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- 1 -Unit 1 Good Friends一. 重点单词和短语1. be loyal to sb 对 忠心 2. show loyalty to sb 对表忠心 3. argue with sb about sth 为某事和某人争吵4. find a solution to sth 找出的解决方案5. classical music 古典音乐6. rock music 摇滚音乐7.pop music 流行音乐8. be fond of 喜欢9. survive the earthquake 从地震中兴存下来10. a deserted baby 一个被遗弃的婴儿11. in order to 为了12. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物13. be in deep sorrow 处在深切的悲痛之中14. care about 介意15. such as 比如16. drop sb a line 给某人写信17. make an apology to sbapologise to sb 向某人道歉18. write an e-mail 写电子邮件19. hate doing sth 憎恨做某事20. be into sthbe interested in sth 对 感兴趣21. too much 太多22. be bored with 对 厌倦23. surf the Internet 上网24. all the time 一直25. play computer games 玩电脑游戏26. imagine doing sth想象做 27. be alone on an deserted island独自一人在荒岛上28. everyday life 日常生活29. explain sth to sbexplain to sb sth 向某人解释某事30. explain to sb that 向某人解释31. so.that 如此以致 32. play a part/role in 在 中扮演角色33. play the role of 扮演的角色34. succeed in doing sth be successful in doing sth 成功地做某事35. send e-mails 发电子邮件36. all over the world 遍及全世界37. be on a flight across the Pacific Ocean在飞越太平洋的途中38. land on a deserted island 登上一座荒岛39. hunt for food 寻找食物40. make (a) fire 生火41. develop a friendship with sb 和某人建立友谊42. treat sb as 把某人当作 43. share happiness and sorrow 分享幸福分担痛苦44. make friends with sb 和某人交朋友45.keep sth in mind 记住某事46. get angry with sb 生某人的气47. keep secrets保守秘密 48. promise to do sth 许诺做某事49. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物50. have a flat tire 爆胎51. senior high school 高级中学52. have a pleasant holiday 度过一个愉快的假期53. write a short description of sb写一段某人的简要介绍54. be proud of 为 感到骄傲- 2 -55. keep an eye on sth 照看56. feel down 情绪低落57. make fun of sb 嘲弄某人58. be curious about sth 对感到好奇Unit 2 English around the World1. make oneself at home 别客气2. the majority of 大多数/a majority of +number3. native language 母语4. native speakers 说本族语言的人5. mother tongue 母语6. except for 除了7.international organization 国际组织8. communicate with sb 和某人交流9. exchange A for B 用 A交换 B10. stand for 代表11. stay up 熬夜,挺住12. come about 发生13. end up with 以告终/结束14. bring in 吸收,引进15. a great many 许多16. compare A with B 把 A和 B做比较17. compare A to B 把 A比作 B18. for the first time 第一次19. the first time 当第一次的时候20. have a good flight 飞行愉快21. fly all the way direct from A to B从 A地径直飞往 B地 22. be tired of 对厌倦23. be tired from 由于而劳累24. tire sb out 使某人精疲力竭25. mean to do sth 打算做某事26. mean doing sth 意味着27. spoken language 口语28. spoken English 英语口语29. English-speaking countries 说英语的国家30. a number of 许多31. the number of 的数量32. more than 超过,不仅仅是33. develop into 发展成为34. the working language 工作语言35. international trade 国际贸易36. international tourism 国际旅游37. the language of global culture 全球文化语言38. on the radio 通过收音机39. through the Internet 通过因特网40. communicate in English 用英语交流41. have a good knowledge of English 很好地掌握英语42. American English 美式英语43. British English 英式英语44. the answer to the question 问题的答案45. the key to the door 门上的钥匙46. the entrance to the cinema 电影院的入口47. at first 起初,首先48. for a long time 好久以来49. an independent country 独立的国家50. a separate country 独立的国家51. for example 例如52. in the same way 以同样的方式53. the way to do sth 做某事的方法the way of doing sth做某事的方法54. at the same time 同时55. borrow words from other languages 从其他语言借鉴词汇56. end up with 以结束/告终- 3 -57. be different from 和不一样58. most of the time 大部分时间59. have difficulty in doing sthtrouble做某事有困难60. take great trouble to do sth 不辞辛劳地做某事61. the reason for sth 的原因62. change over centuries 几世纪以来的变化63. a great/good many 许多64. give a description of 描述65. replace A with B 用 B代替 A66. have a problem with 有困难67. part of 部分68. an important part of 一个重要的部分69. drive on the same side of the road 在路的同一边驾驶Unit3重点词汇及词组1. consider vt 考虑,细想,打算(+n/pron/v-ing/连接词+to do/that-clause)consider 后不可直接跟不定式,但可接连接词+不定式作宾语。E.g.: Im considering what to do next.Consider 可表示“认为”之义(与 think同义) ,常用于clause Consider + sb /sth (to be)sb /sth (as)sb /sth to have doneCharles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented表示“把看成”之义的词组:regardas, think ofas, treatas, look on/uponas2. means 通常用作可数名词,单复数形式相同,意思是“方法,手段,工具。 ”by all means 一定,务必,尽一切可能(用于回答)当然行,请means by means of 通过的方式by this/ that means 通过这种/那种方式by no means 决不,一点也不3. follow(1)vt 跟随 (表示时间或顺序) ,接着,随着(2)vt 听得懂,领悟 eg: The foreigner spoke too fast; I couldnt follow him. (3)vt 接受,采纳,遵照 eg: Some schools follow the new teaching method.(4)vt 沿着而行 eg: Follow the street and youll arrive there.相关短语:follow ones advice 听从某人的劝告, follow ones instructions 听从某人的教导, follow the example of 以为榜样, as follows 如下4. experience(1)vt 体验,经历,感受- 4 -(2)n 可数名词,经历,阅历;不可数名词,经验,体验(3)experienced adj 有经验的5. get away from 离开,摆脱,回避,否认get out of 从中出来,从中得到,逃避,改掉(习惯)B I really dont want to go to the party, but I dont see how I can _ it. A get back from B get out of C get away D get off与 get 有关的短语:get along;进展get around; 传播get away;逃跑get down to;认真开始做get in; 插话get into; 进入,招惹get on/off; 上
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