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高三英语一轮复习导学案1课题 Book 2 Module 2 No Drugs 第_1_课时 使用时间 _2014. 9. 1_课型 复习课 编制人 杨阳 郭艳俊 审核人 赵科新学习目标1. 熟记模块二的单词和短语2. 牢固掌握重点单词和核心短语的用法3. 熟练掌握并能灵活运用经典句型重点难点1. 辨析 likely,possible, probable2. break, give, pay 词组辨析 3. whatever 与 however 引导的让步状语从句的区别学法指导1. 课前 30 分钟自主学习,完成预习学案2. 课中 10 分钟高效讨论 3. 课中 15 分钟展示答案 4. 课中 10 分钟答疑解惑 5. 课中 5 分钟反刍巩固6. 课后 10 分钟自我梳理使用要求1.书写要认真规范2.找出自己的疑惑和需要讨论的问题,用红笔做好标记3.老师讲解时务必用红笔修正答案学 案 内 容 自我梳理 导学过程【 自 主 学 习 】Task 1 根据词性和汉语写出下列单词1.addictive adj.使人上瘾的_n. 瘾君子; 对(药物等)上瘾 _adj. 上瘾的2.inject vt.注射 _n. 注射3.burglary n.盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪_ n.小偷_ v. 盗窃4.crime n.罪行;犯罪行为_n. 罪犯5.illegal adj.违法的;不合法的_adj. 合法的,法律的_adv. 合法地6.ratio n.比;比率 _n. 速率;速度7.treatment n.治疗_v.对待_ v. 治愈8.affect vt.影响;对有坏影响_n. 影响_ n. 挚爱,钟爱9.participant n.参与者;参加者_v. 参与_n. 参加,参与10.recognise vt.认出;认识;认知_ n.认出_adj. 可辨认的11.distraction n.分心;分散注意力 _ v. 使分心_ v. 吸引的注意力_n.吸引(力)_adj. 有吸引力12.gymnastic adj.体操的_n.体操_ n.体育馆,体操_ n. 体操运动员13.danger n.危险 _adj. 危险的_vt. 是遭受危险,危害_adj. 濒危的Ex.1. The policeman walked to the _ parked car. 2. When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed beyond all_.3. He has admitted committing several_, including two murders. )高三英语一轮复习导学案44. Its a disease which _ mainly older people. 5. Im _ to chocolates.6. When they got back from their holiday they found that their home had been_. 7. I can turn the television off if you find it a_. 8. She never _ in any of our discussions, does she? 【 合 作 探 究 】Task 1 重点单词1.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 vt.使上瘾;使沉溺于addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于become/get/be addicted to 对 上瘾;沉迷于。主语是人be addictive to sb. 吸引某人。主语是物运用:1) She is simply_.她简直就是一个服装迷。2) She_. 她沉迷于网上冲浪。3) These nuts_ and I cant stop eating them. 这些坚果吸引了我,禁不住想吃它们。2. offer v.& n.提供;提出;出价,索价;奉献,牺牲offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.提供某物给某人 offer to do sth.愿意做某事offer sb. some money for sth. 向某人出价买某物 offer sb. sth. + for money 向某人索价卖某物 offer advice/a suggestion 提出建议turn down/refuse an offer (of .)拒绝提议运用:1) Someone will_. 有人将出价 20,000 元买你的房子。2) My classmates_. 我的同学主动提出帮助我学习英语。拓展:provide 与 supply 向某人提供某物 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物; provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to sb.运用:1) She_ to drive me to the station. 她表示愿意开车送我去车站。2) The government has_ the flood areas with enough food. 政府已为洪灾地区提供了充足的食物。3) These books will _us with all the information we need. 这些书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息。4) Thank you for _ to help, but I can manage it myself.A. providing B. supplying C. giving D. offering3. increase v.& n. 增加;增长;提高increase to 增加到 increase by 增加了运用: Since then the number of people taking driving lessons _ 200%.A. has increased to B. increases by C. has increased by D. have increased by4.likely adj. 很可能发生的;有希望的;可能会成功的sb./sth. be likely to do . 某人/ 事可能 It is likely that . 很可能It is likely that shell win the match 她可能赢得这场比赛向某人提供某物offer_provide_supply_翻译:decrease/reduce/decline to_decrease/reduce/decline by _高三英语一轮复习导学案5=She_.思考: likely, possible 与 probable 的区别主语可以是人,也可以是物的是_possible 常用句式为“It is possible for sb. to do sth.” 或“It is possible that .”。probable 常用句式为 “It is probable that .”。运用:Its nearly ten oclock and father is _ to walk in at any moment.A. possibly B. probably C. likely D. maybe5. sharemarket share 市场占有率share of 的份额;的部份share with / between/among 分与,分配;和 分享share in 分享,分担share price 经股价The lions share 最大的份额运用:1) They wanted us to_. 他们希望我们分享他们的兴奋和快乐。2) He bought_. 他买了一万股那家公司的股票。3)Although different in many ways, the British and the Americans _ many of the same customs.A. make B. take C. share D. give4)Can you _ me a few minutes? I want to have a word with you?A. share B. spare C. give D. make6. ban vt. 禁止,取缔;n. 禁令;禁止(常接介词 on)put a ban on .=ban sth. 禁止ban doing sth. 禁止做某事 ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事1) Canada will_ later this year. 今年下半年,加拿大所有的办公室都禁止吸烟。2) He_. 他被禁止开车一年。区别 ban 与 forbidban 语气最重,指权威机关正式禁止;forbid 是普通用词,指个人行为;搭配上的不同ban/forbid+ n./doing sth. 禁止某事 /做某事ban sb. from doing sth. forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事运用:He was _ to talk to her. A. banned B. prohibited C. forbidden D. prevented7.affect vt. 对有坏影响have a bad effect on; 使感动;被感动 ; (指疾病) 侵袭;感染1) The noise
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