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2017 六年级英语下册第五模块试题(外研版有答案)外研版六年级英语第五模块试题一、看图选择正确的短语,并抄写下。 (分)have lunh pla the suna d exerise ath TV read bs二、根据提示把句子补充完整。 (分)1 Daing is _(演奏) the erhu2 He ges t the superaret fr the first _(次,回)3 The _ is drining ater(奶牛)4 There are se _ n the pnd(鸭子)He ls _(像一样) his father三、写出下列单词的相应形式。 (8 分)1 run (现在分词 ) _2 stp (现在分词) _3 get (现在分词) _ 4 have (现在分词) _part ( 复数) _ 6 ring (现在分词 ) _7 sn (形容词) _ 8 lud (副词) _四、单项选择。 (10 分)( )1 Lingling an pla_basetball, but she ant pla _fluteA the ; / B the ; the / ; the( )2 Hes siing, _its getting t ldA but B and r ( )3 I fling _the sA n B in abve( )4 I ant hear u Please spea _A lud B ludl ll( ) The phne is _ t ave hi up in the rningA running B ringing aving( )6 It starts _, e have t stp the rA t sn B sn sning ( )7 Shes _exerise, but it _ t htA d get B ding getting ding gets( )8The dg starts t bar ver _A lud B ludl lud( )9Lets _the busA getting n B get n get up( )10 Zhang ei gave it t _A B I e五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (12 分)1 brther usuall _(g) t r at 72 -here _(d) u _(g) esterda rning? - I _(g) t the par3 Listen! h _(sing) in the r?4 -L! hat _(be) the b _(d)? -He _(rite) an eailHe s aling in the par, but it _(start) t sn6 I _(run), but it starts _(rain)7 u _(have) a part n 七、看图仿写句子,补全句子。 (6 分)(提示词:ath TV , have lunh, read bs, ride bies)He s riding bies, but it starts t rain _, but the bell rings_, but the bell rings_, but his sister starts t sing八连词成句。 (8 分)1hi friends hear his ant2stps everne he and aits 3starts sing her t brther 4are happ the but are e nt ver (, )九阅读短,判断正(T)误(F) 。 (10 分)A and Lu are in the dining hall at Beiing Internatinal Shl There are fift tables in it There are als se pitures abut fd and drin n the all In the pitures, e an see uie, tea, haburgers, beef and hiene an see se vegetables tA and Lu e fr the US The bth lie hinese fd and drins A lies eating ndles and Lu lies drining hinese tea But Lu desnt lie eating ndles beause she ant use hpstis(筷子)( ) 1 A and Lu are in the shl siene lab( ) 2 There is se fd and drin n the table( ) 3 A lies drining hinese tea( ) 4 Lu ant use hpstis( ) Lu desnt lie eating ndles
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