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全部英译汉翻译Unit one 1、That story brings a smile, because it pokes fun at a common type of self-defeatist thinking这个故事让我发笑,因为这个故事它讽刺了普遍存在的悲观者的思维方式。2、If those thoughts spell gloom and doom, thats where youre headed, because put-down words sabotage confidence instead if offering support and encouragement. 如果这些想法意味着黑暗或毁灭,那么你就会走向黑暗和毁灭,因为贬低的话语使人丧失信心而不是给人以支持与勇气。3、hearing her fears and foreboding read out loud made sue realize how much energy she was squandering on imagined catastrophes. If youve been feeling down, it could be youre sending yourself negative message too. Listen to the words churning inside your head. Repeat them aloud or write them down, if that will help capture them.听到自己的恐惧和不祥的感觉被说出来,使苏意识到她在那些虚构的灾难上浪费了如此多的精力。如果你感觉不好,是你在给自己传递消极的信息。倾听你的想法。大声地重复或者写下来,假如这样做有助于能捕获到它们的话。4、By isolating negative words and phrases ,you can pinpoint the damage youre doing to yourself .For Fran and Mark ,the culprits were only and just . Once those words are eliminated ,theres nothing destructive about saying ,”Im a salesman” or “Im secretary. ” both statements open doors to positive follow-ups, such as ,”Im on my way up the ladder.”将那些有害的词汇和句子分离出来,你能确定你自己对自己造成的伤害,对他们来说,罪魁祸首就是“只不过”、“仅仅”这两个词汇。如果把这个词汇去除,它就不再是伤害性的语言“我是一个销售员”、“我是一个秘书”这两句话就为后面积极的话语铺平了道路,“我已经踏上了成功的道路了。”5、If flying frightens you ,get absorbed in the pattern of lights and roads near the airport as your plane is taking off or landing.如果乘飞机感到恐惧,当飞机起飞或降落时,你应当将注意力集中看机场附近的灯光或道路。6、Make it a habit to remember your best self, the you that you want to be.养成一种习惯,即记住自己最美好的时刻,也就是记住你想做的那种人。Unit two1、But for more than a decade, a growing hand of scientists and journalists has pointed to studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of leukemia and other malignancies. 但是十多年来,越来越多的科学家和新闻工作都一直致力于那种将暴露于电磁场与白血病和其他各种恶性肿瘤联系起来。2、In the executive summary of a new scientific review, released in draft from late last week, the EPA has put forward what amount to the most serious government warning to date.在上周晚些时候以草案形式新近发表的科学评论中,美国环保局提出了迄今为止最为严重的警告。3、while the report falls short of classifying ELF fields as probable carcinogens , it does identify the common 60-hertz magnetic field as “a possible, but not proven, cause of cancer in humans”.虽然报告未将超低频电磁场(ELF)归为致癌物质,但确认普通的60赫兹电磁场存在导致人类患癌的可能性。4、If there is a cancer risk, it is a small one .The evidence is still so controversial that the draft stirred a great deal if debate within the Bush Administration, and the EPA released it over strong objections from the Pentagon and the White House.即使存在致癌危险,也是很小的危险。相关的证据依然存在很大的争议,以致于该报告在布什政府内部也引起很大争议,并且美国环保局发表这个草案也是顶着五角大楼和白宫的强烈反对。5、While many experts still express skepticism, there has been a definite shift attitude in the scientific community about the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields .as a recent series in science magazine made clear.尽管许多专家仍然表示质疑,但是科学界对于电磁场可能对人的健康造成影响的态度发生了明显改变,正如科学杂志最近发表的一系列文章所阐明的那样。6、But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove cause and effect.但是,通过发现几组数据之间统计学上的联系的流行病学研究也并不能证明因果关系。7、Meanwhile, ordinary citizens can exercise what is called prudent avoidancedoing relatively easy things to minimize a possible risk.与此同时,普通民众可以采取 审慎规避 做一些相对而言容易的事情降低可能出现的危险。Unit Three1、Most people, of course ,strongly desire more than the minimum level of satisfaction required for survival: They want three meal a day instead of one and a house instead of a hut.当然,大多数人强烈要求不仅限于最低层次的满足感:他们想要一日三餐而不是一日一餐,想要一套住房而不是一间茅草房。 2、Even the few pennies earned by nineteenth-century laborers were strong motivation to people who had not eaten for several days. They would suffer almost any abuse to collect them and live another day .即使19世纪劳工所挣得的几个便士也能成为已经饿了好几天的那些人工作的强烈动机,他们几乎愿意忍受任何虐待以维持生计。3、People have a strong desire to feel protected. Usually this means protection against loss of the physical necessities, the idea of cushion against misfortune.人们有着强烈的追求安全感的需求。通常这是针对 生活必需品 丧失的安全感,那种免遭不幸的需求。4、Status is ones rank in comparison with others in the same social group. A person with high status is one who is well regarded by friends and associate.地位就是一个人在社会群体中所处的位置。有着较高地位的人是受到朋友和同事高度尊重的人。5、Since these familiar with status symbols of status all cost money ,it is common to mistake a striving for status as a drive to accumulate wealth.由于这些熟悉的地位象征都需要花钱,所以人们经常将对地位的追求误解为对财富的聚集。6、Maslow defined the need for self-realization as “the desire to become more what one is ,to become everything one is capable of ”. 马斯洛将自我实现的需求定义为“尽力所为,超越自我。”7、Maslow ladder is a convenient way to classify human needs.But if you see it as a simple step-at-a-time procedure,you make a serious mistake. 马斯洛的需求分层分析法是对人们需求的便捷的归类方法。但如果把它看作为逐步实现的过程,你就大错特错了。Unit Four1、As far as the professional staff of the ETH(the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School)was concerned, Albert Einstein was one of the awkward scholars who might or might not graduate ,but who in either case was a great deal of trouble. And in accordance with their opinions ,
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