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2011 高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳 Unit17 Disabilities2011 高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳 Unit17 Disabilities自助式复习板块知识搜索 A 单词1 伤残;无能;无力(n)_2 同情(心); 同感(n) _3 自信(n) _4 障碍;妨碍物(n) _电梯;升降梯(n) _6 腰(n) _7 指引;引导(n) _8 调查;鉴定(n) _9( 常作复数) 设施;设备 ;便利(n) _10 尊严;尊贵;高贵(n) _11 胜利(n) _12 仪式;典礼(n) _13 侄女;外甥女(n) _14 鼓励;促进(n) _1 有天赋的;有天资的(ad) _16 富有成效的;多产的;生产的(ad) _17 视觉的;视力的(ad) _18 可以使用的;能进入的(ad) _19 损害;削弱(v) _20 合作;协作(v) _21 使有动机;激发(v) _答案:1disabilit2spath3selfnfidene 4bstaleelevatr6aist7guidane8surve9failit10dignit 11vitr12eren13niee14enurageent1gifted16prdutive 17visual18aessible19ipair20perate21tivateB 短语 22 发展他们的潜力 _ _ _23 对社会作贡献 _ _ _ _ _24 建立一所特殊的教育学院 _ _ _ _ _2 在社会中扮演了重要的角色 _ _ _ _ _ _26 一种强烈的团结和友谊意识 a _ _ _ _ and _27 在多方面 _ _ _ _ _28 参加 _ _ 答案:22 develp their ptential23ae a ntributin t siet24launh a speial eduatin llege2pla a valuable rle ithin siet26strng sense f unit, friendship27in re than ne a28partiipate in句型29 bviusl, Xiaens life is different_ _ _ that Xiaen s life is different30 The nt nl need spath and help, but regnitin as ellThe need regnitin, _ _ spath and help答案:29It is bvius30re thanD 语法31 他只给了我们两个钟头收拾行李。He nl alled _ _ _ t pa up32 这样的安排可以省去我们很多麻烦。Suh an arrangeent ill spare _ _ _33 汤姆给杰克捎个口信。T passed _ _ _ a34 他在桌上给她留了个纸条。He left _ _ _ _ n the table答案:31us t hurs32us uh truble33a essage t 34a nte fr her重难聚焦重点单词要点 1fair【例题】Gds are sld at a _ prie in this streA equal B fare fair D fairl解析:根据句意“以公平的价格出售” ,选,fair“公平的” ;equal“平等的 ”;fare“费用”;fairl“ 相当” 。答案:归纳与迁移(1 ) ad公正的;正直的As a udge,u ust ae a fair deisin abut hih tea n the gae作为一名裁判,你必须公正地判断哪个队在这次比赛中获胜了。It s nt fair that he shuld have been given the prize让他获奖是不合理的。天气好,晴朗Ever tie the set ut, the praed fr fair eather每次出发,他们都祈祷有好天气。e hpe the eather ill turn ut t be fair trr我们希望明天的天气会是晴朗的。(皮肤或头发)浅色,白皙He fell in lve ith a girl ith fair hair and sin他爱上了一位白皮肤、黄头发的姑娘。(2 ) n 集市;展览会;商品交易会 The b fair brught his b t the publis ntie这次书展使公众注意到了他的书。要点 2adust【例题】After having studied abrad fr an ears,he_ the a f life in the USA A adusted ithB has adusted hiself thad adusted ithD adusted hiself fr解析:adust (neself/sth) t sth 使适应,适合。答案:B归纳与迁移(1 )整顿,安排She arefull adusted her lthes and her hair befre ging ut在出门之前,她仔细地整了整衣服和头发。(2)校准,校正I ust adust ath Its sl我得调整我的手表了,它走慢了。u have t adust the brae It is dangerus你必须调节一下制动器,太危险了。(3 )使 适应,适合 adust (neself/sth) t sthHe adusted (hiself) ver quil t the heat f the untr他很快适应了这个国家的酷热天气。The bd quil adust itself t hanges in teperature身体迅速自行调节以适应气温的变化。重点短语要点 1be aare f【例题】Susan as ell _ f Sara s fear f heightsA aareB nn learD reard解析:句意为“苏珊很清楚萨拉恐高” 。be aare f “意识到,知道” ;be lear f“摆脱债务、烦恼等”。答案:A归纳与迁移be aare f/that;ae sb aare fI as nt aare f the fire我没有意识到火。e ere quite aare (f) h u uld respnd t ur ters我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条肯定会有什么反应。The prinipal didnt see t be aare that there shuld have been s uh dispute abut the deisin校长好像没有意识到这个决定竟会有这么多分歧。It s tie that e ade hi aare f his atin是我们让他知道自己行为的时候了。要点 2be prud t d【例题】She as_ t be part f suh a faus pretA prideB persuaded prveD prud解析:be prud t d“ 感到得意、自豪、荣耀” 。答案:D归纳与迁移感到得意、自豪、荣耀(1)be prud t d; be prud f; be prud thatHe is prud f his daughters abilit t spea fur languages他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。ur ftball tea feels prud that it has n ever ath this ear我们的足球队对今年战无不胜甚感自豪。He is prud that his ife is s lever他的妻子非常聪明,为此他引以为豪。(2 ) be prud t be a sientist 做个科学家很光荣He s t prud t be seen in publi ith his prl-dressed ther他非常傲慢,不愿在公共场所被人看见和衣衫褴褛的母亲在一起。(3)pride nThese sldiers ere their untrs pride这些士兵是他们祖国的骄傲。Pride ges befre a fall /Pride ill have a fall骄者必败。 必背句型要点 1get used t 习惯于【例题】 (2010 东,3)The untr life he as used t _ greatl sine 1992A hangeB has hangedhangingD have hanged解析:“he as used t”在句中作定语,修饰 life,空格处是主句的谓语,跟 as used t 没有关系。根据时间 sine 1992,用现在完成时。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)be/get used t sth/ding sth 习惯,适应做某事After three ees she had gt used t the extree heat三个星期后她就适应了那里的酷热了。(2)be used t d sth 被用做 The ne as used t set up a sall pan钱被用建了个小公司。The nl disadvantage f an hnest heart is redulit 诚实人的惟一不足是轻信。(3)used t d 过去常常做某事It used t be believed that sugar uld dea the teeth过去人们认为糖会腐蚀牙齿。
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