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学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.com学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.comUnit 5 1. knock (v.) / (n.)The noise came from a branch knocking against the window. 这是树枝撞击窗户的声音。词组:knock down 把某人打(撞)倒,拆毁(建筑物等) ,降价knock off 下班 knock out 击昏某人 knock the spirit out of 使懊恼2. hurt (v.) hurt 作不及物动词时表示“疼痛” ,作及物动词时表示“ 受伤” 。My head hurts. 我头痛。I hurt my head on the corner of the desk. 桌子的角碰伤了我的头。区别:injure, wound, damage, ruin, destroyinjure 用于人在事故中受伤。wound 用于人在武力搏斗中受伤。damage 用于人时指部分人体功能受伤。如:damage ones health, damage ones lungs.指物时也是指部分受损,一般可以修复。如:My car was damaged in the accident. ruin 和 destroy 用法大致相同。用于人时指毁了前程,毁灭了希望。如:ruin / destroy ones life, ruin / destroy ones hope. 用于物时指彻底毁坏。如:The building was destroyed / ruined in the bombing. 3. leave (n./ v.) 离开,请假,托付, (使)处于某种状态She left for Beijing last week. 她上周动身去了北京。She was on a sick leave. 她在休病假。词组:ask for (two days) leave 请(两天)假 take leave 告辞take (a) French leave 不辞而别 leave sb. alone 让某人独自待会儿leave behind 遗留 on a sick leave 请病假leave a good (deep) / bad impression on sb. 给某人留下好(坏)印象the left-over 挑剩的,吃剩的4. guilt (n.) guilty (adj.) 内疚的,有罪的学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.com学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.comHe was found guilty of murder. 他被判决犯有谋杀罪。The finger prints left on the glass proved the murderers guilt. 留在玻璃杯上的手印证实了凶手的罪行。短语:be found guilty / innocent of sth. 被判有(无)罪5. conscience (n.) 良心,良知She gave him back the money shed stolen for the sake of her conscience.为了不受良心的谴责,她把从他那偷来的钱还给他了。a guilty conscience 内疚 a clear conscience 问心无愧in (all) conscience 凭良心,公正地 How can we in all conscience justify the charging of fees for such a service?我们怎么才能凭良心证明为这种服务收费是合理的?。on ones conscience 令人感到内疚;受良心谴责An act of providence had prevented him from having a death on his conscience.天意阻止了他因良心谴责而自杀。6. violence (n.) 暴力family violence 家庭暴力 violence films 暴力电影racial violence 种族暴力 resort to violence 使用暴力threaten sb. with physical violence 以动武来威胁某人turn the other cheek to violence 对暴力逆来顺受violent (adj.) 暴力的7. checkout (n.) 付款台;付款处类似词组:check in 登记,报到,检票进站 check up 校队,调查check out 结账离开,按手续借书,从银行取钱8. queue (n.) / (v.) 排成队We queued up (lined up) for the bus. 我们排队候车。短语:form a queue 排成队 stand in a long queue 在长队中等候jump the queue 插队 wear a queue 留辫子9. counselor / counsellor (n.) 专业顾问学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.com学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.comcounsel(l)ing (专家的)建议financial counseling 财务咨询 a student counseling service 辅导学生的工作counsel (v.) 向提供专业建议;建议,劝告The lawyer counseled him not to say anything. 律师建议他什么也不要说。She counseled her daughter on how to behave well at the ball. 就任何在舞会上表现得体,她给她女儿提供了一些建议。10. hesitate (v.) (1) hesitate to do = be reluctant to do 犹豫着不想,不情愿做I hesitate to tell you the whole truth. 我犹豫着不想告诉你全部的真相。(2) hesitate + 介词:对犹豫He is still hesitating about joining / over whether to join the club. 就是否要加入俱乐部他仍然在犹豫。He hesitates at nothing. 他一点也不优柔寡断。hesitation (n.) (不可数)He agreed to help the boy without hesitation / after some hesitation.他毫不犹豫地答应帮助那个男孩 / 在一番犹豫之后他答应帮助那个男孩。11. situation (1) 状况,处境,局面,形势in unexpected situations 在意外情况发生时get into / out of an embarrassing situation 陷入 / 摆脱一个尴尬的处境。(2) 职业find a new situation 找到一个新职业situation wanted 求职 situation vacant 招聘12. case (n.) (可数)(1) 事例,实例,情形It was a clear case of love at first sight. 这显然是一见钟情。(2) 案情,案件;病例 / 情, 患者The case will be tried in the law court next month. 本案下个月审理。There were seven cases of flu. 有七起流感病例。(3) the case 实情,情况If thats the case, I must try. 果真如此,我必须试一下。学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.com学而思教育 学习改变命运 思考成就未来! 高考网 www.gaokao.comIn case of my not being there, ask my brother to help. 万一 / 如果我不在,就找我的兄弟帮忙。In no case are you to give up. 在任何情况下你都不应该放弃。13. persuade (v.) 劝说,劝服The salesman persuaded me to buy / persuaded me into buying his product. 销售人员说服我买下了他的产品。persuasion (n.) (不可数)He won their support by persuasion, not force. 他通过劝说而非武力赢得了他们的支持。14. contact (v.) 联系,联络I shall contact you by telephone on Friday. 我会在周五和你电话联系的。(n.) (不可数)接触,联系make / lose contact with (和某人)取得 / 失去联系be in / out of contact with 和接触,有联系 / 脱离接触,失去联系We have been in close contact with our relatives. 我们和亲戚一直保持着密切联系。contact lens 隐形眼镜15. watch for 观察等待(某人出现 / 发生某事) ,小心等候He watched for an opportunity of returning quietly. 他静静地等候着回去的机会。watch out for 警惕或注意You must watch out for the traffic here. 你必须时时留意这儿的往来车辆。Watch out! Theres a car coming. 当心,有一辆车开过来了。16. belong to 属于(无被动,无进行时态)The house Mary lives in belongs to her parents, not her. = Her parents rather than Mary owns the house in which she lives. 玛丽现在所住的房子不是属于她的,而是属于她的父母的。17. regretregret to say / tell sb./ inform sb. 很遗憾地说 / 告诉 / 通知某人(坏消息)I regret to inform you that the lecture has been called off. 我很遗憾地通知你讲座取消了。regre
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