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高中第二册(下)Unit 11-Unit 12知识梳理.网络构建单词engineering solar significant mankind likely economic zone hi-tech private overseas technological grasp master perfect arrange rely failure locate valley brand luggage achieve breakthrough impressive *agency supercomputer league distance balloon fiction servant whale hunter guest voyage abroad prisoner gentle matter *phenomena attention labour hesitate butcher curtain lip词汇词组 set foot in rely on put forward through light upon语法 构词法.重点精讲重点单词1.likely例句集锦adj.(1)Snow showers are likely in the next 24 hours.未来的 24小时内可能有阵雪。The likely cost of the operation is 20 000 American dollars.这次手术的花费可能得达两万美圆。At likely story!可能有的事!(常为讥讽)(2)He is likely to win.=It is likely that he will win.他可能会赢。Its likely to be cold tonight.今天晚上可能会变冷。There is not likely to be much rain tomorrow.明天不会有很多雨。(3)a likely candidate 极有可能当选的候选人Search all the most likely places first.首先搜索所有最有可能躲藏的地方。He is the most likely person for the job.他是最适合那份工作的人。adv. Most likely it will be a woman.很可能会是个女人。He has most likely forgotten.他很可能忘了。He will very likely come by car.他大概会开车来。用法归纳*likely可用作形容词或副词。主要有四个意项:有可能的;可能会;适当的;大概,或许,很可能。特别提示likely指有发生的可能性,通常用于好事。如:He is likely to win.2.locate例句集锦vt.(1)We couldnt locate the source of the radio signal.我们无法确定无线电信号的来源。If you locate her,tell me at once.如果你找到她马上告诉我。(2)Where is the new university to be located?新大学将设于何处?They located their Asian office in Hong Kong.他们的亚洲办事处设在香港。The business is located right in the center of town.商店正好位于市中心。vi. 美定居(in)He is going to locate in California.他打算在加州定居。 用法归纳*locate用作动词主要有三个义项:找出的位置;指出/确认的场所;设置(工厂、机关等) ;位于及定居。特别提示locate当“位于”讲时,常与介词 in/by/near等搭配。3.achieve例句集锦vt.Women havent yet achieved full equality in the workplace.在工作领域,妇女还没有取得完全平等的地位。China has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world this year.中国今年已实现世界最高的经济增长率。He achieved nothing.他一事无成。vi.We want all our students to achieve within their chosen profession.我们希望所有的学生在各自选择的专业领域内都能有所成就。n.Winning three gold medals is a remarkable achievement.赢得 3枚金牌是个了不起的成绩。You get a wonderful sense of achievement when you reach the top.当你到达顶部时,会有一种绝妙的成就感。用法归纳*achieve 用作动词,主要有三个义项:实现;取得;达到、获得成功等。其名词形式为:achievement。有可数名词和不可数名词,意为“实现、完成;成绩、成就” 。特别提示achieve指达成有价值的或重要的事情,并暗示需克服困难或障碍。4.matter例句集锦n.(1)You do realize this is a serious matter,dont you?你确实意识到这是一件严重的事情,对吧?Thats a matter of life and death.那是生死攸关的问题。a matter of greatest importance 极重要的事(2)Take matters easy(seriously).对事情抱轻松(认真)的态度。let the matters drop(rest) 就此打住;把事情搁下as matters stand=as the matter stands 照现状来说(3)Is anything the matter?有什么事(问题)吗?Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?Nothing is the matter.没什么事。(4)The universe is composed of matter.宇宙由物质构成。v.(1)We have missed the train!我们已经误车了。It doesnt matter,there is another one in 10 minutes.没关系,10 分钟以后还有一趟。Will it matter if I am a little late?我晚来一会不要紧吧?It doesnt matter what you wear,as long as you look neat and tidy.只要看起来干净整洁,你穿什么都可以。(2)It mattered a great deal to her what other people thought of her.其他人怎么看她对她来说极为重要。All that matters(what matters) is that you are safe.重要的是你的安全。用法归纳*matter可用作名词和不及物动词。主要有三个义项:(笼统)事情,事态,麻烦事;占有空间的物体或物质;成为问题,关系重大等。可构成如下词组:a matter of 有关的问题;as a matter of fact 事实上;for that matter 关于那件事,就那件事而言;no matter what/which/who/where/when/why/how 无论什么/哪一个/什么人/什么地方/什么时候/为什么/怎么样。特别提示matter用以指笼统情况时常用复数形式。用作动词时,主要以 it为主语,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句。重点短语1.set foot in(on) 踏进,造访,进入例句集锦I will never set foot in Tokyo again.我再也不到东京去了。She swore she would never set foot in his house ever again.她发誓不再进入他的房子。相关归纳(1)get/jump/rise to ones feet 站起/跳起身来Mike jumped to his feet and ran towards the window.迈克跳起来,向窗口跑去。(2)on foot 步行,徒步 Shall we go by bus or on foot?我们搭公车还是步行?动着;(事情)开始;(一步一步地)在进行set a plan on foot着手一项计划on ones feet 站着;(病)复元;自立He was on his feet clapping loudly.他站起来大声地鼓掌。You must help her get back on her feet.你必须帮助她复元。2.rely on/upon 信赖例句集锦We may rely on /upon his promise.我们可以信赖他的诺言。The man is not to be relied upon.那个人不可靠。I rely on you to help me.我依赖你帮助我。I rely on getting the money next week.我相信下星期可以得到那笔钱。特别提示rely on /upon 之后若要接 that从句,则在中间加 it。如:You can rely upon it that he will come.你放心他会来的。3.put forward 推举、提出、提倡、促进例句集锦We put him forward for the position of chairman.我们推举他当主席。He had no desire to put forward his plan.他不想提出他的计划。Put a clock an hour forward.将时钟拨快一小时。相关归纳(1)put aside 放在一旁;搁置;储蓄He put aside his books.他把他的书放在一旁。I put aside 200 dollars every month.我每月储蓄 200美圆。(2)put away 收起来;(为将来而)储蓄I put away a little money away every month.我每个月储存一点钱。Let me just put these files away.让我把这些文件收拾好。(3)put through 顺利完成,接通电话The project has been put through successfully.那项计划已经大功告成。Please put me through to Mr Brown.请接布郎先生。(4)put it 叙述,表达As Lucretius put it,“what is food to one man may be fierce to others.”正如罗切斯所说:“对于一个人可能是美食的东西,对于其他人可能是毒药。 ”Long-term planning is a waste of time because as Keynes put it in the long term were all dead.长期规划是浪费时间,因为正如凯恩斯所说,从长远来看,我们终有一死。I want to say I love her,but I dont know how to put it.我想说我爱她
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