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1Unit13In principle 原则上On principle 根据原则来说On the principle of 根据原则Empty feel 手感,轻松A numerical order 号数The numerical strength 数值优势Chin 中国人,引体向上Keep ones chin up 不要灰心,不要气馁Stick ones out 招惹Take it on the chin 忍受,忍耐Chin musses/wag 闲谈Green house effect 温室效应Lighting a sparkler 放烟火Lighting a staring of firecrackers 放鞭炮State of the art 技术发展的水平Production structure 产业结构Ground hog day 似曾相识,梦中情人Carry on the past and open our future 承前启后,继往开来Strode up/down the streets 逛街Sleep in/lie in 睡懒觉Go on an outing 远足,旅游Bay grounds at a discount 打折Go for a drive in ones car 开车兜风Hang about in a bar 泡吧Surf in web 上网I have always believe that, when it relate to ideas. Hence a mattes of freedom of opinion , as long as they are not political commitment.我向来相信,如果谈到思想时,只要不是政治承诺,那么发表意见就自由。Steel being an importance raw material of modern industry, the steel industry on an importance pillar of national economy and the steel output of a country is an index to the economy strength of the country.钢铁是现代工业主要原料,钢铁是我们的主要支柱,一个国家钢铁产量是衡量一个国家经济实力的杠杆。The tougher the question, the more likely its a question that people in the audience want to hear the answer to.回答问题越困难,越可能是听众希望听到的Its skin sane and bloody boring.一点都不爽Unit 14Low keyed 低调的All my eyes 岂有此理Tell somebody the truth and face music 勇于面对现实French leave 不辞而别Business controller 业务主任Admin station manager 行政管理Parallel universes 平行世界Chat room 聊天室,吸烟室Text messaging 发邮件Snail mail 蜗牛文件Chick lit 女性文学Airport novels 无聊小说Cross-straits relation 台海关系No progress simply means regression 逆水行舟,不进则退Press conference/brief 新闻发布会losing enterprise 亏损企业Laboratory scale 试验室规模Information of failure manager 故障管理信息Failure intensity rate 故障强度频率Reliable analysis 可靠性分析Equipment failure frequency 故障频率Facilities inspection 故障检查(线上检查)Trail check out (可用仪器)故障检查Patrol inspection 故障巡回检查Equipment monitoring 设备检测Amendments to the constitution 宪法制定案Have abort in ones throat 找个借口Pull somebodys leg 与某人开玩笑On hair stands on end 怒发冲冠Snow white 白雪公主Good match 郎才女貌,天生一对Rose all the way 万事如意Top match 重要级人物Very reserved 非常内向的人,有城府的人On set end though 好好想想Seeing believes 百闻不如一见Honor fraternities 优秀生荣誉组织Have a sweet-tooth 非常喜欢吃零食2Unit 15Country of origin 原产地The old cast 原班人马Original manuscript 原稿Original work 原著Cost price 原价Plaintiff 原告Lo-existence of apportioning and challenge 机遇和挑战To-existence of hope and obstacle 希望与困难同在Back and forth 反反复复Bleak and white 白纸黑字Day and night 夜以继日Now and then 有时Fire and water 赴汤蹈火Here and there 到处都是Theme park 主题公园Breath talking scary 令人惊叹的Hand and foot 非常勤勉的Not her hence and there 题外语High and low 到处,高高低低Blow hot and clod 犹豫不决The long and short of it 通常来说,大体来说More or less 多多少少Sooner or later 迟早First and last 总的来说,始终Off and on 断断续续Rain or shine 风雨无阻Founding forties 开国功勋The new frontier (开拓性)新领域Over throw 颠覆Old repine 旧政权Soft science 社会科学,宗教Regime change 政权更迭colored change 附带损害Second strike (核辐射)第二次打击Required course 必修课Go common do 粗俗的Economic migrant 经济移民Standing ovation 大受欢迎Chose pal 酒肉朋友Max out 累趴了Get a load of 尝试一下,试验一下The man 有能力的人Have a low 非常生气的Beats me 不清楚Get for it 全力以赴Go this for 到此为止Hold a grade 心怀不满Identify with 感同身受Live off 吃软饭Ran a business 做生意Play hard to pet 欲擒故纵Push ones luck 得寸进尺Rub it in 落井下石A shrift to ones back 一无所有Cut ones coat according to ones cloth 量力而为 Die in ones boots 工作中猝死Dress somebody down (过度的)指责Dress code 穿衣的规矩Coat hanger 衣架Clothes pins 衣夹Ensembles 套装Out firs 整套服装Treasury bonds 国库券The great row where the greater motherland is goes to the world.伟大的祖国正走向世界前列All men are equal in the eye of the low.法律面前人人平等Lets get this country moving again.让我们推动国家再次向前发展The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.我们唯一恐惧的是恐惧本身Justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.唯有公正如大水滚滚,唯有正义如江水滔滔 Only after he leaves will we realize how different he was, how different we were and how with him gone, weve lost something special.他的离去,我们才会发现他的与众不同,我们是那么不同于以往,随着他的离去,我们失去一些特殊的东西Unit 16Steel plate 钢板3Steel products 钢材(板,型材)Steel tube and pipe 钢管Steel rule 钢尺Steel ingot 钢锭Steel structure 钢的结构Steel grade 钢号Steel seal 钢铭牌Steel real 钢箍Reinforcing steel bar 钢筋Seamless steel tube 钢筋混泥土Reinforcing concrete 加强凝固Drill rod 钢钎Steel cage 钢罩Hack saw 钢具Steel making 炼钢Channel steel 槽钢I steel beam 工字钢Steel cored copper conductor 钢芯的铜线Helmet 钢盔Combination pliers 钢丝钳Spring steel 弹簧钢Wolfram steel 钨钢Structure steel 结构钢Cold rolling mill 冷轧机Leveling machine (板材)矫正机Electric furnace (钢材处理用的)电炉Rolling mill 轧钢厂(小型的)Forge and press 锻压Iron-smelt plant 化铁厂Heavy steel rolling mill 大型的轧钢厂Medium plate mill 中板厂Medium plate rolling machine 中板的轧机Sheet steel mill 薄板厂Electric arc furnace 电弧炉Bending machine 弯板机Coking plant 炼焦Iron founding 铸铁(铸造)Rough rolling mill 粗轧,再精轧Gathering/meeting/assembly/conference 多人集会Seminar/debate/symposiu
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