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2015 九年级英语下 Module1 Travel 教案(外研版)dule 1 Travel一、学习目标:A 单词和短语:flight, beause f, diret, pilt, sueed, as lng as, shl-leaver, exatl, tae are, sir, ffier, stupid, tae ff, aetB 交际用语:1 Nt bad!2 It as great fun!3 H abut u?4 ed better get ba t rell have a great tie! 6 hat did u d during the inter hlida? I ent t see grandparents in Xian7 The train as full f peple and I had t stand fr three hurs!8 But the pilt sueeded in landing n tie 9 Theres nthing t rr abut as lng as u r hard10 Please have ur tiets read11 h, its a lng str12 He ent t sta ith his fail in the U13 h is travel s diffiult in inter?14 e fle diret t Hng ng1 e t a tur b ah t the Suer Palae16 Then e t a bat t Lantau Island and ent t Disneland17 This is Seat 12A, but u shuld be in ar 9 This is ar 8二、教学目标1 Funtin: Taling abut travel2 Struture: Revisin: nuns; artiles; nubers3 Sills: 1) Listening fr speifi infratin; taing ntes2) Taling abut failiar tpis (hlidas)3) Prediting; reading fr speifi infratin 4) riting a shrt pla abut a trip4 Arund the rld: The first pilt t fl alne arss the Atlanti eanTas: riting and ating ut a shrt pla三、重点及难点: Graar: Revisin: nuns; artiles; nubers四、教学设计:Unit 1 e tured the it b bus and b taxi Teahing delListening and speaing Teahing ethduniative apprah Teahing ais1 T understand the nversatins nversatin ith regard t “travel”2 T tal abut nes hlida and ne ter Teahing betives 1 e vabular: flight, beause f, diret, pilt, sueed, as lng as, shl-leaver, exatl2 2 e strutures: Sentene struture Teahing aidsTape rerder, HP, vide Teahing StepsStep 1 aring up1 Sh se pitures t tal 1) H d u g t shl / r? I g t shl b _2) H d u st lie t travel b? I st lie t travel b _2 En and tal sething abut the pitures3 Sh se pitures t intrdue the ne rds4 Learn the ne rdsRead the rds after the teaherStep 2 plete the sentenes1 As the students t read thrugh the sentenes in Ativit 11) I st lie t travel b _2) I least lie t travel b _3) I travel st ften b _4) I travel least ften b _2 plete the sentenes s the are true fr u3 As the students t he their anser ith a partner4 all ba the ansers fr the hle lass and he the ansersStep 3 Listening pratie1 As the students t read thrugh the sentenes in Ativit 21) The flight taes abut _ hurs 2) Tie differene: _ hurs3) Flight nuber: _4) Fr _ t _) Leave at (ne tie): _6) Arrive at (ne tie): _es: 10, 8, A938, Lndn, Beiing, 11:30, :30 p2 2 Pla the tape and as the students t listen t the tape arefull3 Listen and plete the ntes4 As the students t he their anser ith a partnerall ba the ansers fr the hle lass and he the ansersStep 4 Listen and read1 As the students t listen and read the nversatin silentl【 hen u listen t the rerding, tr t nte dn the e infratin ur ntes ill then help u retell the ain infratin2 N plete the tableHlida ativitiesLinglingent t see her grandparents in Henan Prvine b trainTnDaingBett4 As the students t he their anser ith a partnerall ba the ansers fr the hle lass and he the anserses: ent t sta ith his fail in the U b plane fle t Hng ng and visited Lantau Island Disnelandtured Beiing b bus and b taxi and t a tur b ah t the Suer PalaeStep Anser the questins1 As the students t read thrugh the questins in Ativit 41) hen d u thin the nversatin taes plae?2) Arding t Lingling, h is travel s diffiult in inter?3) hat are Daing and Bett ling frard t at the end f the ter?2 Anser the questins3 As the students t he their anser ith a partner4 all ba the ansers fr the hle lass and he the anserses: 1 The nversatin taes plae in inter2 Travel is diffiult beause f the Spring Festival3 The are ling frard t the shl-leavers partStep 6 hse the rret anser1 As the students t read thrugh the rds in the bx in Ativit diret exatl pilt sueed2 hse the rret anser1 hen u fl diret, u _a) arrive ithut stpping at anther plae b) stp at anther plae befre u arrive2 hen u sa “Exatl”, it eans _a) u d nt agree b) u pletel agree3 The pilt f plane _a) flies it b) gives u fd and drin during the flight4 If u sueed in ding sething, u _a) anage t d it b) nearl d it3 As the students t he their anser ith a partner4 all ba the ansers fr the hle lass and he the anserses: 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 aStep 7 Everda EnglishNt bad!It as great fun!H abut u?ed better get ba t rell have a great tie! Step 8 Prnuniatin and speaing: Listen and ar the pauses1 Pla the rerding ne ithut stpping2 Pla the rerding again and as the hle lass t repeatLingling: H abut u, Bett?Bett: e had quit a gd tie in Beiing e tured the it b bus and b taxi Last eeend, e t a tur b ah t the Suer Plae and ent fr a lng al arund the laeLingling: That sunds great! But n, ed better get ba t r ere ging t have a big exa at the end f the ter3 As the students t listen and ar the pauses4 N listen again and repeatStep 9 r in grups Tal abut ur inter hlida1 As and a
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