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2014 年六年级上册英语 unit 5 练习题(新广州版)2014 年六年级上册英语 unit 练习题(新广州版)一、前小测运动鞋 thin(比较级 ) the(宾格) 数学 印度 上网 我去上学 读音: ea, ld, r, al the(宾格) 你怎么了? ?gd( 比较级) 早餐 水果 早的;早地 肚子疼 呆 hardl 和 hard 的区别: 二、听力训练堂表现:三、Unit 单词健康事情病的肚子疼吃(原/过去式)听到(原/过去式)小时给(原/过去式)检查服(药)药次牙疼糖果刷两次断了的生病的(另一个单词)四、Unit 词组肚子痛 头痛 牙痛 感冒 发烧 看起好 感到生病 看医生 去医院 小心 叫某人做某事一个手指断了五、Unit 句型根据中提示把句子补充完整。1 u l (你看起不好)2 (/rng) u? (你怎么了?)3 I se fd (可能我吃了一些不好的食物。 )4 t that (听到这事我很难过。) I there t (我在那呆了 2 个小时。 )6 He a and ased e this ediine three a da ne ee (他给我做了检查和叫我一天吃三次药,连续一周。 )7 u shuld , ur health ver (你应该小心些,你的健康非常重要。)8 I thin sn (我想你会很快好起。)六、知识考点1 常见的病痛所用英肚子痛_ _ 头痛_ _ 感冒_ _发烧_ _手指骨折_ _牙痛_ _ _ 拓展一:有关以 ahe 为后缀的病痛。headahe 头痛 baahe 背痛 heartahe 心痛 stahahe 胃疼 tthahe 牙疼 earahe 耳痛拓展二:ahe 、sre 和 hurt 的区别:ahe 是一个名词后缀,如:tthahe , headahe ,stahahe; sre 是一个形容词,用修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sre ba, sre thrat ;hurt 是一个动词,指“刺痛,使受伤痛” 。如:He hurts his leg 他伤了腿。 还可以说“His leg hurts”他腿疼。2 询问及回答关于生病A:hat s the atter ith u?(hats rng ith u?)BI have a stahahe3 频率的表达一天一次_ _ 七天两次_ _ 两天三次_ _总结:ties 在表达次数时,是 _名词。用于 _者或_ 者以上。4 a,a be 与 abe 的区别:a be 是两个词,为情态动词 a(可以,可能)+联系动词 be,意为”可能是”He a be at he 他可能在家 abe 是一个词,意为 ”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语 abe he is right 也许他是对的 abe she has gne shpping 她也许去买东西了 比较 He a be ill 他可能病了abe he is ill 也许他病了 a 是情态动词 ,”可以可能 ”,a +动词原形 如果后面有动词原形用 aI a g he nI a srr t hear that 听到这事,我很难过。6 复习情态动词用“shuld”与“shuldnt”陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。例如: anet shuld g t bed earl anet shuldnt ath TV t lng 同样用法的情态动词还有:ust , need , an7 as sb t d sth: 叫某人做某事His brther (as) (she) (bu) an English b hi last ee 8 ell: 1 副词,好地; 2 形容词,身体好gd: 好的,只做形容词u dnt l She des in hinese I thin u ill be sn r Li is a teaher 堂训练:1) 根据图片写单词Have a _ have a _ have a _ have a _ _hl finger 2) 单项选择( ) 1 hats the atter _u?A ith B fr f D in( ) 2 He shuld _ a restA t have B has had D have( ) 3 u shuld tae this ediine _ a daA t B tie three D ties( ) 4 -_ -I have a headahe A hats the atter, ud? B here are u, ud? h are u? D hat are u ding, ud? ( ) I thin aling is _ur health A gd at B bad at ell in D gd fr ( ) 6 e shuld nt eat _un fd A t an B t uh an t D uh t ( ) 7 -H is the ung an? -_ A He is telve B Hes uh better He is a dtr D Hes Allan ( ) 8 u shuld nt eat_24 hurs A sething in B nthing fr anthing fr D everthing at ( ) 9 - ther is ill -_ A Dnt rr B N hurr I srr t hear that D ( ) 10 I _ u feel better sn A ant B hpe need D shuld( ) 11 Sara _ a stahahe S she _ eat anthing fr tent-fur hursA has, shuldnt B has, shuld have, shuldnt D have, shuld( ) 12 I a srr _ that ure nt feeling ellA and hear B t hear heard D f hear3) 写出下列动词的过去式eat _ d_ g _ sta_ ant_ ear_ _give_ ased_ fall_ 4) 根据图片,完成句子 1anet is ill She is _ 。2Ben _ a _ He shuld g t bed earl and tae se _ 3I ant eat t uh seets Beause I have a _4iains sister ant d his her ith his right hand beause she had a _ _Lils grandpa has a _ She is rried abut hi)回答下列问题1 hen did iain g t the hspital?_ _2 If u have a fever,hat shuld u d ?3 Is eating t uh and gd fr ur teeth?4 I have a ld, hat shuld I d?u have a fever,hat shuld u d?6 hat did u d last night?7 Did u ath TV esterda?_ _6) 阅读对话,完成练习Dtr: 1 the atter, ie? ie: I thin I have a f 2 Dtr: D u have a sre thrat?ie: N I have a headahe I have an earaheDtr: abe u 3 the fluie: nse hurts I 4 g t shlDtr: There is a ftball ath beteen hina 6 apan this afternn u 7 in bed and ath TV u ill feel 8 ie: 9 u I 10 better n1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10 _7) 根据括号提示,把最佳答案写在横线上1_ ( hat s,hs ) the atter ith u ?2I_ ( feel, feels,feeling) si 3 teperature(温度) is 39 I have a_ ( fever, tthahe)4I a ver _ ( bred, exited) I have nthing t dH des A feel? She _ ( is, are , a ) happ6 Li ing_(be) brn in 1986 7 He shuld_(tae) a rest8 ud better_(nt pla) ftball in the street 9 The Siths ants_(live) in hina 10 The ung an_(help) Grann t lean the huse last Sunda8) 阅读短,判断句子正(T)误(F)表示It s Sunda afternn The eather is fine There is a ftball ath beteen lass 2 and lass 4 an students are athing There exited N Zhang Peng has the ball He passes it t u ifan But u ifan ant i the ball Then hn has the ball He is it The ball flies t Zhang Pengs ar Zhang Peng is ver angr The ball files int the gal H is Zhang Peng feeling n? Guess! He is s happ!Hra! lass 4 n the gae lass2 is ver sad( ) 1 There is a basetball ath n Sunda afternn( ) 2 u ifan ant i the ball( ) 3 Zhang Peng is happ hen the ball flies t his ar( ) 4Zhang Peng is happ hen the ball flies int the gate( ) lass 2 is
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