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2015 新版 PEP 五年级英语下册 Recyle2 导学案Rele2 P66P69Learning ais( 学习目标)1 复习第四单元到第六单元的重点单词和句子2 完成 66 到 69 页的练习题3 掌握字母 ing,n,h 的发音。 Iprtant diffiult pints( 重难点)1Sentene partner: hat is he / she ding?hse b is this ?hat are the / u ding?2 句型单词的灵活运用。导学探究Step1 : 预习温故(用时 6 分钟) 1 T: hen is ur birthda ? S: Its n April 4thT: hse pen is that ? S: Its ineT: hat are the / u ding? S: The are listening t usi2 Revie Unit4 t Unit6 rds and sentenesStep 2 新内容展示(用时 19 分钟)1Listen t the tape and finish page 66s exerises2Students read t P67s dialgue and finish exerises3Listen t the tape f page 68 4Read the str and finish the exerises Step 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时 8 分钟)1 、 Read the page 67 and 682、Repeat the page 68s str (看谁复述的最好)Step 4 达标检测(用时 10 分钟)一、选择你所听到的句子。(老师念)( ) 1 A That b is his B This b is hers hse b is this ?( ) 2 A hat is Sarah ding? B hat are Sarah and hn ding?hat d u usuall d ?( ) 3 A birthda is n une 6th B I ften g t bed at 7 lHe usuall g t bed at 6 l 二、连一连,并读一读。1 seasn A 保持 6 g siing F 堆雪人2 theirs B 睡觉 7 ae a snan G 小声说话3 sleeping 第三 8 tal quietl H 看书 4 third D 他们的 9 read a b I 按顺序eep E 季节 10 tae turns 去游泳三、对话入座,并读一读。( ) 1 hat is he ding ? A 靠右 ( ) 2 hen is ur birthda? B 他在做什么?( ) 3 Beause I an fl ites 那是我的。( ) 4 That is ine D 你的生日是什么时候?( ) eep t the right E 因为我能放风筝。四、单项选择( ) 1 hat _ u usuall d ?A at B d des( ) 2 _ is he ding ? A hat B hen hse( ) 3 His birthda is _ a 1stA at B in n五、快乐二选一。1 The b is _ (I,ine )2 Is this _ ( his , he)?3 Are these _ (u, urs)?4 I get up _ ( in , at ) 7l_ ( hse ,h ) ruler is that ?Step 布置当堂作业(用时 2 分钟)1、学生在四线三格中抄 Unit4-Unit6 自己喜欢的句子。2、完成教材上的练习题。 Title 板书标题 Rele 2 P66-69Bard Design 板书内容设计
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