饭 have a quick supper 61.在浴室 in the bathroom 62.在理发店 in the barber shop 63.在外部的前面 in front of 64.在内部的前面 in the front of 65.从出来 get out of 66.进入 get into 67.上车 get on 68.下车 get off 69.起飞,take off 70.脱下(衣服等)take off 71.沿着街走 walk down the street 72.听说 hear about 73. 沉默地 in silence74.发生 take place 75.全世界 around the world/ all over the world 76.在操场上 on the playground 77.被,由 by sb. 78.持续 last 79. 逃跑,跑掉 run away80.进来 come in 81.像一样 be like 82.很生某人的气 be mad at/ be angry with sb. 83.不再 not anymore 84.首先 first of all 85.传递 pass on sth. to sb.86.被期望 be supposed to do sth. 87.在方面做得好 do well in88.擅长某方面 be good at 89.身体健康 in good health/ be healthy 90. 紧张 get nervous/ be nervous 91.克服 get over 92.打开 open up 93. 照顾,照料 care for/ take care of/ look after94.玩得愉快 have a great time/ enjoy oneself 95. 拿走 take away 96.靠做某事谋生 make a living by doing sth. 97. 一直 all the time 98.受伤 get injured 99.怎么了?whats the problem?100.踢足球 play soccer/ play football 101.一个另一个(两个中的)one the other102.做某事有困难 have a hard/ difficult time doing sth. 103.帮助某人做某事 help sb. ( to) do sth./ help sb. with sth.104.叫某人做 ask sb. to do sth. 105.叫某人不做 ask sb. not to do sth.106.从借 borrow from 107. 借给 lend to108.养成的坏习惯 start a bad habit 109. 处于危险中 in danger110.与某人打架 have a fight with sb. 111.和都 both and 112.回到某地 return to 113. 确信,相信 be sure114.作决定 make a decision 115. 保持干净 keepclean116.改变的生活 change ones life 117.让进入 let in118.快点 hurry up 119.到达(大地方) arrive in 120.到达(小地方)arrive at 121. 听到某人做某事 hear sb. do sth.123.听到某人正在做某事 hear sb. doing sth. 124.看见某人做某事 see sb. do sth.125.看见某人正在做 see sb. doing sth. 对某人友好 be friendly to sb.126.担心某人或某事 be worried about sth/ sb.127.寻找 look for 128. 碰巧做某事 happen to do sth.129. 实际上 in fact 130. 因而出名 be famous for131. 受欢迎 be popular 132. 反对 be against133. 赞成 be for 134. 十年后 in ten years135. 自两年前以来 since two years ago 136. 自 1999 年以来 since 1999137. 自他五岁起 since he was five years old 至少 at least 138. 三年半 three years and a half/ three and a half years139. 多于 more than/ over 140. 对感兴趣 be interested in/ take an interest in141. 一双(对、副 )a pair of 142. 感谢做某事 thanks for doing sth.143. 用完 run out of 144. 顺便说一下 by the way145. 想起 th
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