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餐饮英语中餐厅英语预定1、Good morning/afternoon/evening.(The name of the restaurant and your name )May I help you?h早上/下午/晚上好,某某餐厅,我能为您做些什么?2、 How many guests are coming?请问共有多少人用餐?3、 How many persons are there in your party,sir/madam?请问共有多少人用餐,先生/女士?4、 What time would you like to arrive?请问你们几点种到?5、 May I have your name,please?请问贵姓? 6、 Could you spell your name for me,please?请您拼读一下您的姓名好吗?7、 I am afraid we only serve lunch until 2:00 in the afternoon.恐怕我们餐厅午餐时间到下午两点。8、 May I take your telephone number,please?可以留下您的电话号码吗?9、 Is there anything special you would like us to prepare?请问您有什么特殊要求需要我们做准备的?10、I am afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00 in the evening .恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上 20:00。迎宾10、 Good morning/afternoon/evening.Welcom to our restaurant.早上(中午、晚上)好,欢迎光临。11、 May I help you ,sir/madam?我能为您做什么?先生/女士?12、 Do you have a reservation ,sir/madam?请问您有预定吗,先生/女士?13、 How many persons are there in your party?请问共有多少人来用餐?14、 Please follow me.请跟我来,先生/女士15、 This way please,sir/madam请这边走,先生/女士16、 Please mind your step,sir/madam.请留意脚下,先生/女士17、 I am sorry,sir/madam.We do not have a free table now.Would you like to have a drink in the bar(lounge)?We shall call you as soon as possible.对不起,先生/女士。我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧(大堂)稍等一下,好吗?一有空桌,我们就会立即通知您。18、Is this table fine with you ,sir/madam?请问您对这张餐桌满意吗,先生/女士?19、 Here is the meue for you ,sir/madam.这是您的菜单,先生/女士20、 If you need any help ,please call me.如果您在用餐时有什么问题,请告诉我。21、 Would you care for something to drink before your meal?您在用餐时要用些饮料吗?22、 Would you like to see the drink/wine list?您是否要看饮料/佐餐酒单?23、 May I suggest Tsingtao Beer with your meal?It goes well with it.我可以向您推荐青岛啤酒配餐吗?它非常适合24、I suggest Chinese minerral water if you would like something refreshing.如果您需要一些清新的饮料,我向您推销中国矿泉水。点菜25、 Are you ready to order now?请问可以为您点菜了吗?26、 May I take your order now?请问可以为您点菜了吗?27、 What would you like to start?请问先给您上些什么?28、 What would you like to order? 请问您想吃些什么?29、 Would you like some more?请问您还需要点别的吗?30、 Yes,sir/madam.We do have a selection of vegetable dishes.是的,先生/女士,我们有很好的蔬菜精选。31、 I am afraid we do not have this brand,But I recommend the Tingdao draft Beer.恐怕我们没有这个牌子,但我可以向您推青岛扎啤。32、 If possible,we will be pleased to meet your wish. I ll check with the supervisor and chef.如果可能,我们十分高兴能满足您的需要,我将和主管和厨师长联络。33、 am afraid we do not have time to prepare the dish unfortunately. May I suggest something else?对不起,恐怕我们没有这个菜,我可以向您推荐别的吗?34、I am terribly/quite sorry,sir/madam. We dont have any now.对不起,先生/女士,这道菜已经卖完了。35、 The chef s special today is vegetable with green peas?今天厨师长特选是青豆蔬菜。36、 May I recommend the shrimps sauted with green peas?我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。37、 If you don t mind , may I recommend the vegetable with crab meat?如果您不介意,我向您推荐蟹肉蔬菜。38、 May I recommend the steamed turtle?我可以向您推荐清蒸甲鱼吗?39、 The sweet and sour fish is particularly good tonight. Would you like to try?糖醋鱼是今晚特别推荐,您是否试试?征询意见40、 Is everything to your satisfaction?请问您对一切还满意吗?41、 Is everything all right withyour meal?请问您对用餐还满意吗?42、 Would you care for another drink?请问您还需要一杯饮料吗?43、 Can I bring you anything else?请问您还需要我为您提供些什么吗?44、 Is there anything that I can do for you?我还能为您做些什么吗?45、 May I take up a few moments of your time?请问我能占用您一些时间吗?46、 May I speak to you for a moment,sir/madam.对不起先生/女士,我能和您谈一会吗?47、 May I take the glasses away?我可以撤下杯子吗?48、 May I clean your table now?请问我能清理餐桌吗?49、 Would you like me to clear your table?请问您需要我帮您收拾一下餐桌吗?致歉50、I am terribly sorry for such a mistake.我为这样的错误向您道歉。51、 I am terribly sorry,sir/madam. I must apologize.实在对不起,先生/女士,我很抱歉。52、 Is there anything else I can do?我能为您做些什么呢?53、 I would like to apologize once again我再次向您郑重道歉。54、 I am sorry ,sir/madam. I did not notice.对不起,先生/女士,我没有注意。55、 I am sorry ,sir/madam. I ll change it right away.对不起,先生/女士,我马上给您换掉。56、 Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention .感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意。57、 I am sorry. The dish shall be replaced immediately.对不起,这道菜将立即被换掉。58、 I am sorry ,but we are glad you pointed this out to us.对不起,但我们很高兴您向我们指正出来。59、 I am terribly sorry. This is our usual standard. 我很抱歉,这不是我们通航的水准。结帐60、 Would you like to have the bill now?请问您是现在结帐吗?61、 Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?请问您是付先进还是用信用卡?62、 Would you like the amount on the same bill or separately?请问您们是分帐单还是合在一起?63、 I am sorry. I shall add it up again,sir/madam.对不起,我将再算一遍,先生/女士。64、 I am sorry. Would you show me what is wrong?对不起,您能告诉我哪儿错了吗?65、 Excuse me,sir/madam. May I have your room key and room card对不起,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗?66、 Excuse me,sir/madam. Would you please sign your name here?对不起,先生女士。请您在这儿签名。67、 I am sorry , sir/madam. Would you please sign your name again?对不起,先生女士。请您再签一次名好吗?送客68、 Thank you , sir/madam. We hope to see you again.感谢光临,先生/女士,希望再次为您服务。69、 Glad you enjoyed your meal . Good-bye.很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。70、 Thank you very much. Have a nice day/evening.十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚71、 We hope to serve you again, sir/madam. Good night.希望再次为您服务,晚安。西餐厅英语常用词汇(一) 、西餐餐具用品主菜刀 Dinner Knife 咖啡杯 Coffee cup主菜叉 Dinner Fork 咖啡勺 Coffee spoon 汤勺 Soup Spoon 银
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