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2015 年九年级英语下册 UNIT8 检测题(含答案听力 mp3)UNIT8 It ust belng t arla 检测题(时间:60 分钟;满分:100 分)一、听力部分(满分 20 分) 听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)1 A It s hite B It ust be as Its favrite2 A It s n the all B It belngs t ar Peter t it3 A I srr B Dnt rr ure ele4 A Hes ver friendl B He ight be a driver I dnt lie hiA It s abut pets B Its Anns hn听短对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)6 hih anial an sleep ith its ees pen?A Birds B Fish Hrses7 hat des illie lve ding in the par?A hatting B Fling ites Daning8 here did the little at hurt?A Its head hurt B ne f its ba legs hurt ne f its frnt legs hurt9 hat des the an see in fat?A A UF B A plane A light10 H tall is Ba Xishun?A 263 B 26 236 听长对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)听第一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。11here did the girl find the b?A Under Tbs des B Under her des In her draer12h des Tb thin the b is Sands?A Beause he bught it ith SandB Beause Sand lent it t hiBeause Sands nae is n it听第二段对话,回答第 13 至 1 小题。13here did the b prbabl leave his bapa?A In the lassr B At the g At the dining hall14hats the tie n?A :30 B6:30 6:401hat des advise the b t d?A T get his bapa baB T give his teaher a allT d his her later 听短并填空。短读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,满分分)The Terratta Ar is ne f the Eight nders f the rld These terratta arrirs and hrses ere 16 in Xian in 1974 b se lal peple The arrirs ere buried t prtet Qin Shihuang The had different 17 , ls, and hairstles The had different 18 fr 183 t 19 The als had different eapns in their hands The hrses ere abut 17 eters high and 2 eters lng re than 700,000 rers ade the arrirs and hrses The shed the high 19 f the rers and the per f Qin Shihuang 20 peple have been there t see the arrirs and hrses二、笔试部分(满分 80 分)单项填空(每小题 1 分,满分 1 分)21h did iss ang l s rried?Beause she ndered A here did the ther students gB hen uld the pliean ehat her students have dne during the tripD if her students had survived the earthquae22The leaners have t rubbish t eep ur it leanA turn up B pi up fix up D give up23hse vlleball is this?It ust belng t A Bb B he she D arlas24ust I finish her n?N,u u a have a rest firstA ustn t B ant a nt D neednt2hen Tn heard the gd nes,he as t exited A spea B speas t spea D ring26The hildren had great fun the itesA fl B t fl fle D fling27I have r t d,and I a tiredA uh t;t uh B t uh;uh tt uh;t uh D uh t;uh t28I have t sh uA different sething B sething differentanthing different D different anthing29Reeber ff the light and dnt frget the dr hen u leave the rA t turn ;t lse B t turn;lsingturning;t lse D turning;lsing30I didnt g t the part nt the eather,but I didnt feel ellA beause f;beause B beause;beause fbeause;beause D beause f;beause f31 All the students are taling and laughing in the lassr and it s A nis B lnel quiet D strit32The an as s exhausted that he fell at neA sleep B sleep sleeping D asleep33Is that girl Susan?It be her She left fr Beiing esterdaA needn t B ant ustnt D a nt34 It sees that the aged peple the H7N9 re easil fr the reent asesA pi up Bix up set up D use up3 In spring, the par ith travellersA rds B rded is rded D rding完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)r and rs Green ere ver rried abut their sn, Le He seeed t be dub (哑的)36 he as nral in ever ther a r and rs Green tried everthing t get hi t 37 ,but ith n suesshen Le as six ears ld, the best dtrs in the tn 38 hi arefull, but uld find nthing rng And he seeed t be sart It as ust that he 39 spe“There ight be sething rng ith his 40 ,and he desnt n hes able t spea,” ne dtr said“But he an read and rite,” said r Green“eve ritten hi ntes, telling hi that he an spea”“It s ertainl ver 41 ,”anther dtr said“Perhaps hell be able t spea se da”42 passed Le ent t universit But he did nt spea a 43 rdThen ne da, Le as having a eal ith his parents ithut an arning, he led up fr his 44 and said, “Pass e the salt, please”r and rs Green ere exited“u spe! u spe!”the ried“h have u 4 s lng t spea?”“I didnt have anthing t sa,” he said“Until n everthing as perfet But u frgt t put salt in these ptates”36 A beause B hen thugh D befre37 A spea B al pla D laugh38 A taught B fund exained D ased39 A never B ften usuall D alas40 A ba B hair fae D ind41 A unfair B strange nis D quiet42 A Hurs B ees nths D ears43 A gd B right single D ne44 A hair B eal hands D bs4 A slept B aled served D aited阅读理解(每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)ASa as a fifteen-ear-ld b living ith his little sister, ulie Their parents had passed aa lng ag Sa had taen are f ulie b hiselfne da, Sa e up at three in the rning as usual hen ulie as sleeping alne, Sa left their little huse t send nespapers hen he fund an ld an sitting in frnt f their huse, Sa as s surprised that he stpped t l at hi lsel It as an i rning and he led ver ldThe pr ld an didnt have anthing t ver hiself ith Sa ent int his huse t get the ld an a blanet(毯子) Hever, there ere n extra blanets, s Sa thught hard and t his fathers at It as the nl thing f his fathers that he had left Sa rte a shrt nte“Sir
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