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汉语量词与英文用法对照(Comparison betweenChinese Words of Measurement and Their English Equivalents)量词是现代汉语 11类词中的一种,运用非常普遍,大约有 500多个量词。除了表“量”以外,它的一个显著特点就是习惯搭配。即使是华人也有弄错的时候,学中文的外国人更是头疼。所以正确认识量词,准确翻译汉语量词也是很重要的。英语中没有像汉语这样的“量词”分类,但有类似的用法和修辞结构,如 quantitive determinatives(量词限定词),portative(量词),quantifiers(量词)。它们之间有相同之处,但更多的是差异。因而,本节以一定的版面来分析其不同结构和用法,不过,更多的还是靠读者自己潜心收集认识,才能掌握如何翻译。1、一群一群人 a crowdgroupmultitudethrongarmyteamclass of people;a gangswarmhordepackband of people(in a derogatory way)troop通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人。如:a troop of demonstratorsshoppersvisitorsbevy特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。如:a bevy of actressesyoung womenladiesshop girlsquails表贬义的“一群”有:a mob of angry peopleriotersslavesliarsblackguardshorde原意为游牧部落,通常含有轻蔑色彩:a horde of lazy-bonesswindlerslocustshooligansband;gang常指“帮”:a band of robbersgangstersthievesoutlawsa gang of criminalsslavesprisoners一群牛、象、马、天鹅a herd of cattleelephantshorsesswans一群鸟a flock of birdsgeesehensgoatsswallowssheepchickens一群猎狗a pack of houndswolvesgrouse一群狐狸a skulk of foxes一群狮子a pride of lions一群星星a cluster of stars一群鱼a schoolshoal of fishshrimps一群马a studdrove of horses一群鹅a gaggleflock of geese一群蚊子蝴蝶a swarm of mosquitoesbutterflies一群(窝)蚂蚁a colony of antsbees一群建筑物a clumpcomplex of buildings2、一丝点层片一片草皮a chunk of turf一丝睡意a wink of sleep一丝怀疑a shadow of doubt一点点工作a stroke of work一线未来之光a glimpse of future一缕月光a streak of moonlightamber(fig)一丝绿意;一片绿色a tint of green一片心意a small token of our hearts一丝嫉妒;一阵窘迫a slight twinge of jealousyembarrassment一丝恻隐之心a sign of sympathy for.一丝懊悔a slight twinge of remorse一层霜雪糖霜a layer of frostsnowcream一丝失望的眼神a flicker of disappointment(剩下)一口气一丝气a sparkbreath of life一丝失望的情绪a taintfaint of disappointment一片漆黑completely dark;dismal night;pitch dark一片汪洋a flood of water3、英译“一阵”,颇有学问,且看以下译例(突然爆发出的)一阵哭泣喝彩炮击雷声a burst of tearscheersgunfirethunder(量如洪水的)一阵泪雨瓢泼大雨夸夸其谈a flood of tearsrainboasts少量或稀疏的一阵(小)雨射击a spatter of rainbullets一阵稀疏的掌声喝彩a spatter of applausecheers声响很大的一阵隆隆的炮声雷声a peal of artillerythunder突然而猛烈的一阵暴雨狂风烈火a gustblast of rainwindflame持续短暂的一阵怒气激情咳嗽a fit of angerpassioncoughing一阵呕吐a vomiting fit持续一段时间的一阵厄运暑热a spell of bad lucksummer heat一阵寒潮a cold spell of weather一阵昏厥a fainting spell(针捻刀刺般的)一阵内疚牙痛风湿痛a twinge of remorsetoothacherheumatism一阵尴尬a twinge of embarrassment(抽搐或颤抖的)一阵痛苦伤心咳嗽激动a spasm of paingriefcoughingexcitement雹打雨淋般的一阵轰炸打击咒骂a hail of bombsblowscurse一阵弹雨批评a shower of bulletscriticism更多的例子一阵欢乐an agony of joy一阵子爱意a flush of love一点点工作a stroke of work一阵心脏病发作a stroke of heart attack一点点满足a crumb of satisfaction一种混乱的政治局面a chaos of politics4、“一阵”为何有这么多不同的译法其实原因很简单,汉语“一阵”这个数量词不含修辞色彩,可用于各类描述;而在英语中,“一阵”这个概念则是由许多不同的名词来表述的,而且这些词一般分别具有不同的修辞色彩。如:spatter “少量”,“稀疏”之义;peal 专指一阵响亮或轰鸣的声音;twinge 特指肉体或心灵上的一阵剧烈的刺痛;burst 泛指突然爆发出的一阵,有突如其来之感;hail 和 shower的比喻色彩也很浓,有雹打雨淋之感;spell 常用于描述天气、疾病等,表持续一阵子;flood 一词比喻色彩浓厚,给人以量如洪水,滔滔不绝之感;gust 则专指风、雨、雹、火、烟等的突然而猛烈的一阵。也可用喻感情的猛烈进发;fit 常指持续时间短暂的一阵尤指疾病的短暂发作或感情的短暂进发;spasm 原指痉挛,抽搐,用于动作、感情的一阵突发时,表抽搐或浑身颤抖之感。由此可见,英译“一阵”,宜细心推敲,酌情翻译。5、其他类似的汉译英所用的修辞性的用法a)暗喻 Metaphor一串香蕉 a hand of bananas颗颗汗珠 beads of sweat一长串汽车 a string of cars很大的朋友圈 a large circle of friendsb)借代 Metonymy一串珍珠 a rope of pearls一炉钢a heat of steel一年三熟 three crops a year一大群飞机a cloud of planes林立的烟囱a forest of chimneys一片沙滩a beach of sandsc)夸张 Hyperbole多如牛毛的问题a sea of troubles一大笔钱a pile of money勃然大怒a wave of anger开怀大笑gales of laughter无数次heaps of times小不点a dot of child一小撮敌人a pinch of enemy滔滔不绝的话语a flood of words6、英语常用单位词及汉语对应词(Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents)piece 块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张a piece of breadpaperwoodfurniturelandadvicenewsmeatclothmusic.bit 一点;一些;一片 a bit of waterwoodgrasstrouble.item 条;则;项an item of newsinformationbusinessprogramme.article 件;项;条an article of furnitureclothingluggageexport.grain 粒;颗a grain of riccewheatsaltsand.drop 滴a drop of wateroilrainblooddew.slice 薄片a slice of meatbreadcakeham.cake 块a cake of soapmudice.bar 块;条a bar of chocolatecandysoap.ear 穗an ear of cornricewheatmillet.loaf 块;条a loaf of bread.lump 块;团a lump of claysugarearth.spiral 盘a spiral of mosquito incense.card 板a card of buttonspack 副;盒a pack of cardscigarettesfistful(s)一把a fistful of sandrice.handful(s)一把a handful of soil.armful(s)一抱an armful of flowers.cupful(s)一杯four cupfuls of jam.mouthful(s)一口a mouthful of snowwhys.spoonful(s)一汤匙a spoonful of sugar.spadeful(s)一铲a spadeful of coal.bagful(s)一袋a bagful of letters.但 an eyeful of的意思是“对大饱眼福”truckload 一货车a truckload of apples.shipload 一船a shipload of TV sets.lorryload 一卡车a lorryload of iron.fit 一阵子a fit of coughingfeverlaughteranger.ray 一线a ray of hopeintelligencesunlightpeal 一阵a peal of thunderlaughterapplause.flash 闪现一下a flash of hopelighteningwit.display 炫耀一下a display of powercourageforcelearningskill.attack 一疾病的发作an attack of fevermalar
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