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2017 届九年级英语下第一次月考试题(附答案含听力mp3)2016-2017 年春学期九年级英语第一次月度检测试题(考试时间:120 分钟 满分:10 分)命题人: 陈伟 审核人:第卷(选择题 共 9 分)一、听力(共 20 小题,1-10 小题每小题 1 分,11-20 小题每小题2 分,满分 30 分)(一)听对话回答问题。本部分共有 10 道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有秒钟的时间选择正确答案。在听到嘀的信号后,进入下一小题。( )1 hat shape is the birthda ard? A B ( )2 hen are the t speaers ging t the ban? A B ( )3 hih drin des Lisa ant? A B ( )4 hat ind f plae is it? A B ( ) hat ill the eather be lie trr? A It ill snB It ill be lud It ill be sunn( )6 hat des Rand thin abut Nans dress? A It is t lng fr herB He lies the ne stle He lies lng dresses( )7 hat ill illie d first ? A As her ther if she an gB G t the z Sta at he( )8 hat des Sin reall need? A Se ater and fdB Se lthes Se ediine( )9 h did the an ve int a ne huse? A Beause his ld huse isnt big enugh B Beause there isnt uh fresh air arund his ld huseBeause he desnt lie t live far fr his ffie( )10 H an hinese students are there in r Siths lass? A 22 B 11 10(二)听对话和短回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短,各听两遍。听每段对话或短前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有秒钟时间选择正确答案。听一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入第一篇短。( )11 h did the an quarrel ith his neighbur?A Her hildren ere ver nisB Her dg ften ent t his r She plaed lud usi( )12 H as the prble slved?A The an agreed t turn the sund dnB The an agreed t sell her dgThe an agreed t tal ith her hildren abut gd anners听第一篇短,回答第 13-1 小题。请根据内容选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待滴的信号,进入下一篇短。Ivans lletinhat he lletsIvan llets _13_ ardsH he gets theFr _14_h he lies theIvan lies the _1_ n the( )13 A basetballB ftball baseball( )14 A his brtherB a shp his friends( )1 A phts B rds naes听第二篇短,回答第 16-20 小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入测试的第三部分。( )16 h as hristine inviting Ti t a part? A It as HalleenB It as Ne ear It as her birthda( )17 hat as Ti ging t be? A ne ingB A ing A ghst( )18 h did Ti g t the seet shp? A Beause he anted t bu a present fr hristineB Beause he anted t bu se seets fr his therBeause hristine as in the shp( )19 hat did the little hildren in the shp d? A The laughed at TiB The ried ver ludlThe ent ut f the shp( )20 hih f the flling is NT true? A Ti ran ut f the shpB Tis stue as t gdThe shpeeper did nt shut at Ti二、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)( )21 Zha uting is _ faus atr fr Taian h plaed the lead rle f e Hua in _ TV sh Life After Life, Bls ver Bls( 三生三世,十里桃花)A a; /B a; the the; theD the; /( )22 -I lie this pair f shes an I ? -SureA tr it n B tr n it tr the n D tr n the( )23 T e, English is easier than _ subet t learn A an B an ther the ther D ther ( )24 -hat d u thin f Fran? -He is _ b and he shs great interest in anthing neA a urius B an hnest a dest D a reative( )2 - H an rers are there in ur fatr, r Brn?- _ rers in ur fatr _ re than _A The nuber f; is; t hundredsB A nuber f; are; t hundredA nuber f; are; t hundredsD The nuber f; is; t hundred( )26 -Tn never spends ne in buing bs_ he lies reading ver uh-u are right He alas brrs the fr thersA beause B until s D thugh( )27 - _ great prgress uve ade ! ngratulatins! - Than u!A hat B hat a H D H a( )28 - a I spea t ang Gang, please? - _A Thats ang Gang speaingB This is ang Gang speaingI ang Gang, please saD ang Gang, h are u?( )29 The guest ill arrive here _ the night _ a 1A at; f B in; f n; f D n; in( )30 D u thin its _ that fish sleep _?A aazed, ith ees pen B aazing, ith ees pen aazing, ith ees pened D aazed, ith ees pened( )31 - _ is it fr the shl t the pst ffie? -It is abut ten _ alA H far, inutes B H far, inutes H lng, inutes D H lng, inutes( )32 - H as the trip t Shanghai, itt? - Terrible! ur ar _ n the aA sled dn B bre dn ned dn D put dn( )33 - Hi, N ra Is ur ther at he? - ust a inute! She _ flers in the gardenA plantB is planting plantedD as planting( )34 -D u ind pinting ut(指出) ur istaes? - ur advie is iprtant t eA f urse nt B ud better nt ertainlD Its pleasure( )3 e d lie _ Ni _ the Best Student AardA t reend; frB t reend; t reending; frD reending; t( )36 -esterda, father bught e a ne bile phne as a present, but I dnt n h t use it-h nt read the _first befre using it? A expressins B ntributins advertiseents D instrutins( )37 I dnt n if he _ trr If he _, I ill all uA ill e, ill e B es, es ill e, es D es, ill e( )38 - Is that ar under the tree ver there?- It _ her She _ abrad fr a nth A ust be, has been in B ustnt be, has gneant be, has been D ant be, has gne t( )39 - If u eep pratiing speaing English ever da, u ill be better at it - I thin s _A an hands ae light r B Atins spea luder than rds The earl bird athes the rD Pratie aes perfet( )40 - I see t get lst uld u tell e _?- Sure u an tae N bus t get thereA hih is the a t Gulu Priar ShlB h lng it ill tae e t ang
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