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1Presentation of a teaching plan(说课教案)(PEP)小学四年级英语下册 Unit3 Weather Period2邹素梅 陈瑞 熊妍 廖红梅一、Analysis of teaching materialsThe third unit mainly focuses on the words and the sentence patterns about the weather. After the class, students are required to use these words and sentence patterns to make conversations. The second period in this unit is the expansion and extension of the first period, it strengthens the students verbal expression skills. Through the second period, students verbal expression skills will be greatly improved.2、Analysis of studentThe students have grasped the related usage of “it” in unit two, for example, it not only refers to the inanimate thing, but also refers to time. Besides, students have gotten familiar with the special question “What is .?” Due to the students curiosity, active, strong imitation, teachers will employ some interesting games to enhance students interest in studying English and achieve the expected teaching aims.三、Analysis of teaching aims1. Aims on the knowledge(1) Students will be able to understand and speak the key words: warm,cool, hot,cold,weather. Besides, students will be able to use these words in conversations.(2) Students will be able to grasp the sentence patterns: what is the weather like in?Its cold/hot/cool/warm in., (3) Know about the climatic features in our country.2. Aims on the abilities(1) Students will be able to develop the abilities of listening and speaking about the weather report in English.(2) Students will be able to develop the ability of working in groups to talk about the weather.(3)Students will be able to foster the abilities of communication and their innovation. 3. Aims on the emotionStudents will be able to foster the consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition in class to play games.4、Analysis of key points and different points of this lesson1. Key points2(1) Be able to grasp the sentence patterns:what is the weather like ? Its cold/hot/cool/warm in., (2) Be able to grasp these key words: warm,cool,hot ,cold,weather. (3) Be able to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. 2. Difficult points: Be able to pronounce the word “weather” correctly.五、Analysis of Teaching and Learning methods: 1. Teaching Method: says that during the Foundation Education period, the total goal for English lesson is to improve the pupils ability of comprehensive using language. It promotes task teaching structure. According to the little kids physical and psychological characteristics of keeping curios, active and imitating and showing themselves, so, in this lesson I will mainly adopt the following methods: The “Task-based” teaching method; The Audio-lingual method; Total physical Response.Intentions:First,Task-based Teaching method is the mostly common used one and it is easily applied; Second, use the Audio-lingual method they can learn to observe,think and discuss, during this procedure the pupils ability of thinking and using language is developed very well;Third, TPR is the most important method in this lesson, it can make the Ss actively join in the games and learn the lesson happily and easily.2. Learning Method: In order to cater for the pupils characteristics and their abilities, Ill try my best to make them learn this lesson happily, so I will arrange several activities: listening, singing, playing games. And in this lesson, A recorder, some word cards, PPT,Textbooks are needed.Intentions:Through these activities Ss can have a very relaxed atmosphere which is good for their learning and it is just catering for their characteristics.6、Analysis of Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-up: Intentions: singing can not only make students review some words about weather, but also build a relaxing and harmonious circumstance for them.All the class sing the English Childrens song to arouse their interests and help them to step into English learning circumstance happily. Step2 Revision: Intentions: as we all know, new knowledge is the extension and expansion of the old knowledge. So before learning new knowledge, it is useful to review the old one, 3which can strengthen the old knowledge, and can also set a good foundation for the subsequent learning.Review the words of weather, such as hot , warm and so on,which we learned in the first period in this unit .Step3 Lead-in(7 minutes): Intentions: The beginning of each class is very vital. It is easy for teachers to introduce the following contents if they can attract students attention and arouse students enthusiasm. Simple communication and relaxing song can cater students psychological needs, which can prompt them learn actively and with ease. So the prepared activities before class can not only animate classroom atmosphere, but also relieve students nervousness.First, ask students to do the actions according to my sentences. For example, “ Its a sunny day. Its six oclock. Its time to get up. (students do the action of getting up) .Second, communi
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