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1. In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomers Cane, verges on expressionism or verges on surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression?除此之外,一些黑人小说(例如 Jean Toomer 的公民凯恩 )的写作风格接近于表现主义或者说是超现实主义。然而,目前流行的小说是以黑人主人公与命运抗争为主题的,这种小说的写作风格更接近于自然主义。那么,是不是说表现主义或者超现实主义的写作手法是自然主义的写作手法的对立面呢?2. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then by computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers.Hargrave 和 Geen 的研究是这样估计食草群落在自然状态下的捕食速率的:他们首先测量单个浮游生物在实验室环境下的捕食速率,然后再利用食草动物的数量密度算出其在野外的群体捕食速率。3. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include, but these attitudes are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law) and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.诸如 Le Roy Ladurie 这样的历史学家们从众多文献史料中选取出一些历史案例,这些历史案例不仅反映了不同社会群体的态度(这些态度包括但不限于对犯罪与法律的态度) ,而且还反映了政府如何维持正义。4. The idea of an autonomous discipline called “philosophy” distinct from such pursuits as theology and science and discipline sitting in judgment on such pursuits as theology and science turns out, on close examination, to be of quite recent origin.把“哲学”看做是一门独立的、不同于其他诸如神学和科学的学科,而且可以对后者进行评判的观点,细致检验之下会发现是最近才产生的。5. Yet Walzers argument, however Walzers argument is deficient, does point to one of the most serious weakness of capitalismnamely, that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewords, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.尽管 Walzer 的观点存在缺陷,但是它确实指出了资本主义社会的一个非常严重的缺点,那就是在资本主义社会中,占据社会先要位置的人往往缺乏能唤起别人对其爱慕和崇拜的品质,不论这群人获取物质财富的手段有多麽合法。6. More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers, or internally, by the swallowing of fruit and by subsequent excretion of the seeds.鸟类传播种子的可能性更大,其传播形式分为外在与内在途径:外在途径是指鸟类的羽毛意外夹带着种子;内在途径是指鸟类吞食果实后,种子随着鸟类的排泄物散落四方。7. Shaws revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology that developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earths geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events.Shaw 具有革命性的“开放系统”观点承认了地球和地球外的动力学的连续统一性,而现代板块构造理论-正如同于19 世纪的经典地质学那样建立在这样一种观点之上:地球的地理特征是在连续的、规律的地球内在过程中变化的,而没有记录特殊的灾难性的事件。8. How explicit and consistent the symbolizing process was intended to be is a much thornier matter, but anyone who has more familiarity with Dutch literature or with the kinds of images used in illustrated books (above all emblem books) than a passing acquaintance with Dutch literature or with the kinds of images used in illustrated books (above all emblem books) will know how much less pervasive was the habit of investing ordinary objects than the habit of investing scenes with meaning that go beyond their surface and outward appearance.符号化的过程应该变的多么清晰和一致是一个更加棘手的问题,但任何一个比路人甲更熟知荷兰文学,或是那些被用于有插图的书籍中的图画(尤其是寓意画)的人都知道,花费精力在普通对象上的这个习惯要比把时间花在那些拥有超出他们表面意义的场景的习惯的流行程度要低很多。9. Japanese automakers chose to make small-lot production feasible by introducing several departures from United States practices, including the use of flexible equipment that could be altered easily to do several different production tasks and including the training of workers in multiple jobs.许多日本汽车制造商选择通过引入一些不同于美国的做法使得小规模生产成为可能,这其中包括使用能很容易被改造去完成几种不同制造任务的灵活设备,还包括训练能完成多种任务的员工。10. Moreover, the rationale for Herberts emphasis on the social and political realities that Impressionist paintings can be said to communicate rather than Herberts emphasis on their style is finally undermined by what even Herbert concedes was the failure of Impressionist painters to serve as particularly conscientious illustrators of their social milieu.此外,Herbert 强调的是印象主义画作对社会与政治现实的表达,而并没强调印象主义画作的风格。他这么做的根本原因其实站不住脚,因为印象主义画家没有能力尽职尽责的描述他们所生活的社会环境,甚至 Herbert 本人也承认这一点。11. Because his work concentrates on the nineteenth century, McLaughlin unfortunately overlooks earlier sources of influence, such as eighteen-century White resident traders and neighbors, thus McLaughlin obscuring the relative impact of the missionaries of the 1820s in contributing to both acculturalization and resistance to it among the Cherokee.因为 McLaughlin 的作品专注于 19 世纪,所以他不幸的忽视了早期有影响力的资料来源,比如 18 世纪的白人常驻商人和邻居,因此他也忽视了 19 世纪 20 年代传教士的相关影响,这种影响同时导致了彻罗基族地区对于文化同化的接受与抵制。12. Although iridium is extremely rare on the Earths surface, the lower regions of the Earths mantle have roughly the same composition as meteorites and the lower regions contain large amounts of iri
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