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Type : Single choice ( 1 point for each, total 40 points).1The embryonic period(胚胎期)ends and the fetal period begins at gestational age: A5 weeks B9weeks C12weeks D16weeks E20weeks 2The age of peak of height velocity (PHV) for most children is: A9-11 years old for boys, 8-10 years old for girls B11-13 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girlsC11-13 years old for boys, 9-11 years old for girls D14-16 years old for boys, 12-14 years old for girls E9-11 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girls3The number of primary teeth(乳牙) that generally erupt in children by 3 years of age is: A4 B8 C12 D16 E204Which of the following is not an expected finding in an 8-month-old? APalm grasp BShy with strangers CSit without support DBabbling “mama” EIndicates wants5Transferring object for hand to hand is an expected finding at what age? A3 months B5 months C7 monthsD9 months E11 months6Which of the following is not an expected milestone during two to four months of age? APosterior fontanel(后囟)closesBTransfers objects from one hand to the otherCDecrease in head lag when pulled to sitDFollows objects 180 degreesESmiles to others responsively7The recommended daily dietary allowance of vitamin A in infancy is: A50ugRE(160IU) B100 ugRE C200 ugRED400 ugRE E1000 ugRE8By 4 to 6 months, the first food introduced to formula fed infant is: AIron-fortified infant cereal BFormula milk CEggDFresh cows milk ECows milk fortified with Vit A, D9The most common complication of measles is: Aotitis media Bpneumonia ClaryngitisDexacerbation of tuberculosis Ecutaneous infection10All the following statements about Toxic Bacillary Dysentery are true except: AThe age of peak incidence is 27 years oldBIts pathogen is different from other types of Bacillary DysenteryCThe season of peak incidence is in summer DIt onsets abruptly and progresses rapidly EThere maybe no Diarrhea when septic shock occurs11The key step to treat septic shock is: ACorticosteroids BVasoactive agents CInitial fluid resuscitationDCardiants EHeparin12Which one of the following is the most common complication of varicella? Asecondary cutaneous bacterial infections Bcervical lymph adenitis Cencephalitis Dactue bacterial sepsis Earthritis13The most reliable evidence for Tuberculosis Meningitis(TBM)diagnosis is: AMental status changes BPositive result of PPDCHeadache and vomiting DConvulsion and comaEDetected mycobacterium tuberculosis in CSF 14The most commonly impaired cranial nerve in TBM is: AFacial nerve BOculomotor nerver (动眼神经)CAbducens nerve(外展神经) DTrochlear nerve (滑车神经)EAuditory nerve(听神经)15The course of the antituberculous theray in children with TBM is: A36months B69 months C912monthsD1215months E1824months16The most common cause of infantile hepatitis syndrome in China is: ACMV BHBV CMetabolic diseasesDBacterium ECongenital Biliary malformation17Besides swelling of parotids, which manifestation below is most commonly found in mumps? Apancreatitis Bcarditis CpneumoniaDmeningoencephalitis Ehepatitis18Which of the following statement is false: ABoth mumps patient with apparent parotitis and the subclinical patient are of the transmission sources of mumpsBMost mumps parotitis are bilateral, other than one side parotid involvement CPain, swelling, tenderness and redness over the glands are characteristics of mumps DSome patients have the submandibular gland inflammation EEpididymitis is associated with orchitis in most cases19The characteristics in Excitement stage of Rabies is: Anumbness at the site of bite Bconvulsion and comaCaggressiveness Dnumbness of whole bodyEhydrophobia(恐水)20Which of the following about infantile hepatitis syndrome is wrong? ACMV is the main pathogen BFat-soluble avitaminosis can be occurredCHereditary and genetic metabolic disorders are the most common causes of infantile hepatitis syndromeDBiliary atresia is common cause of infantile hepatitis syndromeEThe main route infants get HBV infection is mother-to-child transmission. 21What is the most common pathogen of bro
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