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2016 年六年级英语上册期中试卷(外研版)六年级英语期中试卷一、读单词找出每组中不同类的一项。 (分)( )1Ateaher Bgranda driver( )2Aplane Bdll ar( )3Aat Bputer dress( )4Ahina BEnglish Aeria( )Auie Btea ae二、将单词与对应的汉语意思相连。 (10 分) pstard 百万 hbb 真的 eal 明信片 reall 广场 speial 思念 sund 灯笼 iss 特别的 square 听起 illin 餐,饭 lantern 爱好三、英汉互译。 (20 分) 1tell e re abut 2in the east f hina 3hinese shp 4the est Lae 我的中国笔友 6 去唐人街 7 发一封电子邮 8 元宵节 9 思念中国 10 the Tianan en Square 四、从右边找出左边问题的答语,将字母序号写在括号中。 (分) ( )1h an help e? AIt is half past three( )2hat are u ding,T? BRie,please( )3hat is the tie? I a reading a b( )4H an ats are there? DSrr,I an nt( )hat d u ant t eat? EThirteen五、按要求填空。 (20 分)1hbb(复数) 2run(现在分词) 3nife( 复数) 4east( 反义词) e(宾格) 6hinese(名词) 7llet(现在分词) 8 Frenh (国家名) 9dll(复数) 10Aeria (形容词) 六、单项选择。 (30 分) ( )1-here is Beiing ? -Its in the f hina A nrth B suth est ( )2 Des Daing lie pears? A es, he d B es, he des es, she des ( )3 e are hina A fr B t at ( )4 an u English? Aspea Bsa tell ( )It s a piture the Great all At Bin f ( ) 6 D u ant t pen friend? A is B be are( )7There are lts f there Ashp Brestaurants it( )8These are se staps anada At Bin fr( )9Have u gt t ars?Ase B a an( )10 favurite festival ThansgivingAa B is are( ) 11 - u llet staps? -N,I dntA Des B D Did ( ) 12 There is a hinatn Ne r A t B in n ( )13 hat are u ding ? I an eail t failA sending Bsends sent( )14 H is the Great all? -Its re than tent thusand ileters lng A high B shrt lng( )1hats ur hbb ? hbb taing phtsAis Bas ere七、根据短内容,判断正(T)误(F) 。(10 分)A is telve ears ld tda She is having a birthda part There are an friends at the part The all e ith different gifts(l 礼物)。 ar gives her a nie dll Sa brings a gd piture b e bus her a D f a hu (周杰伦) 。A lies the D best, beause a hu is her favurite pp star(流行歌手) The are singing and daning at the part The all have a gd tie( ) 1 A is 11 ears ld tda ( )2 A gets a lt f gifts fr her friends( ) 3 Sa gives her a D。 ( )4 a hu is a pp star( ) Everne is happ at the part
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