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Weblogic Server 补丁升级指导2013-04-28胡 亮目录目录 .2一、补丁说明 .2二、补丁下载 .4三、补丁安装注意事项 .4四、补丁安装方法 .4第一种(重要):bsu 安装 .4第二种:oracle 自带 Smart Update.7第三种:jar 包加载安装 .8一、补丁说明补丁大致分为四种,如下为 oracle 官方描述:参考:OPatch can be used for the following types of patches:A patch set exception (also known as a PSE, one-off, or interim patch)This is usually a single fix for a single problem. One-offs in ST products (GC, DB/AS Control etc) are packaged and applied via OPatch. One-offs are bug fixes given to customers in critical need and are not cumulative, regressed or versioned. You can use the opatch lsinventory command to see which one-off patches are installed on your system.A patch bundle (also known as an MLR patch)This type of patch is created by putting several fixes into a single patch. This is usually done if several fixes are needed and the various interim patches apply to the same modules and cause the prior patch to be removed if applied individually as they can not coexist. Patch bundles are also applied using OPatch and metadata information about them are also kept in a set of XML files in the inventory and manipulated by OPatch.Security Patches (also known as Critical Patch Updates or CPUs)Security patches are different from other patch types in that they only fix a single or small number of problems, and that they should be applied as soon as possible when a security patch is released extra attention is brought to the existence of the security problem. CPUs are periodic security bundles released by Oracle and are very much like interim patches and will be applied just like an interim patch using OPatch. Just like interim patches, CPUs are not versioned.Patch Set Updates (PSUs)Patch Set Updates are released on a quarterly basis, following the same schedule as the Critical Patch Updates (CPUs). These come out the closest Tuesday to the 15th of the months of January, April, July and October. Patch Set Update content is intended to address the top fifty critical bugs affecting the broad customer base.二、补丁下载1. 访问、登录 oracle 知识库:http:/support.oracle.com/2. 如果已知补丁号,或者 weblogic 版本号,可顺序选择,下载 oracle 补丁三、补丁安装注意事项1. 确定补丁类型,不同补丁类型有不同安装方法2. 确定 weblogic 版本,以及它已经安装的补丁集3. 一定要查看 oracle 给出的 README 补丁说明文件(补丁压缩包中会附带)4. 补丁安装前做好 WLS_HOME 备份5. 停掉在此 weblogic 版本下的所有 java 进程。四、补丁安装方法第一种(重要):bsu 安装这种安装方式,适用于绝大多数的 weblogic 补丁安装。建议:安装CPU、 PSU、 patch bundle 使用此种方法安装。安装步骤:1. 对 WLS_HOME 全备份、并停掉此 WLS_HOME 下的所有 java 进程。2. 查看此 weblogic 的版本通过如下命令,进行查看:$ . $WL_HOME/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh $ java weblogic.versionWindows 示例如下:3. 查看此 weblogic 所安装的补丁集。通过如下命令,进行查看:cd $WL_HOME/utils/bsu./bsu.sh -prod_dir= -patch_download_dir= -status=applied -verbose -viewFor example:./bsu.sh -prod_dir=/opt/bea/weblogic92 -status=applied -verbose -viewWindows 示例如下:4. 安装补丁执行如下命令,进行安装:cd MW_HOME/utils/bsu directory./bsu.sh -install -patch_download_dir=MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=PATCH_ID -prod_dir=MW_HOME/WL_HOMEWindows 示例如下:5. 然后参考步骤 3,在次检查此版本补丁是否被正确安装,如下6. 如果需要卸载,则可采取如下操作:执行如下命令,进行安装:cd MW_HOME/utils/bsu directory./bsu.sh -remove -patchlist=PATCH_ID -prod_dir=MW_HOME/WL_HOMEWindows 示例如下:7. 重启所有的 weblogic server。第二种:oracle 自带 Smart Update这种安装方式,适用于可以连接 oracle 服务器的自动检测安装 。因为 weblogic一般安装在生产环境,并且外网检测速度较慢,不推荐使用。使用方法如下:cd MW_HOME/utils/bsu directory.Java jar patch-client.jar需要 GUI 模式,出现如下界面,起初会连接 oracle 服务器,并显示你已下载的补丁和安装的补丁。智能卸载、安装即可。第三种:jar 包加载安装这种安装方式,适用于 fixbug oracle 出具的 CR 开头的补丁。因为此方法在weblogic8、 9 版本比较实用,故对于 bug 补丁的安装,建议采用此种方式。安装步骤,如下:1. 下载 CR 开头的 bug 补丁,解压出 jar 文件。2. 停掉所有 weblogic server;在 Weblogic10/common/bin/commEnv.sh 脚本中,找到 WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH 一行3. 在 WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH 变量的中添加补丁 jar 包。WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH=/路径/CR370915_1030GA.jar:$ 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。4. 重启 weblogic server
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