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1. Compared to current products, new product sales typically: a. grow very slowly.b. remain the same.c. grow far more rapidly.d. come down.3. A major obstacle to effectively predicting new product demand is: a. competition.b. market segmentation.c. limited vision.d. market research.4. Which of the following costs refer not only to alternative uses of funds spent on product failures but also to the time spent in unprofitable product development? a. Sunk costsb. Direct costsc. Research and development costsd. Opportunity costs6. The primary reason for new product failure is the inability of the selling company to match its offering to the: a. needs of the customers.b. products offered by competitors.c. prevailing price for the product.d. market leaders selling price.10. Products that are inventions are called: a. new-to-the-world products.b. new category entries.c. addition to product lines.d. product improvements.11. Products that take a firm into a product type new to it, but that are not new to the world are known as: a. new-to-the-world products.b. new category entries.c. additions to product lines.d. product improvements.15. A current product of a company has been enhanced to better serve consumer needs. The new product would fall into which of the following categories? a. New-to-the-world productsb. New category entriesc. Additions to product linesd. Product improvementsAnswer: dLearning Objective: 07-1Level of Difficulty: mediumBlooms: ComprehensionAACSB: Reflective thinkingTopic: New Product StrategyPage: 99Explanation: Product improvements are current products made better. Virtually every product on the market has been improved, often many times.32. Which of the following strategies refers to creating new products to replace existing ones? a. Market penetrationb. Product developmentc. Market developmentd. Market diversificationAnswer: bLearning Objective: 07-1Level of Difficulty: EasyBlooms: KnowledgeAACSB: AnalyticTopic: New Product StrategyPage: 99Explanation: Product development refers to creating new products to replace existing ones.73. Identify the two methods commonly used for creating and managing project teams. a. Idea screening and observational researchb. Test marketing and marketing applicationsc. Skunkworks and rugby approachd. Idea generation and consumer researchChapter 81. Positive images can create value for customers by adding: a. meaning to products.b. features to products.c. design elements to products.d. price details to products.2. Marketing communications designed to create awareness are especially important for new products and brands in order to: a. stimulate trial purchases.b. conduct marketing research.c. do successful vertical marketing.d. build channel relationships. 3. Marketers create positive and distinct images through: a. test marketing.b. marketing communications.c. marketing research.d. vertical marketing.Answer: b4. _ is becoming an important goal of marketing communications because modern technology makes information gathering more practical. a. Building positive imagesb. Retaining customersc. Building channel relationshipsd. Identifying prospects6. Retailers can support manufacturers by: a. featuring the manufacturers brands in their ads.b. distributing coupons to them.c. setting prices exceptionally high.d. discouraging personal selling.13. This paid form of nonpersonal communications may use media such as outdoor displays, car cards, directories, etc., to reach out to a target audience. a. Direct marketingb. Advertisingc. Personal sellingd. Sales promotion14. Which of the following is a personal form of communication? a. Public relationsb. Advertisingc. Sales promotiond. Door-to-door selling21. This refers to a face-to-face communication with potential buyers to inform them about and persuade them to buy an organizations products and services. a. Personal sellingb. Advertisingc. Sales promotiond. Online marketing34. Which of the following promotional tools is least likely to produce conviction among potential buyers? a. Sales promotionb. Personal sellingc. Advertisingd. Public relations65. Over the past two decades, the popularity of sales promotion has been increasing due to: a. the increased pressure on management for long-term results.b. the emergence of new purchase tracking technology.c. the decreasing number of independent retailers.d. a decline in product quality because of poor research and development.67. This involves aiming promotional efforts at distributors, retailers, and sales personnel to gain their cooperation in ordering, stocking, and accelerating the sales of a product. a. Pull marketingb. Push marketingc. Creative marketingd. Target marketing68. _ involve(s) aiming promotional efforts directly at customers to encourage them to ask the retailer for the product. a. Pull strategiesb. Push strategiesc. Penetration pricingd. SkimmingChapter 91. Personal selling, unlike advertising or sales promotion, involve
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