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2012 届中考英语考点备考复习 386 guess 猜; 认为, 估计Guessing gaes are ppular ith students in English lass 猜谜游戏在英国堂上很受学生欢迎。I dn t reall n, I ust guessing我真的不知道,我仅仅是猜。I guess u t be her father 我猜想你是她父亲。I ant guess h t ntrl the ahine我猜不出怎样操作这台机器。-Is he right?他对吗?-I guess s 我想他是对的87 guitar(n) 吉它, 六弦琴He is reall great at plaing the guitar他的吉他弹得真好。88 gun(n) 枪, 炮The gun ent ff 发令枪响了。89 g (=gnasiu) (n)体育馆; 健身房;体操e plaed basetball in the g 我们在体育馆打篮球。G is his favrite sprt 体操是他最喜欢的运动。H90 habit(n)习惯; 习性u need t hange ur eating habits你得改变你的饮食习惯。I tring t brea the habit f staing up t late 我正试图改变熬夜的习惯。91 hair(n)毛发; 兽毛 头发I having hair ut this afternn我今天下午要去理发。92 half (a n) 一半; 半个的t and a half ils2 公斤半ne and a half hurs is / are alled fr the exa考试时间为一个半小时ne hur and a half is alled fr the exaHe ent ut at half past tenut the apple int halves 把苹果切成两半。Half the apples are bad 一半苹果是坏的。【注意】表示“一个半某物 ”有两种表达法:“a(an) + 名词单数 + and a half”或“ne and a half + 名词复数”两种结构作主语时,谓语动词都用单数形式。ne and a half pears is left n the table桌子上还留有一个半梨子。93 hall(n)会堂;大厅 门厅;走廊 讲堂 halla 走廊94 ha(n) 火腿I had ha and eggs fr breafast 早饭我吃了火腿与蛋。9 haburger(n)汉褒包96 hand(n) 手; ( 钟表等的)指针; 帮助A ath has three hands - the send hand, inute hand and hur hand 手表有三根指针-秒针、分针和时针。Let e give u a hand ith thse bags我帮你拎那些包吧。【补充词汇】* (v) 递,给,交付,上交* handful (n) (一)把,少数,少量* hand (a)便利的,顺手的97 handbag(n) (女用)手提包, 手提袋98 handse(a)( 男)英俊的;( 女)清秀端庄健美He ls tall, handse and health他看上去高大、英俊、健壮。99 handriting(n)书法, 字迹The bs handriting is diffiult t read这男孩写的字难认。600 hang (hung, hung) (v)悬挂here are e suppsed t hang ur ashing up t dr?我们应该把洗好的衣服晾在哪?There ere several expensive suits hanging in the ardrbe 衣柜里挂着几昂贵的衣服。【补充】(被) 绞死, 吊死(hanged, hanged)He as the last an t be hanged fr urder in this untr 他是这个国家中最后一个被处以绞刑的杀人犯601 happen(v) (偶然)发生; 碰巧hat happened t u?你怎么了?I ll be there hatever happens 无论发生什么我都会到那儿。I happened t sit b her in the inea 在电影院我碰巧坐在她旁边。It happens that he is a teaher f English恰好他是个英语教师。602 happ(a)幸福的,愉快的,乐意的I a s happ that u uld visit usAre u happ ith his r?你对他的工作满意吗?Happ birthda t u!祝你生日快乐!* happiness(n) 幸福,愉快* happil (ad) 幸福地,快乐地603 hard(ad, a)硬的 困难的,刻苦的;努力的I n that he has a ver hard life 我知道他日子过得很艰难。It s hard t believe that shes nl nine很难相信她只有九岁。The b is s hard that I annt read it at allIt s raining harder than ever 雨下得比以前更大了。-hen ill the b be finished?什么时候完成工作?- Its hard t sa 难说604 hardl(ad)几乎没有, 几乎不; 刚刚He uld hardl see anthing, uld he?legs ere s ea that I uld hardl stand 我的腿虚弱得简直无法站立。 He had hardl arrived hen it began t sn 他一到,天就下起雪了【2010 安徽中考试题第 34 题】-Did u find the sall village esterda?-es, ithut an diffiult, fr it has _hanged ver ears A hardl B greatl learl D nearl60 hat (n) 帽子;礼帽She happened t eet a girl in a red hat她刚好遇到一位戴红帽子的姑娘。He is tring n a hat 他正在试帽子。606 hate(v) 讨厌,憎恨I hate nda rning 我讨厌星期一早晨。She hates aing istaes 她讨厌出错。He hates t be aa fr his fail 他很不愿意离开家。She is a persn h hates t ae istaes她是个不愿出错误的人。He hates anne paring in his spae他讨厌别人占她的车位停车。607 have (had,had) (v)有;助动词The havent finished the b et 他们尚未完成该项工作。 This at has n pets 这衣服没有口袋。 an peple have dubts abut the ne pret许多人对这项新工程有怀疑。 e had a nderful tie n the beah 我们在海滩上玩得好极了。 The anager is having a eeting 经理正在开会。 The had their lunh in a restaurant 他们在一家饭店吃了午饭。 Have a up f ffee, please 请喝杯咖啡。 e had se guests fr dinner last night 我们昨晚请了几位客人吃饭。Than u fr having e 谢谢你邀请我ife is ging t have a bab 我妻子快要生孩子了。 Pas had his hands burned 爸的手给烫伤了。I ll have bie ended this afternn今天下午我将去修理自行车。The sldiers had hi stand ith his ba t his father士兵们让他背对着父亲站着。I have t g right n 我马上得走。 I guess I have ur ideas 我想我明白你的意思。 608 he(prn)他(主格)Everne shuld d hat he thins best人人都应做他认为是最好的事情。609 head(n)头; 领导; 头;标题rite ur address at the head f this page把你的地址写在纸的上端。I ish ud use ur head 我希望你凡事多用脑子。* (a) 头部的,主要的,首席的* (v) 率领,出发, (船等)驶向* headline(n) (报刊的)大字标题* headaster(n) 中小学校长* headteaher(n)中小学班主任610headahe(n)头痛; 令人头痛的事611 health(n)健康(状况);卫生;身体(非指 bd)Gd health is abve ealth 健康胜于财富612 health(a)健康的 ; 发展良好的That b is nt health reading fr a hildSiing is a health pleasure613 hear (heard, heard) 听见;听, 听说,得知I heard hi sa s 我听到他这么说过。 I an hear sene ning 我听到有人敲门。I heard that he as ill 我听说他病了。* hearing (n)听力614 heart(n)心, 心脏;纸牌中的红桃The patients heart stpped beating fr a fe sends 病人的心脏停跳了几秒钟。The rds”I lve u” ere ritten inside a big red heart“我爱你”这几个字写在一个大红心里。h plaed that heart?谁打出的那张红桃?61 heat(n)热度 暑热The sun gives ff heat 太阳散发出热。u ant al abut in this heat 你不能在酷暑中到处走。The heat fr the fire ill sn dr ur at炉火的高温很快就会烘干你的衣服。616 heaven(n)【宗】(常大写) 天国; 天空a her sul rest in Heaven 但愿她的灵魂在天国安息。illins f stars ere shining in the heavens 天空中繁星闪烁。617 heav(a)重的, 沉重的; (动作) 艰难的The bx is the heaviest f the threeHeav rain / sn 暴雨,大雪a heav ser 烟瘾大的人* heavil (ad)重地,大量地618 height(n)高,高度,海拔,身高It is alst 2 etres in height 它差不多有 2 米高。She is the sae height as her sister 她和她姐姐一样高。He is f ediu height 他中等身材。The table is available in several different heights这款桌子有几种不同的高度供选择。619 h
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