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2014 新版 PEP 五年级英语上册语法重点整理Unit ne hats he lie? Lets tal A u i fan: D u n r ang? lver: N,I dnth is he? ; He s ur usi teaher: Is he ung? : N,he isntHes ld : Is he funn? : es,he is : Great! I lie funn teahers Lets learn ld ung funn ind strit hs ur art teaher? r nes Is he ung? es,he is Lets tal B hen ie: He,s ang ill be ur ne hinese teaher hn: Reall?hats she lie? : Shes ind : Is he strit? ; es,seties : D u n her? : es,she s ther! : Hahal! Lets learn plite sh helpful lever hard-ring hats u ifan lie? He hard-ring Raed and rite eet Bbin I have a rbt! His nae is Rbin grandpa ade hiBbin is shrt but srng He is reall leverHe an spea hinese and EnglishHe is hard ringHe is ver helpful at he He is strit,t He aes e finish her 讲解 Be 动词的用法 Thin and ath I_ helpful! u_ lever He _funn She _ indIt _sall The_ld e_strng Unit 2 ee Lets tal A hn: Grandpa!l at piture Grangpa: Great!hat d u have n Thursda? hn: I have aths,English and usi Grandpa: h,I lve usi! hs ur usi teaher? hn: r ung Grandpa: Is he strit? hn: NHe s funnhat d u d n Thursda,Grandpa? Grandpa: h,Ihave a ing lass ith ur granda! hn: Haha!Lets learn tabletie nda Tuesda ednesda Thursda Frida hinese aths English PE art hat d u have n ndas? I have hinese,English,aths and usi 并讲解缩写形式 Lets tal B (It s Saturda afternn) Zhang Peng: Hi,Sarahhats that? Sarah: Its a strb Zhang: D u ften read bs in this par? Sarah: N,I dnt D u ften pla ftball here? Zhang: es,I dI lie this par ver uh Sarah: e tAs and anser: A: D u ften pla ping-pang n the eeend? B: es, I d A: D u ften listen t usi? B: N,I dnt Lets learn ash lthes ath TV d her read bs pla ftball A: D u ften ash ur lthes n the eeend? B: es, I d Grup r eg(例子): hat d u ften d n the eeend? I ften d her,read bs, ath TV and dra pitures n the eeend Unit3 hat uld u lie? Lets tal A Father: I hungr ther: hat uld u lie t eat? Father: A sandih,please! ther: ! Sarah: hat uld u lie t drin? Father: I d lie se aterI thirst! Sarah: Here u are! Father: Thans! Lets learn ie rea tea haburger sandih salad hat uld u lie? Id lie a sandih,please! Rle pla (较色扮演) hat uld u lie t eat? Id lie hat uld u lie t drin? Id lie Lets tal B (张鹏和 Sarah 看到今天的食谱) Sarah:hat s ur favurite fd? Zhang Peng: NdlesIlve beef ndlesThe re deliiushats ur favurite fd? Sarah: Fish! Zhang Peng:ell,lets seee have beef ndles and fish sandihes tda Sarah: Great!Lets learn fresh health deliius ht seet A: hats ur favurite fd? B: Ie rea Its seet Read and rite Rbin ill tda Dear Rbin, favurite fd is ie rea It is seetIdnt lie beef but hien is nins are favurite vegetableI lie Salad ver uh Than u! ifan hat uld u lie t eat? rite t Rbin,please (请给 Rbin 写封信) Dear Rbin, favurite fd is _It is _ I dn t lie _but I lie _ Than u ! _ 讲解名词复数Unit4 hat an u d ? Lets tal A iss hite:e ll have an English part next Tuesda! hat an u d fr the part,hildren? Zhang Peng: Ian sing English sngs iss hite: nderful! H abut u,hn? hn: I an d se ung fu! iss hite: Than u,hn Lets learn dane sing English sngs pla the pipa d ung fu dra artns A: hat an u d ? B: I an dra artns Lets tal B r a: Gd afternn,hildrenTda ell learn se ung fu hildren: l! r a; an u d an ung fu,hn? hn: es ,I an r a; nderful! r a; an u d an ung fu ,liver? liver: N,Iant r a;N prble Ian help u Lets learn Si spea English pla basetball pla ping-png A: an u si? B: es,I anI an d se ung fu,t!rite and sa I an spea English and hineseI an sing English sngsI an daneIan siI an Ian pla ping-png I ant d an ungfuIant pla the pipa Unit There is a big bed Lets tal A Sarah: ur r is rell nie! Zhang Peng: Thans! Unit There is a big bedie: Thereis a big bed Zhang Peng: es,I lie bed ie: There is a nie pht,t Sarah: ! u l l! Zhang Peng: Than u He, puter is here n the des Lets pla!学习 There is 句型。画一幅画进行描述。 There is a des in the piture There is a plate n the des Lets learn l pht plant ater bttle plant bie This is r, there is al n the all Lets pla There is al in r There is a l and a plant in r There is a l ,a plant and a pht in r Lets tal B Zhang Peng: This is the living r ie: !There are s an pitures here Zhang: es father an dra ver ell Sarah: There are s an plants here,t Zhang: There grangthers plants grandparents have a garden in frnt f their huseThere are lts f flers in it Sarah:l! 学习 there are 句型。There are 后加名词复数。 eg There are t dgs in the piture There are se fish in the fish bl Lets learn in frngt f beside beteen behind bve A: here is the ball? B: Its in frnt f the dg Read and rite Dear Rbin, I a ifans art teaherI ust ved int an le huse The rs are dirtThere are penils ahd rans n the flrThere are pitures and phts everhereh ,n!I see a use behind puter! Please help eI live near the nature par,Please hurr! r nes hats in ur r? rite three sentenesUnit6 In a nature par Lets tal A iss hite: hildren,leta g t the frest! hilren : eah! Zh
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