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Resume for SGDC (Experienced)Resume Updated on : dd MMM yyPosition Applied : Sr / Software Engineer C+ / C# / Both (please underline)Note to applicant : the position you applied for will determine how you will be shortlisted and what test you will be given if you are shortlisted.Personal InformationFull Name :(Underline family name)Age : Date of Birth : MMM yy (e.g. Jan 80)Gender : Marital Status :Current Monthly Salary : S$ (include basic pay only)Monthly Salary Expectation : S$ (include basic pay only; in absolute or range)Total Software Development Experience : a yrs b mthsTotal Working Experience : a yrs b mths (for degree holder, state only after degree)Nationality : (non-Singaporeans, indicate if you are Singapore PR, if you are not a PR, indicate if you have intention to apply)Current City of Residence : (include country if not in Singapore)Contact Number : (include country and area code if not in Singapore)Source : (e.g. newspaper ads, monster.com; for referals, please state name of your reference)(agents, please enter your company name here for the candidates)EducationTertiary Institution : (state the university/college you attended)Qualification Attained : (state name of the highest qualification you attained)Duration : MMM yy to MMM yy (a yrs) (if part-time degree, please indicate so)Detail Work Experience(most recent first)Company Name : (please state name of company that you worked for)From : MMM yy To: MMM yy Duration: a yrs b mthsDesignation : (your official title as indicated in your employment contract)Responsibilities : (in 25 words or less)(if you are an employee of a software house that outsource you to other companies, indicate as such)(if you are contract staff, part-time or temp staff, indicate as such, otherwise, it is assumed you are full-time employee)Project Title : (please state software project only) (outsourced candidate please indicate name of client company)From : MMM yy To: MMM yy Duration: a yrs b mthsProject Summary :(in 100 words or less)(Summary of your project as a whole; be it hardware/software/system)Project Lifecycle: Req / Des / Code / Test / Maint (underline all applicable stages; note that these are the stages this project went through, not your involvement. Your involvement is indicated below)Project Size : (state total number of developers including you)Your role in project :(in 50 words or less)(indicate which portion of the project you are actively involved in. e.g. client module, server module etc.)Languages used : (state the top 1 or 2 dominant languages used by you)OS/Environment : (state the top 1 or 2 dominant OS/environment used by you)Other technologies used : (e.g. OOP; state up to top 5 technologies used by you)Mgmt Req Des Code Test MaintYour activities in project :(Total to 100%) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%Note to applicant : The total activities should add up to 100%. If it exceed or is less than 100%, your resume will be rejected. This applies to every single project you state here. Please see end of the file for explanation of each activities.(add projects as needed)Company Name : (please state name of company that you worked for)From : MMM yy To: MMM yy Duration: a yrs b mthsDesignation : (your official title as indicated in your employment contract)Responsibilities : (in 25 words or less)(if you are an employee of a software house that outsource you to other companies, indicate as such)(if you are contract staff, part-time or temp staff, indicate as such, otherwise, it is assumed you are full-time employee)Project Title : (please state software project only) (outsourced candidate please indicate name of client company)From : MMM yy To: MMM yy Duration: a yrs b mthsProject Summary :(in 100 words or less)(Summary of your project as a whole; be it hardware/software/system)Project Lifecycle: Req / Des / Code / Test / Maint (underline all applicable stages; note that these are the stages this project went through, not your involvement. Your involvement is indicated below)Project Size : (state total number of developers including you)Your role in project :(in 50 words or less)(indicate which portion of the project you are actively involved in. e.g. client module, server module etc.)Languages used : (state the top 1 or 2 dominant languages used by you)OS/Environment : (state the top 1 or 2 dominant OS/environment used by you)Other technologies used : (e.g. OOP; state up to top 5 technologies used by you)Mgmt Req Des Code Test MaintYour activities in project :(Total to 100%) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%(add projects as needed)(add companies as needed)Professional Skill sets(state only skills used in professional work; skills used in university projects should not be included)Skills No. of Years Used Date Last UsedC+ (must be 0 if you are applying as C+ or Both; this will be verified with your detailed work experience)MMM yyC# (must be 0 if you are applying as C# or Both; this will be verified with your detailed work experience)MMM yyOOAD / OOP (mu
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